UCSF Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 HVAC 1 Section 23 - HVAC SECTIO

UCSF Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 HVAC 1 Section 23 - HVAC SECTION 23 - HVAC TABLE OF CONTENTS 23- 1 INTRODUCTION 23- 2 HVAC OVERVIEW A. University HVAC Infrastructure B. Design Considerations C. Energy Performance Criteria 23- 3 BASIS OF DESIGN AND SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS A. Basis of Design B. Mechanical System Diagrams 23- 4 HVAC DESIGN CRITERIA A. Codes and Standards B. OSHPD 1 Requirements C. OSHPD 3 Requirements D. Seismic Design Criteria E. Emergency and Standby Power Provisions F. Indoor and Outdoor Criteria for Heating and Cooling Load Calculations G. Airside Diversity H. Lighting and Equipment Loads I. Occupant Loads J. Exterior Loads K. Ventilation and Airflow Requirements L. Recirculation and Exhaust M. Air Conditioned Spaces N. Telecommunication Rooms O. Other High Heat Load Environments P. Elevator Equipment Rooms Q. Electrical Rooms R. Zoning of Spaces S. Thermostats T. Off-Hour Operation in Non-Clinical Buildings U. New Shafts V. System Design Parameters W. HVAC Noise Control 23- 5 GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS A. Maintenance Access Requirements B. Phased Construction and Temporary Use C. Existing Utility Shutdowns and Demolition D. Operating and Maintenance Manuals E. Start-Up and Commissioning F. University Training G. Mechanical Demolition in Occupied Buildings H. Cleaning and Closing I. Duct and Pipe Penetrations J. Stray Heat Avoidance K. Testing University of California San Francisco Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 Section 23 - HVAC 2 23- 6 HVAC SYSTEMS A. HVAC System Redundancy B. HVAC Systems for Critical Care Areas C. HVAC Systems for Administration Areas and Non-OSHPD Buildings D. Clean Spaces for Sterile Compounding E. Conversion to Variable Flow F. Heat Recovery 23- 7 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Product Selection B. Attachments to Structure C. Welding D. Electrical Requirements E. Motors F. Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) G. Motor Starters H. Lubrication I. Equipment Guards J. Pipe Identification K. Valve Tags L. Equipment Identification 23- 8 INSULATION A. Pipe Insulation B. Hazard Rating C. Delivery, Storage, and Handling D. Jacketing for Exterior Insulation E. Pre-Fabricated Removable Insulation Covers F. Duct Insulation G. Equipment Insulation H. Fire Resistive Pipe and Duct Insulation 23- 9 BASIC PIPING MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Medium and High Pressure Steam Piping B. Low Pressure Steam Piping C. Condensate Return Piping D. Heating Hot Water, Chilled Water, and Cooling Tower Water Piping E. Miscellaneous Drain and Vent Piping F. Refrigerant Piping G. Compressed Air and Pneumatic Control Air Piping H. Flanges, Unions, and Couplings I. Jointing J. Valves K. Steam System Specialties L. Water System Specialties M. Thermometers and Pressure Gauges N. Flow Measurement and Balance Valves O. Pipe Supports P. General Installation Requirements Q. Thermal and Seismic Expansion Compensation R. Cleaning and Chemical Treatment University of California San Francisco Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 Section 23 - HVAC 3 S. Testing T. Equipment Cooling Water Systems U. Centrifugal Pumps 23- 10 CHEMICAL WATER TREATMENT A. Existing Chemical Treatment Systems B. New Chemical Treatment Systems 23- 11 BOILERS AND ACCESSORIES A. Selection and Configuration 23- 12 BREECHINGS, CHIMNEYS, AND STACKS A. Stack size B. Boiler stack C. Stack heads 23- 13 PACKAGED WATER CHILLERS A. Selection and Configuration B. Refrigerants 23- 14 PACKAGED COOLING TOWERS A. Selection and Configuration 23- 15 HEAT EXCHANGERS A. Selection B. Plate Heat Exchangers C. Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 23- 16 AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT A. General Requirements for Fans and Air Handling Equipment B. Fans C. Fan Drives D. Air Handling Units and Built-Up Systems E. Fan and Air Handler Coatings F. Suspended Air Handling Units G. Fan Coil Units 23- 17 REFRIGERANT BASED AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS A. General Requirements B. Refrigerants C. Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning Systems 23- 18 HUMIDITY CONTROL EQUIPMENT A. Humidifiers Types and Selection B. Dehumidification 23- 19 TERMINAL HEATING AND COOLING UNITS A. Water Coils B. Convectors 23- 20 DUCTS A. Air Distribution Systems University of California San Francisco Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 Section 23 - HVAC 4 B. Duct System Design C. Sheet Metal Ductwork D. Acoustical Sheet Metal Plenums E. Internal Acoustic Insulation F. Fume Hood Exhaust Ductwork G. Canopy Hoods H. Industrial Exhaust Systems I. Flexible Ductwork 23- 21 DUCT ACCESSORIES A. Dampers B. Fire and Smoke Dampers C. Duct Access Panels and Doors D. Sound Attenuators 23- 22 AIR TERMINAL UNITS A. Design Criteria B. Materials and Installation 23- 23 AIR OUTLETS AND INLETS A. Supply Diffusers B. Sidewall Supply Registers C. Exhaust Grilles D. Low Wall Exhaust Grilles E. Border Styles F. Diffuser and Grille Finish G. Ceiling Fire Smoke Dampers H. Substitutions I. Stratification at Minimum Airflow J. NC Selection 23- 24 AIR FILTERS A. Design Criteria B. Materials 23- 25 HVAC CONTROLS A. Description B. Installation Support C. Performance Criteria D. Software and Licenses E. Construction Documents F. Failure Modes G. Monitoring and Alarms H. HVAC System Graphics I. Historic Trend Logs J. Electrical Energy Monitoring K. BTUH Monitoring L. HVAC System Test Runs M. HVAC System Commissioning N. HVAC Control Devices University of California San Francisco Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 Section 23 - HVAC 5 23- 26 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE MONITORING A. Monitoring Requirements 23- 27 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING A. Contractual Relationship B. Certification C. Standards and Compliance D. Performance Guarantee E. Preliminary Investigations F. Intermediate Air Balancing Activities G. Pre-Balance Preparation by Contractor H. Phased Completion of Work I. Tolerances J. Instrumentation Certification K. Deficient Airflows L. Excessive Noise M. Validation of Duct Smoke Detector Installations N. Special Instructions O. Equipment Performance and Capacity Checks P. Sensitive Room Certification Q. HVAC Controls Cooperation University of California San Francisco Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 Section 23 - HVAC 6 23-1 INTRODUCTION A. The following mechanical guidelines shall be utilized to design and document new construction and renovation projects for the University. All designs are subject to review and approval by the University and appropriate authorities having jurisdiction. B. In the following text, UCSF Medical Center shall be referred to as the “University” which includes: UCSF Medical Center Facilities, referred to as "Facilities" and UCSF Medical Center Office of Design and Construction, referred to as "D&C". C. The guidelines describe criteria, performance, and materials requirements for mechanical systems. Design professionals can recommend changes to specific guidelines as appropriate to meet the project program and goals, but shall not incorporate changes without the University’s written approval. Recommended changes that reduce quality, utility, flexibility and energy efficiency criteria described herein shall be submitted with cost/benefit analyses. D. This document was prepared prior to the opening of the new Mission Bay Hospital, and does not address guidelines for renovations or future development at the UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay. 23-2 HVAC OVERVIEW A. University HVAC Infrastructure: The following are brief descriptions of HVAC infrastructure in non-Mission Bay Medical Center Buildings. Descriptions are not necessarily up-to-date. For renovation projects, review archive drawings, survey existing conditions, recommend testing of existing systems where appropriate, and interview Facilities personnel to ascertain current conditions. 1. Moffitt Hospital Mechanical System Overview Ventilation Systems: H. C. Moffitt Hospital is mostly served by original central air handling systems (installed in 1952) that serve multiple floors. All original air handling systems, except surgery air handling units S-7 and S-8 on the 5th Floor, lack air conditioning. Most original supply and exhaust fans are fed by normal power, which is no longer code- compliant. Many above-ceiling air handling units have been installed over the years to air condition renovated portions of Moffitt Hospital; most notably the ICU units, 1st Floor Emergency Department, and areas of 3rd Floor Radiology. Any renovation project should carefully evaluate the age, condition, performance, and code compliance of the ventilation system. Heating Systems: Moffitt Hospital was originally steam heated via low pressure steam heating convectors in patient rooms, and low pressure steam pre-heat coils at the air handling units. Original steam heating is still in use in many areas. High pressure steam is supplied from the Parnassus Campus Central Utility Plant. A pair of steam-to-heating water heat exchangers in a Penthouse mechanical room provide heating water to renovated areas delivered via 3" risers near the dumbwaiters in the East Wing. These risers are heavily utilized. Heating water system upgrades are anticipated that will increase capacity. Any renovation project that requires heating water should carefully evaluate the current demand and capacity of the heating water system. Chilled Water System: The recently upgraded chilled water system consists of one 600 ton capacity electric centrifugal chiller (installed in 2013), and one 285 ton capacity steam-driven University of California San Francisco Medical Center Design Guidelines June 2015 Section 23 - HVAC 7 lithium bromide absorption chiller (installed in 1988). Three new primary chilled water pumps and two new secondary chilled water pumps were installed in 2013. The system is capable of meeting all current air conditioning loads in Moffitt Hospital. The old steam absorption chiller will be replaced with an electric chiller in the future. The chilled water distribution system has been modified over the years, is convoluted, and includes interties with the uploads/Litterature/ hvac-guide 2 .pdf

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