+6282217563220 devadayoud@gmail.com Sultan Agung St. Saditan Brebes CONTACT PRO

+6282217563220 devadayoud@gmail.com Sultan Agung St. Saditan Brebes CONTACT PROFILE Graduated from Diponegoro University majoring in accounting with a GPA 3.45. I have good health, attractive, have a high motivation, honest, communicative and responsible, as well as master the operation of the computer. In addition I have the ability a good and able to work independently and as a team, and be able to face the challenges of the working world. SKILLS Ms.Word Ms.Excel Ms.Powerpoint Ms.Access Internet ·WORK EXPERIENCE· 01/2016 –04/2016 PT Pegadaian(Persero) Cabang Depok Semarang JOB TRAINING Administrasi Umum ·EDUCATION· 2001-2007 STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BREBES 14 2007-2010 STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BREBES 2 2010-2013 STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL BREBES 1 2013-2016 DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY ·LANGUAGES· INDONESIA FRANCE FRANCE LANGUAGES Devada Ayu Permatasari FRESH GRAD Indonesia English France ·CERTIFICATE· •UPK Tari Fakultas Ekonomika & Bisnis University Diponegoro 2014/2015 •International Seminar: Great Networking Leads to Long-lasting Business with Mr. Wempy Dyocta Koto •Training Auditing “Risk Based Audit” •Education and Training Tax Brevet A&B •Computer Courses Microsoft Office uploads/Litterature/ devada-ayu-permatasari-fresh-grad.pdf

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