1 © 2000, 2001, 2004 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. All rights reserve

1 © 2000, 2001, 2004 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. All rights reserved. Published by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Public Affairs Division. Funding, in part, comes from the Aquatic Resources Education Program, Inland Fisheries Division and Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration. V. YOUNG © 2001 Illustrations for “Profiles of Major Game Species” by Joseph Tomelleri © 2000 Cover Illustration by Victor Young © 2000 Freshwater Fishing Guide published by New Hampshire Fish and Game Department 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301 www.wildlife.state.nh.us An Angler's Guide to the Granite State's Best Freshwater Lakes, Ponds, Rivers and Streams Freshwater Fishing Guide 4 “Diversity” is the one word that best describes the physical and biological characteristics of the State of New Hampshire. Within its borders, New Hampshire has tall mountains with alpine plant and animal com- munities, forested valleys, fast-flowing streams, large lakes and small ponds, species-rich wetlands and a coast with a large estuary and sandy beaches. Diversity also describes the type of fishing anglers will find and enjoy in New Hampshire — and so does the word excellence. New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Guide is an angler’s guide to some of the state’s best freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. With this booklet, you can find mountainous streams inhabitated by brook trout, shallow ponds loaded with sunfish, deep lakes with landlocked salmon and more. Put New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Guide in your tackle box, glove compartment, fishing vest or other place where you can reference it easily — and enjoy the many freshwater fishing opportunities the Granite State has to offer. Introduction 5 Contents • Handicapped Access ...................................................4 • Let's Get the Lead Out!...............................................5 • Fishing Ethics .............................................................6 • New Hampshire Fishing Digests ................................6 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 • Coldwater Fisheries: Lakes and Ponds......................7 • Fish Hatcheries – Fish and Wildlife Centers .......... 14 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 • Coldwater Fisheries: Rivers and Streams ............... 15 • Atlantic Salmon Brood Stock Fishery...................... 22 Section 3 Section 3 Section 3 Section 3 Section 3 • Warmwater Fisheries: Lakes, Ponds and Rivers .... 23 Section 4 Section 4 Section 4 Section 4 Section 4 • Profiles of Major Game Fish Species...................... 31 • Trophy Fish Program .............................................. 54 • Trophy Fish Entry Form .......................................... 58 • Tips on Releasing a Fish ......................................... 59 • Let's Go Fishing Program ....................................... 60 • Fish Consumption guidelines .................................. 61 6 The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department recog- nizes the need to provide access opportunities for people with varied abilities. In that spirit, the Department is working to broaden recreational opportunities for disabled persons. Below is a list of Fish and Game access sites that offer fishing opportunities for people with physical disabilities. There are many other access sites around the state that can be used by people with disabilities. Some are owned by munici- palities, organizations or other entities. For more information, check the New Hampshire Boating and Fishing Public Access Map, offered by New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. For a copy, call (603) 271-3211. South Pond, Stark Features an 888-foot long fishermen’s trail that’s accessible by people with disabilities. Located in the South Pond Recreational Area. Archery Pond, Allenstown Fly-fishing only pond in Bear Brook State Park offers good trout fishing for people with disabilities. Hot Hole Pond, Concord Features a handicapped-accessible fishing pier in this popular trout fishery. Turtletown Pond, Concord Universally designed fishing pier to good warmwater fishing. Pemigewasset Lake, New Hampton Universally designed fishing pier to good warmwater fishing. Merrimack River, Concord Three universally designed fishing piers (two suitable for fly-fishing) over some of the most productive water in this area of the river. Off Second Street in Concord. New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Handicapped Accessible Fishing Access Sites 7 Let’s Get the Lead Out! Loons, swans, cranes and other diving waterbirds can die from lead poisoning after swallowing lead fishing sinkers and jigs lost by anglers. Biologists have studied the effects of lead sinkers and jigs on waterbirds, since the 1970s. Their ongoing research has documented that, in the Northeast United States, and Canada where loons breed, lead sinkers or jigs can account for 10 to 50 percent of dead adult loons found by researchers. A state law prohibits the use of lead sinkers and jigs in freshwater lakes and ponds in New Hampshire. The ban prohibits the use of lead sinkers weighing 1 ounce or less, and lead jigs less than 1 inch long along its longest axis. WHAT YOU CAN DO: N Use non-lead sinkers and jigs. IT’S THE LAW. N Ask your local sporting goods store to stock non-lead fishing tackle. N Spread the word. Tell other anglers about the problem with lead. N Dispose of old lead sinkers and jigs properly. Drop-off locations include all N.H. Fish and Game offices and hatcheries and local household hazardous waste collection days. N For up-to-date information on lead tackle restrictions, visit the Fish and Game website at www.wildlife.state.nh.us. 8 Angler’s Code Practice Safe Fishing: Be careful when casting and handling fish hooks. Wear a life jacket when in a boat or near deep water. Be Courteous: Don’t litter. Pick up all extra line, left over bait and other trash. Respect the rights of other anglers, and always give the other person plenty of room to fish. Respect the wishes of private property owners. Respect the Outdoors: Observe but do not disturb wildlife. Keep only the number of fish for which you have a need. Release fish right away if you do not plan to eat it. Obey Fishing Laws: Buy a license and know the kind, number and size of fish you’re allowed to keep. Report fishing law violations to Operation Game Thief, 1-(800) 344-4262. Consult Fishing Digest for Current Rules Fishing regulations may change from one water body to the next, and from one year to another. Some streams and ponds, for example, are fly-fishing only, while others have different bag limits. To ensure that you abide by the law when you’re fishing, pick up the current edition of the Freshwater Fishing Digest published by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. A copy is available at all Fish and Game offices and license agents throughout the state, or download at www.wildlife.state.nh.us. 9 Section 1 Coldwater Fisheries: Lakes and Ponds Key to Codes A Accessible by conventional vehicles R Remote Pond (walk-in access) I Inaccessible by conventional vehicles HA Handicapped Accessible * Fly-fishing only 1 - Brook trout 2 - Rainbow trout 3 - Brown trout 4 - Salmon 5 - Lake trout 6 - Whitefish 7 - Splake** 8 - Smallmouth bass 9 - Largemouth bass 10 - Pickerel 11 - Horned pout 12 - White perch 13 - Northern pike 14 - Walleye 15 - Black crappie 16 - Bluegill 17 - Tiger trout Key to Species **Note: N.H. Fish and Game no longer manages for splake (a lake trout-brook trout hybrid). 10 BELKNAP COUNTY Lake/Pond Town Species Acres Access Belknap Rec. Area Gilford 1-2 7 A Hunkins Pond Sanbornton 2-3 15 A Saltmarsh Pond Gilford 1-2 34 A Sky Pond* New Hampton 1 13 A Waukewan Lake Meredith 2-8-10-11 912 A Winnipesaukee Lake Alton-Gilford 1-2-4-5-6-8-9- 44,586 A 10-11-12-16-15 Winnisquam Lake Laconia 2-4-5-8-9- 4,264 A 10-11-12 CARROLL COUNTY Lake/Pond Town Species Acres Access Basin Pond Chatham 1 23 A Bean Pond Ossipee 1 10 R Black Mt. Pond Sandwich 1 6 R Connor Pond Ossipee 1 86 A Copps Pond Tuftonboro 1-10-11 180 A Big Dan Hole Pond Tuftonboro 1-4-5-10-11 408 A Duncan Lake Ossipee 1-2 114 A Falls Pond Albany 1 10 A Flat Mt. Pond Waterville 1 28 R Great East Lake Wakefield 2-3-5-8-9-10-11-12-16 1,686 A Guinea Pond Sandwich 1 10 R Hall Pond* (upper) Sandwich 1 24 A Hall Pond (middle) Sandwich 1 5 R Hall Pond (lower) Sandwich 1 15 I Hatch Pond Eaton 1 25 A Horn Pond Wakefield 1-2-3-8-9-10-11-12-16 435 A Hutchins Mill Effingham 1 18 A Kiah Pond Sandwich 1 16 A Ledge Pond Madison 1 18 A Little Pond Sandwich 1-9-10-11 17 A Long Pond Eaton 1 28 A Mountain Pond Chatham 1 124 R Ossipee Lake Ossipee 2-3-4-5-8-9-10-11 3,092 A Province Pond Chatham 1 4 R Shawtown Pond* Freedom 1 15 A Silver Lake Madison 2-5-6-8-10-11 995 A White Pond* Ossipee 1-2 47 A White Lake Tamworth 1-10-11 123 A *Fly-fishing only. 11 CHESHIRE COUNTY Lake/Pond Town Species Acres Access Caldwell Pond Alstead 1 28 I Center Pond Nelson 1-2-9-11 36 A Chapman Pond Sullivan 1 20 A Cold Spring Pond Stoddard 1-3 29 A Dublin Lake Dublin 1-9-11 239 A Gilmore Pond Jaffrey 1-3-8-9-10-11-12 115 A Granite Lake Stoddard-Nelson 2-5-8-10-11 212 A Gustin Pond Marlow 1-2-3-8-11 11 A Laurel Lake Fitzwilliam 2-3-8-10-11 216 A Newell Pond Alstead 1-3-9-11 14 A Nubanusit Lake Nelson 2-3-5-8-10-11 645 A Sand Pond Marlow 1-8-11-3 159 A Silver Lake Harrisville-Nelson 2-5-8-10-11 333 A Spofford Lake Chesterfield 2-8-9-10-11-12-13 707 A Spoonwood Pond Nelson 1-5-8-10-11 uploads/Litterature/ fw-fishing-guide.pdf

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