Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 Cracking/Money Making Guide | v 1.1 Thanks for p
Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 Cracking/Money Making Guide | v 1.1 Thanks for purchasing this guide! This guide is split up into the following sections: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➢ Introduction. ➢ Key Terms used in the Community. ➢ Key Programs. ➢ Basic step-by-step Guide on setting up your PC for Cracking, and Information on how to start. ➢ Some detailed info about some things in cracking that you will need to know about. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I begin, I would like to list off some terms that are used in the cracking community. HQ = High Quality LQ = Low Quality Dump = An assortment of accounts that someone has posted Combo (list) = An account that is listed in "email:pass" format, or "user:pass" Config = A configuration file (I explain this later) Proxies = These are dedicated servers that configs use to check accounts, some configs do not require these though. Key Programs: -Sandboxie (YOU NEED THIS PROGRAM, READ BELOW) -SQLi Dumper v8.3 (to penetrate databases with dorks) -Hashcat (a very HQ hash cracker) (wordlists needed!) -Hasifier (hash identification program) -Sentry MBA (to check accounts) -A few checkers (Working as of 14/05/18) Download All Here Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 Sandboxie Info: Sandboxie is a program that you need to use whenever a program has a RAT (remote access trojan), or some sort of virus in it, it will keep you safe by making by the program does not send any extra data to your PC, other than what the program is made for. More about it here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now onto the Steps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 STEP 1) The first thing you want to do is get the essential programs and various lists for cracking. This involves: SQLi Dumper, Hashcat, Wordlists, A good checker (I rec SNIPR for a checker), Sentry MBA, good configs (I advise you to buy some good ones), proxies, and a good VPN (more about that soon) There are obviously more things that you may need while cracking, but those are the main ones I use. (Some people use a program called Slayer Leecher by X-Slayer to get combos, but it gets very LQ combos that are public, so stay away from it) STEP 2) Download a good VPN, a VPN (virtual private network) will help you remain anonymous while using the internet by changing your IP, making it harder for websites, and other users to discover your IP, leading to your address, real name etc getting leaked. I recommend NordVPN, HideMyAss (HMA), or ExpressVPN, you just need one that DOES NOT LOG, this is very important, you do not want the VPN company keeping logs of the sites you visit. You will need a subscription/paid account to most good VPNs, but you can find plenty of cheap account providers on the web. STEP 3) Now, this is where you need to start cracking your own accounts. You will need SQLi Dumper (v 8.3 is the best), Hashcat (or any dehasher), good HQ Dorks, and a VPN + some other things you may come across, but these are the main tools. The most important thing when making combos, is having good dorks. Dorks are like search protocols for google, bing, yahoo, or whatever browser you make them for. Here are some examples of dorks: inurl= intext= intitle= index.php?url= They are EXTREMELY basic dorks, and are completely useless without some HQ titles/words after them. Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 You put them into SQLi dumper (with a VPN on of course), and let that run for a day, or even 2 depending on the quality. Once it is done you find the injectable URLs that SQLi captures from your dorks, and extract the data to a .txt file. Then you just need to de-hash (with hashcat for example) and you have a combo! Now, a lot of sellers say “Super Private Combo 200,000 lines”, and you may be thinking, what makes it so private? The answer to this is simple, the more HQ your dorks are, the more HQ your combo is, meaning more private the combo is. STEP 4) You now have your first combo, now you will need to check the lines for any valid accounts, and depending on your dorks, you will know what websites the accounts are linked to, for example: If you have this dork 'index.php?url=' , then your combo might have some spotify (please note that is a shitty dork, and it will not work, so do not try) So you need a checker, I use SNIPR because it is easy, cheap, and up to date ($15 from PRAGMA). Once you get this just load in your combo list, and press start, depending on your combo size, PC hardware, it may take an hour, or may take a day to check it all. Now, configs are configuration files (.ini) that checkers read, it is basically the code that makes the checker check for that certain site. People charge $5-$10 for these to be made for specific sites, some sites like, or, are public, because they are very popular. Now some configs are Proxyless, which is what you are looking for, because it makes your job a whole lot easier. If you need proxies for a config, I recommend Storm Proxies, they are fairly cheap, and VERY reliable. STEP 5) Now that you have your accounts, you need to start up a shop, I recommend using, or any other forum that allows selling. Unless you want to deal with lots of customers, I advise setting up an Autobuy for your accounts, like Selly, or Rocketr (and but that is in private beta at the moment). Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now those are the basics to get started with cracking your first accounts, I will now go into detail about Hashes and Hash types, VPS/RDPs, a little bit of Dorks, Configuration Files (configs). (More to be added in the future) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hashes The concept of a ‘Hash’ is quite simple to understand, when you make a password (e.g on Facebook) let’s use ‘test123’, it doesn’t get stored on Facebook’s servers as ‘test123’, it will be converted into a Hash. There are many different Hash types that companies can use, and no company will make the hash type that they use public, as this will make it easier for hackers to ‘dehash’ the Hash, as Hashes are only meant to be a 1-way conversion. Let’s take a look at ‘test123’ in some Hash formats: MD5 Hash (Common): cc03e747a6afbbcbf8be7668acfebee5 SHA-1 Hash (Common): 7288edd0fc3ffcbe93a0cf06e3568e28521687bc Many more complex Hash algorithms can be found here. Over the decades, people have developed a new, more secure way of Hashing passwords, it is called ‘salting’. Think of it like this: test123 > f&ftest123f&f > hash So when you enter your password into a sign up page, it will add certain characters before and after your original password, giving it a more secure encryption. Companies keep their ‘salt’ algorithm private so that hackers cannot decrypt the Hash as easy. Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 VPS (Virtual Private Server) and RDPs (Remote Desktop Protocol) These are very simple, a VPS is a server where you can keep your information, run your website, host discord bots, servers for games, and virtually anything that does not breach the providers T.O.S. These are a little different from an RDP, as a VPS is more for hosting purposes (like running a website, running a server for a game etc). You rent these from trusted providers like this. An RDP is like a VPS, but you can control of it, as it is a computer that you can take control of from your own computer. Most RDPs can be taken control of by opening the server from your own desktop, you just double click the ‘test.rdp’ file. You can buy your own from sites like this. If you want to crack, torrent etc, you will need to check the providers T.O.S, as some do not allow it. Jeffmarsh Pixel#5547 Dorks A Dork is a search query/keyword that SQLi dumper uses to obtain URLs, and from those URLs, you get accounts > combos. Dorks are the most HQ when they are hand-written, a lot of people use generators, but a lot of the dorks you get from it, are LQ. Because I am not the best at explaining dorks, I will provide you with one of the best dork generators on the market. EZ Dork Gen Free - The Premium version of it is only $25 Crypto. So even though you can not really get really HQ dorks using this method, you can use, and enter some good keywords like ‘netflix leaks, netflix dumps 05/15/2018’ stuff like that. Once you have done that and got a variety of keywords, put them in Google Translate and turn them into French words, this will get you more private results. The program even has a keyword scraper, so once you get those keywords for a category, just translate them to French using Google uploads/Litterature/ cracking-guide.pdf
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