Front Mission 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by Markweb Version 1.2, Last Updated 2000-05-2
Front Mission 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by Markweb Version 1.2, Last Updated 2000-05-25 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Front Mission 3 (PS) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. ////////=====\\\\\\\\ =============================== ===== F R O N T M I S S I O N 3 ===== =============================== \\\\\\\\=====//////// Version 1.2 This walkthrough is made and owned by Markweb at . Anybody can used this for private purposes, this walkthrough is available only this site. Still anybody can used this for their web sites as long as they had my permission. This is my compilation of the game itself this contain a walkthrough and a guide for each wanzers on each Stage. And some useful information about the game. I know that some of this containing few errors but, I'll fix it. Walkthrough Progress: Version 1.0 - Walkthrough - 5/05/2000 Version 1.1 - Major Update - 5/11/2000 I decided stop updating Emma story temporarily. Version 1.2 - Massive Update - 5/25/2000 Finish adding Alisa section Continue adding on Emma in Stage 51 up Version 1.3 - Revise Update - 6/??/2000 ============================================================================= ============= WALKTHROUGH CONTENTS: ============================================================================= ============= _____________________________________________________ | | | I. Game Control: | | II. The Cast of Front Mission 3: | | [Main Cast] | | [Supporting Cast] | | III. Emma Story Guide - 75% complete | | IV. Alisa Story Guide - 90% complete | | V. NETWORK | | [Battle Simulator] | | [Desktop Data Menu] | | [NETWORK Forum] | | VI. Wanzer Weapons Types | | [Wanzer Damage Class] | | [Weapon Analysis] | | [Weapons & Item Types List] | | [Other Weapon Types] | | VII. Wanzer Types | | [Wanzer Battle Skills] | | VIII. Wanzer Upgrade | | [Wanzer Upgrade Stats] | | [Other Wanzer Types Alpha] | | [Other Wanzer Types Beta] | | IX. Miscellaneous Section | | A. Pilot and Wanzer's | | [Battle Report] | | [Pilot Assigned AP] | | [Pilot Weapon Skill] | | [Pilot Random Effect] | | [Simulators] | | [Obtaining Medals] | | B. Pilot's Morale | | [Capturing Wanzers Tips & Tricks] | | C. Customizing Wanzer | | [Safe Battle Skills] | | [Battle Skill Combo Conditions] | | [Secret Wanzers] | |_____________________________________________________| Game Info: Well, is just another series of Front Mission 1 & 2, this one has new game mechanics. I not very good at this part but you can bet it's a Thumbs up game for RPG gamers. ============================================================================= ============= I. Game Controls: ============================================================================= ============= Few details on game controls, the game will brief you on beginning of the game and later in the game but here some of the controls: ---------------------------- Basic Controls: ---------------------------- Battle Control: Cursor : default arrow settings move up, down, left or right Triangle : Counter Indicator Square : Choose Weapon X : Confirm, Select Unit, Attack target to Ok, Cancel Battle Sequence Circle : Cancel move, cancels fast dialogue, move back on prev. link on Network Start : System Menu, cancel movie & skip dialogue like "Circle button". L1/R1 : Rotate to left/right view to change view L2/R2 : Change Target or Pilots Attack Menu: Attack: confirm attack then pick a target Eject : move out of your wanzer, or move out & transfer to another wanzer Item : used item carried, available only if you equip backpack along with items Status: see pilot stats and wanzer stats, weapons and pilot battle skill and etc. End : end attack menu, skip your attack without picking any command. System Menu Options: End turn [End your current turn] Victory [see Victory Conditions] Medals [see Medals you own] Config [See Config] Save battle [Save current Stage 4 blocks] Back to title [exit current battle back to title menu] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Victory conditions: | Losing conditions: ------------------------------------------|---------------------------- --------- All enemies destroyed | Player pilot is destroyed or made to surrender [default] | [default] ------------------------------------------|---------------------------- --------- Other Victory Conditions: | Other Losing Conditions: ------------------------------------------|---------------------------- --------- Reach target location | Players turn reach to ## turn Destroy all cannons | Death of Lukav or Alisa Destroy all enemies | Destroy NPC Defends for ## of turn | Enemies reach target location Player pilots escape from the base | Players turn reach before ## of turn | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- System Config: configure sound and etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Sound Mono [Stereo] - self-explanatory Vibration [Off] On - for analog controller feel the game. Obstacles Off [On] - enables terrain effect you're battle Skip Battle Off [On] - skip battle by press X again to End current battle Move Normal [Fast] - self-explanatory, fast game ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Medals are base on rating how you clear each stage. Try counting how medals you own, that's your current stage progress counter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Medal Types Base Score: Author's quick reasoning. Platinum - Excellent - Attack hard and fast no used of Repair or Missile item and comply needed categories condition. Gold - Great - Attack hard and fast but used of Repair or Missile item and comply needed categories condition. Silver - Best - not to comply some needed categories condition used Repair or Missile item. Bronze - Satisfied - not to comply most needed categories condition used a lot of Repair or Missile item. Base on criteria below after stage clear: Enemies Eliminated - minus the number of surrendered wanzer. Total No. of Battles - number of your wanzer engage in battle the lower the better. Average Damage - damage infect to your wanzer Average Weapon Level - level of your weapon, the lower the better Number of Turns - number of your turns to clear/finished stage, the lower the better NPC Remaining - allied wanzer that you don't control some are helping others needed backup assistance to reach the target location. NPC are available only in some stage if you encounter one make sure to help it, a high deduction in your score if you lost one specially those needed most assistance. Note: Its best to lower all the criteria score percentage on getting most Platinum some stage are difficult try to figure it out. It's a strategy and tactics game its your choice. see more in Miscellaneous Section below. ==================================== Setup/Purchase Default Key Settings: ==================================== Cursor : choose a Wanzer, Parts, Weapons and Items Triangle : more info on wanzer parts, weapons X : Confirm buy, Equip or Exchange or buy/sell parts/weapon/item Circle : Cancel everything before buying it, speeding up dialogue L2/R2 : Change current wanzer and pilot L1/R1 : Toggle see below Setup a wanzer: Setup - equip/change part, weapon, item current wanzer. Exchange machines - exchange pilots of wanzer to another wanzer. Sell machines - sell unused current wanzer without pilot (for profit ^_^!). Divide into parts - divide wanzer into parts to stocks w/o pilot (max stock 24 parts). Setup/Buying Options: L1/R1 : to change list Equip, Stock & Product list. Cursor : Up or Down to see and choose/exchange parts/weapons/items available. Equip list - list of Wanzer Part/Weapons/Items available. Stock list - current stock list of Wanzer Part/Weapons/Items available. Products list - available only when purchasing parts/weapons/items. Upgrade Option: Wanzer Parts/Wanzer Stocks Parts L1/R1 : Upgrade HP, Defense, Acc. Evade and Boost Cursor : Up or Down to upgrade parts desire to desired level. [Upgrade Machines] - upgrade complete wanzer including no pilot [Upgrade stocks parts] - upgrade wanzer parts available in your stocks. HP Upgrade : Body/Arms/Legs including stocks Defense Upgrade : Body only including stocks Accuracy Upgrade: Arms only including stocks Evade Upgrade : Legs only including stocks Boost Upgrade : Legs only including stocks Note 1: I forgot to added that pressing and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start will reset your game automatically. It also can be apply in other Squaresoft game its the universal shortcut of warm reset. Unlike pressing reset on Playstation. Note 2: I only list here the control you mostly used the rest is up to you, I can't put all here the rest of control option is self explanatory and its your choice. ============================================================================= ============= The Cast of Front Mission 3: ============================================================================= ============= I only list those important in the game also included enemies in name and few profiles and the rest are in the game. Mostly you can get more info on them at NETWORK/Select Forum/see Network link for details. ---------- Main Cast: ---------- In Main Cast list character that you can used during battle scene. Also include the list of the Wanzer they used when they sense he or she joined your team. Kazuki Takemura -(Zenislev/Shunyo Mk111) wanzer expert test pilot of Kirishima Industry stubborn but concern step brother of Alisa. Ryogo Kusama -(Kyojun Mk107/Shunyo Mk111) Kazuki buddy who keep on following him always making joke of everybody but skillful in using wanzer like Kazuki. He has his way of making people feel better. ^_^ Emir Klamsky -(Drake M2F/Rekson M4F)USN scientist that created MIDAS responsible kind of gal specially of what she uploads/Litterature/ front-mission-3.pdf
littérature ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- wanzer check stageDocuments similaires

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- Publié le Jul 30, 2021
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- Langue French
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