ENTRANCE EXAM GUIDE TO THE CeRMEF Entrance Requirements for Middle School and H
ENTRANCE EXAM GUIDE TO THE CeRMEF Entrance Requirements for Middle School and High School 1. ABOUT THIS GUIDE 1. 1. General information The aim of this guide is to offer a detailed and clear idea about the organization of the entrance exam to the CeRMEF. It aims at implementing the decree of December 2011 about setting up the regional centers for the professions of education and training in the CeRMEF. This decree also sheds light on bridging the gap between education at university on the one hand, and training for employment on the other hand. This guide containsuseful informationabout theapplication procedures,exam preparation as well asincludessuggestionson how topreparefor the written examination and selection interviews. 1. 2. Required candidate key competencies The choice of the teaching career requires some key competencies that the applicants should possess. These competencies are decisive in choosing the appropriate candidates as they reflect the profile of the teacher. Some of these competencies relate to the language and communicative skills of the applicants and others focus on their personal traits. In order to evaluate if the candidates master these competencies and skills, an evaluation grid composed of a set of criteria is adopted and used to evaluate the applicants through the different stages of the entrance exam namely the pre-selection stage, the written exam and the oral interview. 2. SELECTION PROCEDURE 2. 1. Application requirements Ascertain first you apply in due time and submit the required application documents.An application form should be accurately, neatly and thoroughly filled in with all the needed information, such as your university and your six-semester grades. These marks will however be subjected to verification of facts compared to the original certificates.Faulty application forms will be rejected. Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale Unité Centrale de la Formation des Cadres. Tél : 0537773618 fax :0537773621 You will find more details and all the necessary information on the Ministry’s website or in the training center where you are to submit your application. Make sure whether you have to submit the original documents or only the certified ones. In addition to the filled application form, other documents are also required; such documents as a recent copy of a birth certificate, a certified copy of the national identity card, a certified copy of the obtained university degree and a certified copy of university reportstating the grades obtained in the examinations of the six semesters. 2. 2. Preliminary Selection The selection of candidates is based on the overall average mark obtained in the six semesters, but there will be no pre-selection for the applicants holding their BA degrees from the university education stream. To apply for the teacher job in the CeRMEF, you must be: ― Motivated for the teaching career, ― At least a Bachelor of Arts degree holder in Englishor in possession of an equivalent and accredited university degree ― Aware of the important educational trends as well as issues, ― Familiar with the communication theories, techniques and skills, ― Proficient in English and have the necessary teachingcompetencies, (the applicants for the Middle/Junior High school having a good mastery of the French language is a plus), ― Knowledgeable of the Moroccan educational system. NB: For further information, the applicants should contact the nearest training center or check the official website of the Ministry of National Education and Higher Education. 2. 3. Requirement considerations Applicants should: ― Be Moroccan, ― Hold a University education stream degree, ― Hold General Arts bachelor degree or an equivalent degree, ― Not be older than 45 years, ― Abide by working in the public schools for eight years according to the current laws, ― Accept the school appointed to after the graduation exam. NB: Consider the recent Ministry of Education announcement concerning the documents and the current laws. 3. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 3. 1. Written examination The purpose of entrance examination is to determine if the candidates are adequately prepared for the CeRMEF courses. The examination is intended to measure the extent to which their knowledge, skills and competencies will enable them to be effective prospective teachers. It, therefore, consists of two interrelated modes of assessment: written and oral. 3. 1. 1. Written exam requirements As the number of candidates always outnumbers that of the vacant places and that the entry to the CeRMEF is highly competitive, selection is based on eligible applicants' merit rating related to the university six semesters overallaverage marks. If your application is successful, you will be summoned to sit for a written exam. This exam consists of two (2) parts: a general topic about education and a second subject about English proficiency through a reading text, language and writing. 3. 1. 2. General topic about education The first written test is in a general topic about educational issues related to teaching and learning. The test duration is four (4) hours. The coefficient is one (1). 3. 1. 3. Comprehension and text analysis The second subject pertains to reading comprehension, language and writing. This test duration is also four (4) hours and the coefficient is one (1).The purpose is to measure your linguistic competency and mastery of the areas of the English language. It encompasses comprehension and vocabulary, language and writing. Both written tests have the same coefficient (1) and they represent 50% of the whole exam. The other 50% is for the oral examination. NB: A folder containing all the previous entrance exams, from 2002 thru 2011, is attached to this document. 3. 1. 3. 1. Comprehension and analysis questions A reading text of some general concern or in relation with the education field is suggested. There will be a comprehension questions section and a vocabulary section. The testing items/rubrics vary from conventional wh-questions, true/false statements, sentence completion, multiple choice questions, information transfer, inferring propositional meaning, inferring pragmatic meaning, identifying lexical meaning, word references, paraphrasing, summarizing, finding in the text, clozeprocedureto synonyms, antonyms, etc. 3. 1. 3. 2. Language This part also consists of a variety of rubrics related to grammar, structures and functions. Testing items cover a wide range of activitiessuch as gap-filling, multiple choice, sentence transformation, sentence completion, rewriting sentences, word formation, correct form of verb, finding the odd- one-out, matching, prepositions, punctuation, articles, etc. 3. 1. 3. 3. Writing You will have to choose one topic from the two or three proposed ones and write about it. The essay may be linked to the text itself or may be another new issue. Four main criteria are considered to evaluate your essays: Pertinence ― Relevance of the ideas to the topic, ― Originality of ideas, ― Creativity. Coherence and cohesion ― Relation of the ideas to each other, ― Smooth transition and flow of thought, ― Good organization. Language ― Well-structured sentences, ― Appropriate use of vocabulary, ― Correct use of grammar. Mechanics ― Spelling, ― Capitalization, ― Punctuation, ― Paragraphs and indentation, etc. The legible handwriting, layout and general presentation are also considered. 3. 2. Oral examination 3. 2. 1. Oral exam requirements To take the oral exam, the candidate has first to successfully pass the written examination. 3. 2. 2. The interview organization For better organizational purposes, the jury resorts to drawing lots to decide on the day and time as well as the examinees to sit for the interview. When you get in the exam room, hand in your identity card and draw lots to take out a text/task number. (Texts differ in content and length.) Take the text/task and prepare it for some 15 minutes. (Papers will be provided if you want to jot down some ideas.) The text/task you draw will serve as a pretext and springboard for other different additional questions and issues. Therefore, the drawn text/task will be used as a starting point only. NB: The number of texts and tasks equals the number of applicants. Therefore, no text or task will be used twice. 3. 2. 3. The interview preparation If selected, you will be required to attend a 50-minute interview. The interview panel consists of teacher trainers and a supervisor, who will to evaluate and consider the following: ― Commitment, motivation and realistic approach to teaching as a career, ― Proficiency and competence in spoken English, ― Subject-related competencies, ― Capacity to understand and comment on the selected text, ― Evidence of arguing and rationality of defending the discussed points, ― Communication skills and maturity of character, ― Familiarity with the important educational trends and issues, ― Knowledge of the Moroccan educational system, ― Personal, social and intellectual qualities. It always helps to smile, to look relaxed and at ease. Try then to appear confident, avoid irritating physical mannerisms, verbal repetitions and maintain eye contact with the panel. Try also to avoid simple“yes” or “no” response. If you prepare well you will be able to put across your ideas, aims, motivations, interests and strengths with more honesty and conviction at the interview. Be yourself, show that you areand self-confident and that you are qualified for the teaching career. 3. 2. 4. PowerPoint presentation A uploads/Litterature/ exam-guide 2 .pdf
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- Publié le Nov 25, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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