Bibliography 4 A Study on the Hand Washing Awareness Among the Grade Students of STC ----------------A Research Presented To the Faculty of St Theresa's College High School Department Cebu City Philippines -----------------In Partial Ful ?lment Of the Req

A Study on the Hand Washing Awareness Among the Grade Students of STC ----------------A Research Presented To the Faculty of St Theresa's College High School Department Cebu City Philippines -----------------In Partial Ful ?lment Of the Requirements for Science In GRADE ---------------By DAGAMI AMADO FLORO WAYNE ALVARO KAYLA DING JULIANNE HERNANDO FIONA ROSARIO PRINCESS April CCHAPTER Introduction A Background of the Study It has been noted that hand washing is a milestone in infectious disease control and promotion of improved hand hygiene has been recognized as an important public health measure Sultana et al In spite of the fact that the procedures associated with hand cleanliness are simple however consistence to these proposals is poor worldwide Since the hands get microorganisms in various ways it is however ideal to have a standard hand cleaning Infectious diseases are as yet the most widely recognized and common group of deadly diseases Ergin et al As indicated by a study directed in Turkey yearly more than million youngsters die from diarrhea and acute lower respiratory-tract infections Legitimate hand-washing would be a huge lessening in the rate of these illnesses Its signi ?cance was ?rst found in a maternity center in Vienna in It was uncovered that cleaning hands by medicinal workforce decreased maternal death rate Other studies have shown that hand-washing keeps the spread of infectious diseases To prove this a meta-analysis reported that inability to washing hands expanded diarrheal ailments times Furthermore washing of hands can diminish the dangers of serious intestinal diseases and shigellosis up to and individually It additionally could turn avert million diarrheal deaths yearly CAn interventional study showed that children younger than years living in families that got hand washing advancement and plain soap had a lower occurrence of looseness of the bowels than the controls Another meta- analysis revealed that every quali ?ed investigation demonstrated a to decrease in respiratory illnesses with the guide of appropriate hand washing Moreover it was proven that hand hygiene educational interventions strongly a ?ect the prevention of these sicknesses Entin As of now proper hand washing isn't as across the board as required around the world Several reports state that the frequency of hand washing with soap before handling food or after the restroom was observed in only between and cases across the country To improve the situation Center for Disease Control and Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology have created guidelines for hand washing Furthermore UNICEF has been declaring October since as the Global Hand Washing Day keeping in mind the end goal to highlight the need for hand washing In the local setting Philippines is actively promoting hand hygiene with the help of the Department of Health and the Department of Education among citizens as well as the students The researchers wanted to investigate the hand washing awareness of the grade Theresians through conducting a survey CB Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the hand washing awareness among the grade students of STC speci ?cally

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