Accompanying catholic funeral masses a guide for musicians

Accompanying Catholic Funeral Masses A guide for musicians ? Nicola Lawrence Louisa Drive Girvan Ayrshire KA AH Available to download free from www lawrencemusica co uk CIntroduction This guide should be of help to musicians of other Christian denominations who ?nd themselves being asked to accompany a Funeral Mass in a Catholic church Playing for worship in a church that is not your own can be a bewildering experience and if you are not familiar with the structure of the Catholic liturgy it can be quite di ?cult to know when and what you are expected to play And of course funerals are always sensitive occasions and you want to do your best to make sure that everything runs smoothly and as expected I have included information about everything you might normally be expected to accompany but there are no hard and fast rules and so it is always important to talk to the priest to ?nd out what is wanted for a particular funeral I have also included hints about ? cues ? and what to listen and look for as the Mass progresses Throughout this booklet I refer to the role of ? organist ? - but what I write is relevant for any musician accompanying a funeral whether you are a pianist guitarist or whatever Most of what is written in this booklet applies to accompanying any Catholic Mass not just funerals and so it will be helpful to you if you ?nd yourself playing on other occasions too However the ending of an ordinary Mass is di ?erent and I have described that at the end of the booklet If you are used to playing the organ in a church where the congregation sings well you may be surprised at how poor the singing can be in the Catholic church especially at a funeral It ? s worth being prepared for this as it can be a bit nerve- wracking when people don ? t join in - or they don ? t join in a hymn until half way through the ?rst verse or even later A lack of singing is not your fault CWhat you need to ?nd out beforehand If the request to play comes from a funeral director ?nd out who the priest is what his telephone number is and phone him up If it is the priest who contacts you then it is easier as you are already talking to him but ?nd out his telephone number in case you need to phone back You need to know THE INSTRUMENT What kind of an instrument are you being asked to play - piano organ ? home ? organ If you are in doubt as to what it ? s like and whether you need to know more don ? t be afraid to ask to go in and try it in advance of the funeral This might be helpful if only to ?nd out how the on o ? switch works

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  • Publié le Oct 07, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 45.1kB