RADIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE User’s Guide WHPC RDAP RADIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS PACKAGE User’s Guide Version 3.0 -- September 1999 Revised – 4/2006 © 2006 WH Power Consultants WH Power Consultants P.O. Box 611 Las Cruces, NM 88004 (505) 526-0884 Table of Contents Section Page RDAP Setup 1 RDAP Fundamentals 3 Using Menus with RDAP 7 Maneuvering Around A Screen 9 First Time Data Preparation 15 RDAP Options 17 Error Messages 149 RDAP Program and Data Files 167 RDAP Setup System Requirements • An IBM Personal Computer or 100%-compatible running a) MS-DOS version 5.0 or later or b) Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later (running in the enhanced mode) or c) Microsoft NT • 8 megabytes of RAM for Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or 3.11; 12 megabytes of RAM for Microsoft Windows or NT. • A hard drive with 3.5 megabytes of free space for program files. Space for system data is required at a very general rate of 1 megabyte per 1000 feeder segments. Data storage is dependent on the extent of modeling detail. *Note* - This product requires a text editor if optional text file output is selected from the program. The program User's Guide requires MS Word. RDAP Setup • Create a directory called RDAP30 in the "C" directory and extract the files in RDAP2001.ZIP into it. • Create a shortcut to DPR30.EXE (see Windows documentation on creating shortcuts) and move it to the desktop. • Right click on the shortcut and then click on "properties". • In the properties "program" tab: a. Checkmark the "close on exit" b. Change the icon to C:\RDAP30\RD.ICO • In the properties "screen" tab select the "full screen" under usage. • In Windows versions before 2000, within the CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory (CONFIG.NT in NT "SYSTEM32" directory) the "FILES = XXX" statement must be at least 60. • Double click on the RDAP icon to start the program. • To toggle between a FULL SCREEN or a WINDOW on the desktop, use the <ALT><ENTER> key combination. In Windows XP, mouse function does not work well in the FULL SCREEN. Switching to a WINDOW returns the mouse function. A list of RDAP program and database files is found on page 165 of the User’s Guide. RDAP Setup 1 RDAP Setup 2 RDAP Fundamentals RDAP models all three phases of a distribution system. Any degree of unbalance caused by loading and/or line configuration is taken into account. All data is input through the selection of menu options. Analysis is performed on radial feeders only and consists of: • Volt/Flow • Motor Starting • Short Circuit RDAP stores the data for any number of distribution systems. Terminology used and the models of system components are described below. System A system consists of any number of substations and their associated feeders. When an RDAP session begins, the last system studied becomes the “active” system and is identified on the screen. If no system exists, RDAP suggests activating a system from an option under the File menu pad. From the File popup, the System Selection option is used to activate another system or create a new one. Feeder A wye or delta connected feeder is always associated with a substation. RDAP analyzes a system one feeder at a time. When an RDAP session begins, the last feeder studied becomes the “active” feeder as identified on the screen. If no feeder exists, RDAP requests a selection be made from an option under the File menu pad. Once the File popup is activated, the Sub/Feeder Selection option is used to activate another substation/feeder or create a new one. RDAP Fundamentals 3 Segment A feeder consists of segments. A segment is a three-phase, two-phase or single-phase overhead or underground line that may have a distributed load associated with it. A segment is defined by its end nodes, length (distance between the nodes in feet) and the Z-Model. The Z-Model of a segment is a nominal Pi circuit. The series branch consists of an n x n impedance matrix representing all self and mutual impedances between conductors (n is the number of phase conductors present). Each shunt branch is represented by an n x n susceptance matrix representing one half of the self and mutual susceptances between conductors and ground. The impedance and susceptance matrices can be computed by RDAP or the matrices can be input directly (user impedances). For computed matrices, RDAP uses configuration data that consists of specified conductor or cable data, spacing data and phasing. Node A node is an end point of one or more segments. The node may have a spot load and/or a shunt capacitor associated with it. Spot Load A spot load is connected to a node. The load may be three-phase, two- phase or single-phase. It can be connected in wye (phase to neutral) or delta (phase to phase). It can be modeled as constant real and reactive power, constant current, constant impedance or any combination of the three. Distributed Load RDAP Fundamentals 4 A distributed load is served at the mid point of a segment. The load may be three-phase, two-phase or single-phase. It can be connected in wye (phase to neutral) or delta (phase to phase). It can be modeled as constant power and reactive power, constant current, constant impedance or any combination of the three. Load Allocation Load Allocation is a procedure where spot and/or distributed loads are scaled in order to match a meter reading at the substation. Load Groups All spot and distributed loads are assigned to a load group when data is being input. Loads of a specific type such as residential, commercial, etc. that display the same growth characteristics, make up a load group. RDAP has a feature where load growth can be simulated with each load group being assigned a different growth characteristic. Voltage Regulators Voltage regulators (or load tap changing transformers) can be located at either end node of any segment.. They may be single-phase or three-phase. Single-phase regulators may be connected in wye (phase-to-neutral) or open delta (phase-to-phase). Tap positions can range from values of -16 (10% buck) to +16 (10% boost) and are determined by one of three methods: • R & X Settings -- the compensator R and X settings in volts, the desired voltage level and bandwidth are specified. • Load Center -- a load center node, desired voltage level and bandwidth are specified. As part of the analysis, the appropriate R and X compensator settings are computed. • Fixed Tap -- a tap position is specified. The position can either be a positive integer between 1 and 16 indicating a boost or a negative integer between 1 and 16 indicating a buck. RDAP Fundamentals 5 Shunt Capacitors Shunt capacitors are located at nodes and are specified in kVAr. They are modeled as constant susceptance connected in wye (phase-to-neutral) or delta (phase-to-phase). Transformers Transformers can be located at either end node of any segment. Three- phase transformers can only be connected wye-wye in a wye system and delta-delta in a delta system. Single-phase transformers may be connected in a wye system only and are connected phase-to-neutral. Motors Motors are specified by their horsepower rating and are modeled as a constant impedance load during start-up. After start-up the motor is modeled as a constant real and reactive power load. Default values of starting kVA and power factor and running power factor are provided. The default values can be changed if needed. RDAP Fundamentals 6 Using Menus with RDAP The RDAP menu consists of the menu bar, menu pads, menu popups and menu options. The menu system enables you to select the various options and features of RDAP. Each part of the menu system is described below. Menu Bar Menu Pad Hot Key File Data Z-Models Analysis Reports Other Menu Popup Menu Option Menu Bar Using Menus with RDAP 7 Segments Transformers Voltage Regulators Capacitors Distributed Loads Spot Loads The RDAP menu bar is located along the top of the screen. The menu bar displays names for menu popups. The names on the menu bar are menu pads. Menu Pads Menu pads appear on the menu bar and display the names of menu popups or an action they initiate. Select menu pad by using the arrow keys and then pressing <Enter>, pointing and clicking with the mouse or by pressing the hot key. Sometimes certain menu pads appear dimmed and cannot be chosen. These menu pads are disabled indicating that the menu options associated with the menu pad are not available at the present time. Menu Popups Menu pads control menu popups. Selecting a menu pad activates its menu popup. Menu popups are lists of menu options. Select the desired menu option by using the arrow keys and then pressing <Enter>, pointing and clicking with the mouse or pressing the hot key. Menu Options Menu popups contain options. Selecting a menu option initiates an action. The action may be activating a window for adding, modifying or removing feeder data, or uploads/Litterature/ rdap-user-x27-s-guide 1 .pdf

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