Master’s Course <前期課程> Starts 開講時期 B a s i c C o u r s e s 基 礎 科 目 L e c t u r
Master’s Course <前期課程> Starts 開講時期 B a s i c C o u r s e s 基 礎 科 目 L e c t u r e 講 義 データ解析処理論 Theory of Data Analysis and Processing Kazuo SHIOKAWA, Takeyoshi KATO, Akimori TABATA, Nozomu NISHITANI, Yoshizumi MIYOSHI 4 1Spring 自動車工学セミナー1A Automotive Engineering Seminar 1A Faculty of Automotive Engineering 2 1Autumn 自動車工学セミナー1B Automotive Engineering Seminar 1B Faculty of Automotive Engineering 2 1Spring 自動車工学セミナー1C Automotive Engineering Seminar 1C Faculty of Automotive Engineering 2 2Autumn 自動車工学セミナー1D Automotive Engineering Seminar 1D Faculty of Automotive Engineering 2 2Spring 自動車工学特論 Advanced Lectures on Automotive Engineering Akter Hossain Designated Lecturer 2 1Autumn or 2Autumn (offered every other year) 電気エネルギー工学特論 Electric Power and Energy Engineering Naoki HAYAKAWA, Yasunobu YOKOMIZU, Hiroki KOJIMA 2 1Autumn or 2Autumn (offered every other year) 半導体デバイス工学特論 Semiconductor Devices Hiroshi AMANO, Yutaka OHNO, Hiroki KONDO 2 1Autumn or 2Autumn (offered every other year) 通信・画像信号処理工学特論 Advanced Lectures on Communication and Image Processing Masaaki KATAYAMA, Takaya YAMAZATO, Toshiaki FUJII, Hiraku OKADA, Keita 2 1Spring or 2Spring (offered every other year) 情報システム工学特論 Advanced Lectures for Information and Computer Sciences Satoshi SATO, Nobuo KAWAGUCHI, Tetsu IWATA, Takuya MATSUZAKI, Tomohiro 2 1Autumn or 2Autumn (offered every other year) 計算機援用工学特論 Advanced Lectures on Computer-Aided Engineering Toshiro MATSUMOTO 2 1Autumn , 2Autumn 工業における放射線利用 Industrial Uses of Radiation Akira URITANI 2 1Spring or 2Spring (offered every other year) 自動車工学特別実験及び演習 A Advanced Experiments and Exercises in Automotive Engineering A Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 1Autumn 自動車工学特別実験及び演習 B Advanced Experiments and Exercises in Automotive Engineering B Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 1Spring 先端自動車工学特論 Latest Advanced Technology and Tasks in Automobile Engineering Yukio ISHIDA Designated Professor 3 1Spring,2Spring コミュニケーション学 Introduction to Academic Communication Reiko FURUYA 1 1Autumn,2Autumn 研究インターンシップ1 U2 Research Internship1 U2 Faculty of Automotive Engineering 2 1Autumn to Spring 2Autumn to Spring 研究インターンシップ1 U3 Research Internship1 U3 Faculty of Automotive Engineering 3 1Autumn to Spring 2Autumn to Spring 研究インターンシップ1 U4 Research Internship1 U4 Faculty of Automotive Engineering 4 1Autumn to Spring 2Autumn to Spring 研究インターンシップ1 U6 Research Internship1 U6 Faculty of Automotive Engineering 6 1Autumn to Spring 2Autumn to Spring 研究インターンシップ1 U8 Research Internship1 U8 Faculty of Automotive Engineering 8 1Autumn to Spring 2Autumn to Spring 科学技術英語特論 Advanced Lectures on Scientific English Part-Time Faculty 1 1Autumn,2Autumn 1.(1) The requirements stated in the following items i) to iii) must be met and a total of at least 30 credits must be acquired. (以下のi)~iii)の各項を満たし,合計30単位以上) a. At least 4 credits from Basic courses (基礎科目4単位以上) Electrical Engineering L e c t u r e 講 義 Course Categori es 科目区分 Research supervision 研究指導 b. At least 16 credits from Specialized courses, including 4 credits from seminars, 6 credits from lectures and 2 credits from experiments and exercises (専門科目の中から,セミナー4単位,講義6単位,実験・演習2単位を含む16単位以上) ii) At least 2 credits from Comprehensive engineering courses. A maximum of 6 credits from Comprehensive engineering courses will be recognized as credits required for completion; credits in excess of 6 credits will be treated as credits for free elective subjects (総合工学科目の中から2単位以上。総合工学科目は6単位までを修了要件単位として認め,6単位を超えた分は随意科目の単位として扱う) Automotive Engineering Graduate Program 自動車工学プログラム S e m i n a r セ ミ ナ ー iii) At least 4 credits from Courses from other departments (他専攻等科目から4単位以上) Method of Completion and Research Supervision (履 修 方 法 及 び 研 究 指 導) Experiments and Exercises 実験・演習 Comprehensive engineering courses 総合工学科目 Of class courses offered by Global 30 International Programs of Graduate School of Engineering Department of other than the majors or of class courses offered by Global 30 International Programs of other graduate schools of the University, Graduate School Common Courses,class courses of graduate schools of other universities under a credit transfer agreement, or the University's undergraduate class courses relating to academic fields that have not been studied by the students, those which are approved by the students' academic advisors and the head of the department 当該専攻以外の工学研究科専攻の国際フ ゚ ロク ゙ ラム群て ゙ 開講されている授業科目及び本学大学院の他の研究科の国際フ ゚ ロク ゙ ラム群て ゙ 開講される授業科目, 本学大学院共通科目,単位互換協定による他の大学院の授業科目又は工学研究科入学時において当該学生が未履修の学問分野に関する本学学部の授業科目のうち, 指導教員及び専攻長が認めた科目 Courses from other departments 他専攻等科目 i) Basic Courses/Specialized Courses(基礎科目/専門科目): 2.Research supervision: students will be subject to instruction by academic advisors under the rules prescribed by the department. (研究指導については,専攻において定めるところにより,指導教員の指示によること) Course Title 電気工学専攻 S p e c i a l i z e d c o u r s e s 専 門 科 目 Course Format 授業形態 授業科目 Lecturer 担当教員 Credits 単位数 uploads/Litterature/ guide-book 4 .pdf
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- Publié le Jan 07, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 0.1330MB