Cable guide 1 CONTROL SYSTEMS Combination Single Point Temperature Controls Power Connection Boxes RTAS Ambient-Sensing RTBC Line-Sensing ? and loops ? Pre-wired and assembled control monitoring distribution saves time on installation ? Intuitive color to

CONTROL SYSTEMS Combination Single Point Temperature Controls Power Connection Boxes RTAS Ambient-Sensing RTBC Line-Sensing ? and loops ? Pre-wired and assembled control monitoring distribution saves time on installation ? Intuitive color touch screen interface saves time on programming ? ?? F Temp Rating ? ?? VAC A Switching Capability ? Freeze Protection Applications Temperature Control Power Connection Box RTPC ? ?? F Set Points ? ?? VAC A Switching Capability ? Process Temperature Applications Metallic Pipe Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Step Metallic Pipe Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Self Regulating Heating Cable ? Low Temperature SRL HSRL SRF ? Medium Temperature SRM E HSRM Support Shoe Step Typical Pipe Support Electric Heat Trace Quick Install Guide Quick Install Guide is a speci ?cation tool only Always refer to proper installation instructions when installing heat trace cable Cable End Seal RTES Self Regulating Heating Cable ? Low Temperature SRL HSRL SRF ? Medium Temperature SRM E HSRM Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Self Regulating Heating Cable ? Low Temperature SRL HSRL SRF ? Medium Temperature SRM E HSRM Weatherproof Jacket Thermal Insulation Heating Cable Sensor Location Self Regulating Heating Cable ? Low Temperature SRL HSRL SRF ? Medium Temperature Top SRM E HSRM Top Top Control Sensor Cable located at nominal below horizontal centerline Cable located at nominal below horizontal centerline on either side For multiple heaters place control sensor from nearest heater or centered between equally spaced heaters Heating Cable Plastic Pipe Installation Aluminum Tape AL- Self Regulating Heating Cable Fiberglas Tape ? Use Low Temperature FT- FT- SRL HSRL SRF Cable Plastic Pipe Note Aluminum tape must be used under or over heating cable to spread heat transfer Installation Tips ? Temporarily position cable on pipe and equipment to ensure proper distribution ? Leave a loop of cable at heat sinks such as valves pipe supports and ange sets Use FT- Fiberglas to secure cable to pipe at nom intervals using recommended method ? Always observe minimum bend radius Step Start tracing at the end of the pipe and work your way back to spool Spool Self Regulating Heating Cable ? Low Temperature SRL HSRL SRF ? Medium Temperature SRM E HSRM Metallic Pipe Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Step Leave a loop of cable at heat sinks such as valves pipe supports and ange set Use FT- Fiberglas tape to secure cable to pipe at intervals Step Metallic Pipe Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Tee Box RTST Pipe Strap Caution Labels Insulation Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Self Regulating Heating Cable ? Low Temperature SRL HSRL SRF ? Medium Temperature SRM E HSRM Fiberglas Tape FT- FT- Metallic Pipe Weatherproof Jacket Thermal Insulation Ask about Chromalox Class Div Cables Accessories as well as a full line of High Temperature Cables FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT CALL - - ? Copyright Chromalox Inc C

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