THIRD GUIDE: IMPROVING YOUR PLAYER Welcome to Universe Pirates Online Guide (Be

THIRD GUIDE: IMPROVING YOUR PLAYER Welcome to Universe Pirates Online Guide (Begin a slide show to understand more) UNIVERSE PIRATES PART 3: IMPROVING You’ve got Kylin, became lv135 but still have a low max? Well here’s the first step to improving; Kals Where do you get kals?  UNIVERSE PIRATES PART 3: IMPROVING Now why do you need kals? Well kals gives you the ability to get the 1st,2nd & 3rd RB stone First, you need the Goddess’s favor so head to Icicle (cords 1334,535) and get it for 5k Reputation now head to : UNIVERSE PIRATES PART 3: IMPROVING Now that you’ve got some kals, and you reached Caribbean tour head to 475,1054 Go to the Stones NPC (30 Kals = 1st RB Stone)  (60 kals = 2nd RB Stone) (99 Kals = 3rd RB Stone) UNIVERSE PIRATES PART 3: IMPROVING Kals are also useful for apparels, go to Shaitan (Cords 891,3581) 1300 Kals for those Apparels, they add +10 stats THANK YOU For more information contact: -HD Breathe in game (HDBreathe@hotmailcom) -GM Mathiu ( uploads/Litterature/ kals-guide.pdf

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