Phantasy Star Online 2 A Beginner’s Tips and Tricks Guide Introduction (Yes, I
Phantasy Star Online 2 A Beginner’s Tips and Tricks Guide Introduction (Yes, I know, it’s late.) Hey guys, if you’re brand new to this game, welcome! If you’re looking to get off the right foot, you’ll find quite a few tips that will help you get around or familiarize yourselves with the environment. This game is quite unique compared to traditional MMORPGs so buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the ride! With NA’s release so close around the corner, a few of the NPC names/combat/items may be named differently, this is geared towards the JAPANESE server of the game. Help! I’ve hit the Level Cap (30) and I still can’t talk to Koffie(Cofy)! If this applies to you, don’t worry, you’re not the only person who has had this problem. If this doesn’t apply to you, skip this and go to the first section. But for those of you who are stuck, you probably have not talked to this NPC. After you complete the very first Arks Quest, you will be directed to Afin, but sometimes you won’t see it and it’s no biggie. Just go ahead and talk to him, do his first mission, and Koffie should be unlocked. 1A) Mags **IMPORTANT** After you complete the Mag License Application, you will be given a Mag. A Mag is an essential stat stick, except, it’s like a pet. The items you feed it will become points on your mag which also goes to your stats. What you feed your mag is very important. Mags will boost your damage a lot if properly fed. Also, the mag cannot die, so leaving it hungry will not kill it. Make sure you equip the mag as well ^^ Make a Striking/MEL Mag if you play one of the following: Hunter/ Fighter/ Katana Braver/ Bouncer/ Gunslash/Etoile Make a Ranged/RNG Mag if you play one of the following: Ranger/Gunner/Bow Braver Make a Technique/TEC Mag if you play one of the following: Force/Techer/Summoner Make a DEX Mag if you play one of the following: Phantom (main/sub)/Braver/Bouncer *Bravers, Bouncers, and Classes that run Phantom, either as main or subclass, are recommended to take DEX mags as they benefit from it due to skill tree, however, it will be detrimental for other classes like Hunter and Fighter, thus, we don’t recommend it* A good way to manage the dexterity of the mag is to feed your mag two 9* Weapons of the attack you want (S-ATK/R-ATK/T-ATK or MEL/RNG/TEC) and 1 7* Weapon of the same attack. S-ATK/MEL weapons are, Swords, Partisans, Wired Lances, Double Sabers, Twin Daggers, Knuckles, Katanas, Dual Blades (Soaring Blades), and Gunslashes. R-ATK/RNG weapons are, Assault Rifles, Launchers, Twin Machineguns, and Bows. T-ATK/TEC weapons are Rods, Wands, Talis, and Jet Boots. DEX are solely discs; crafted disks give the most (not available in NA). After feeding your mag these weapons, you will then feed your mag room goods (yes, room goods) 4*/5*/6* depending on what attack you’re basing your mag on. S-ATK/MEL = 4* room goods R-ATK/RNG = 5* room goods T-ATK/TEC = 6* room goods DEX = Discs/Crafted Discs *footnote* Add Mag devices, what they do and how to obtain them Because each character can only have 1 Mag, and you need,essentially, 1 Mag for each attack, Striking, Ranged, and Technique, you should use the 3 free character slots given to everyone to make a character for each specific attack. You are able to purchase up to 20 Mags but they cost 300 AC each. This tip is simply for those who have no plans on spending on the game. 1B) Skill Trees **IMPORTANT** This part of the game is what really helps you progress through the game and impacts your class more than the weapons you use. Unlike other games, where weapons dictate just how much damage you do, if you do not have a proper skill tree, you will NOT do as much damage as you think. That being said, let’s get into it. Skill trees are extremely important and some classes may have a versatile setup, however, dumping your points into these skill trees aimlessly will cut your damage by a significant amount. So do be careful when adding these points and make sure you have a reference. If you don’t have a reference, use this. There is an option to change the name of the skills to the NA translation. Look to the TOP RIGHT hand corner and select English (PSO2NA). Listed below me is an example of one of the many instructors in PSO2. These people will grant you 14 additional skill points in total and should be completed whenever it is available. Listed right here is the instructor for Hunter and Fighter. Located behind the middle teleporter of the Gate Area. Most of the class instructors will be in this area. Look around! This here is his setup of Quests. Each, “Aim To Be a …” Client Order gives 5 skill points to your class when completed and every “The Perfect …” will give 1 skill point. Note that other classes’ instructors will have different names for these types of quests. While still on the topic of Skill trees, Skill Tree Reset Passes are a thing. They are given out to players when a patch involves a new Photon Art or a modification to the skill trees. They do NOT come out frequently so don’t bank on getting a lot of them. Additionally, Skill Tree Reset Passes are handed out PER Character and you can make up to 3 characters. That is a whole 2 additional passes! Be sure to make them while you can. You do not have to level them and they will still be eligible for the hand out. 1Ca) Visiphone: Player Shop This little purple/pinkish station is where you will fight many battles, even wars… on the market that is. THIS is where you will be able to purchase things posted up by other players. The Visiphone market allows you to post nearly everything. From Fashion to Experience Boosts, you can buy almost everything. A big exception would be 12 star units as these are locked to drop only or badges. (Minus Austere Set). This little station can be extremely confusing at first so let me explain a little on how to use it. When you first open up the Visiphone, you’ll be introduced to a headache of a menu, but fear not, it’s not as bad as it seems. We’re only here for the Player Shop. The Player Shop is where you’ll be able to purchase and sell things on the market at your own discretion. This is the menu after you’ve selected Player Shops and it is pretty explanatory. What you will be using for a majority of the time is Item Search. Manage Shop is for people who want to sell things. Do note that you will be unable to sell things without Premium or a Shop Pass. For now, let’s cover Item Search. And welcome to the Item Search. This is probably the ugliest thing you’ve seen, but it’s very simple. On top is the Search Directory and you’ll be able to search for a specific item. Often adding a portion of the name of what you want will come up once you press “P. Search”. Underneath the Search Bar, you can categorize what you’re looking for and search that way. It will give a much broader selection of items versus specifically searching for one item. On the Right of the menu, is Special Ability Search Settings with 4 options. This little menu usually doesn’t appear when you first open Item Search, and if it doesn’t appear, try and click the button right underneath the search bar. Special Ability Search is what you use to search for Affixes on Weapons. Affixes on weapons/units are essentially little add-ons that modify the stats the weapons/units give, almost always beneficial. Most of these “affixes” can be transferred in such a way that makes it so that you can stack stats onto a unit. And usually, they can go for a bit of money. So that Search Bar is used to search for these. I will address what type of affixes are worth money, how to recognize which of them are valuable, and so on. This is a rather large topic so it’s taking me a while to come up with this part here; not sure if I will go through with it. North American players will have different names for these affixes so do take note. FAQ: How do I obtain said Shop Pass to sell my stuff? In order to obtain a shop pass, you have to fish for it in the FUN scratch. The FUN scratch is a F2P scratch in which you use the currency FUN to use the scratch. At a very low chance, you’ll be able to obtain an item that will allow you to use the Manage Shop function. 1Cb) Visiphone: Teams/Alliances If you want to uploads/Litterature/ phantasy-star-online-2-a-beginner-x27-s-tips-and-tricks-guide-introduction-yes-i-know-it-x27-s-late.pdf
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- Publié le Mai 12, 2021
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 13.4464MB