Assassin legends for website v2 1 pdf
The Assassin Legends Myths of the Isma ? ilis Farhad Daftary I B Tauris Co Ltd A Reading Guide prepared by Nabila Hussein for the Department of Community Relations Farhad Daftary ? s The Assassin Legends Myths of the Isma ? ilis seeks to deconstruct the fabricated stories about the Nizari Isma ? ilis as hashish smoking killers obedient to their leader the ??old man of the mountain ? By charting the origin and evolution of these legends and investigating the historical circumstances that allowed for their immense popularity Daftary attempts to reveal these legends as nothing more than ??the imaginative constructions of uninformed observers ? p Building upon popular lore and local polemics these uninformed observers ?? particularly the Christian West ?? created a series of sinister tales about the Persian and Syrian Isma ? ili communities these tales would remain in uential due to their sensational appeal from the time of the First Crusade to the th century Drawing on an array of sources including previously un-translated works Daftary ? s book not only attempts to discredit the Assassin Legends but in doing so seeks to rectify the crude image that has been associated with the Isma ? ili community for over eight centuries CAssassin Legends ??A Reading Guide Nizari Isma ? ili Castles of Iran and Syria Introduction The book is comprised of an introduction three interconnected chapters and an Appendix After a brief introduction to the aims and ambitions of the book Dr Daftary ? s second chapter provides a concise history of the Isma ? ilis This chapter sets the historical stage upon which the Assassin Legends were formed Chapter builds upon the historical survey in chapter and focuses in particular on the interactions between the Europeans and the Isma ? ilis commencing with the Crusaders It is not until the th chapter after having provided the necessary background and insights that Dr Daftary comes to the main subject matter of his book the Assassin Legends Outlining the various legends and detailing when and how each ?rst appeared this chapter demonstrates the legends as ??fabricated and put into circulation by Europeans ? rather than factual accounts of Isma ? ili practices p The Appendix the ?nal section of the book is the ?rst English translation of the ??Mèmoire sur la dynastie des Assassins et sur l ? ètymologie de leur Nom ? by Silvestre de Sacy an important th century study of the Isma ? ilis According to Daftary de Sacy ? s piece ?nally solved the mystery of the term ? Assassin ? ?? a label that had been accepted as synonymous with Isma ? ilis for centuries ?? and in doing so made a signi ?cant contribution to the renunciation of the Assassin Legends Guiding Questions Why did the Isma ? ilis of the medieval period contribute so minimally to the refutation of the Assassin Legends For what reasons did the occidental travellers prefer to exaggerate and in most instances fabricate their accounts
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- Publié le Sep 08, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 60.4kB