4/27/2019 Suikoden V Armor Guide for PlayStation 2 by Blazefeeler - GameFAQs ht

4/27/2019 Suikoden V Armor Guide for PlayStation 2 by Blazefeeler - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/929668-suikoden-v/faqs/54431 1/8 3DS 3DS ANDROID ANDROID IOS IOS PC PC PS3 PS3 PS4 PS4 SWITCH SWITCH VITA VITA XBOX 360 XBOX 360 XBOX ONE XBOX ONE Log In Log In Sign Up Sign Up ANSWERS ANSWERS BOARDS BOARDS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTE CONTRIBUTE GAMES GAMES WHAT’S NEW WHAT’S NEW MORE SYSTEMS MORE SYSTEMS     Search Game Titles Search Game Titles  Suikoden V – Armor Guide Suikoden V – Armor Guide PlayStation 2 Armor Guide by Blazefeeler Version: Saint | Updated: 10/16/08 >>>>>>Suikoden V Armor-Set Guide<<<<<< ====================================== By Blazefeeler (Kooptsk@hotmail.com) Contents~ ========= 1. Introduction -A) Contribution History -B) Copyrights 2. Armor Sets Guide =================== 3. Special Armor ================ 4. Credits =============== The Introduction ***************** This guide came into production on 3-27-2006, the same day that I first began tracking and logging rune piece drops and trying to confirm their drop rates with help from the OSG. With this most recent update, 10-14-2008, I hope to have (for once and for all) put an end to the questions surrounding some of the previously held disputes about where and how to obtain some of the rare pieces from the sets in the game. However, I am only human. So, if you see a mistake somewhere in this guide PLEASE email me so that I can correct it for future reference. Thank you. -A) Contribution History ======================== 3-24-2006 Recieved and started playing (NA) SV. 3-27-2006 Started work on the Armor Set Faqs. 4-9-2006 Finished up Version 1.0 of the Faqs. 6-15-2006 Update/Edit to drop locations. 1-24-2007 Copyrights Update. 10-14-2008 MASSIVE update. -B) Copyrights Home Home FAQs FAQs Cheats Cheats Saves Saves Reviews Reviews Images Images Videos Videos Answers Answers Board Board 4/27/2019 Suikoden V Armor Guide for PlayStation 2 by Blazefeeler - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/929668-suikoden-v/faqs/54431 2/8 ============== This guide may not be posted in any other website other than Gamefaqs.com without my expressed and prior written approval. I will more than likely grant permission if you simply ask and give credit where it is due. If you notice an error, or have found something not listed in this guide, please email me and I will correct the faqs and give credit for your find. This guide may not be sold or bartered for on Ebay or any other website for sake of profit. If I see my work on said site, or any like it, I will report it immediately and legal action will more than likely be taken against the user who violated this copyright of original content if an agreement can not be reached or communication is not returned. This could include action being taken by said site staff on my behalf against said offender, if said offense occurs. Comprende? Good. ========================== >>>>>>>Armor Sets<<<<<<<<< ========================== The following sets of armor can sometimes be obtained several pieces at a time, or can be found around the same area. Several pieces you can obtain in various ways, such as mini-games, war battles, etc.. You can even find some by just checking out the local shops as you make your way around Sol Falena. I have only included those that I have been able to find myself and verify in-game. If you find them elsewhere, let me know and I can add it to the faq, with credit to you included for the find. Also, keep in mind that like Suikoden IV, one of the best sets of armor, the Sun Set, won't carry over into a New Game +. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.1) Fish Set ============= A) Fish Head (Phy. Def. +10, Water Defense +1) B) Fish Body (Phy. Def. +18, Water Defense +1) C) Fish Fins (Phy. Def. +6, Water Attack +1) D) Fish Tail Fin (Phy. Def. +12, Water Attack +1) E) Fish Badge (Magic Defense +5) Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Water affinity is raised to rank S. --Where you can find the pieces-- All pieces except the Fish Badge can be found in the Fishing Mini-Game at your HQ that Sabula runs. The Fish Badge can be obtained at the Raft-Fleet Item Shop. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.2) Prosperity Set =================== A) Prosperity Hat (Phy. Def. +11, Potch from battle +10%) B) Prosperity Tunic (Phy. Def. +55, Potch from battle +10%) C) Prosperity Armband (Phy. Def. +7, Potch from battle +10%) D) Prosperity Sandals (Phy. Def.+3, Potch from battle +10%) E) Prosperity Ring (Potch from battle +10%) 4/27/2019 Suikoden V Armor Guide for PlayStation 2 by Blazefeeler - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/929668-suikoden-v/faqs/54431 3/8 Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Potch Earned from Battle is Doubled (Please note that an in-game glitch (NA Version) keeps the set from being effective when worn by one party member. You must scatter the set out between more than one party member for it to kick in to full effect.) ***Special Mention Here. You can stack Prosperity Equipment with Egbert's Find Potch Skill. You will also notice that you can abuse the Prosperity Rings. Every one you equip on a character will count. Meaning, 6 characters in ABP, 4 rings per character, 24 rings with the Prosperity Set and orb included, will mean Massive Potch Gains. The Prosperity Items will only be effective on people in your ABP. *** --Where you can find the pieces-- *-Prosperity Hat- (Underground Ruins B3 Level, Eresh recruitment) *-Prosperity Tunic- (Underground Ruins, Jeane recruitment) *-Prosperity Armband- (Secret tunnel in the Baska Mines Area) *-Prosperity Sandals- (Eastern end of Yashuna Village) *-Prosperity Ring- (Hershville Naval Base Shops) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.3) Pale Moon Set ================== A) Pale Moon Casque (Phy. Def. +26, Dark Attack/Defense +1) B) Pale Moon Leather (Phy. Def. +69, Dark Attack/Defense +1) C) Pale Moon Gloves (Phy. Def. +15, Dark Attack/Defense +1) D) Pale Moon Boots (Phy. Def. +15, Dark Attack/Defense +1) E) Pale Moon Beads/Necklace (Dark Attack/Defense +1) Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Recover 10% of Max HP after each turn. --Where you can find the pieces-- *-Pale Moon Casque- (The far North-West end of Doraat in a chest) *-Pale Moon Leather- (Dragon Racing, Doraat War Prize) *-Pale Moon Gloves- (Ranro Mt. 1st Vine-Tier, Doraat Siege-Com. Ship Drop) *-Pale Moon Boots- (Ship Graveyard-Outside Passage between ships) *-Pale Moon Beads- (Waterfall Basin Area-1st crossing) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.4) Destiny Set ================ A) Crown of Destiny (Phy. Def. +14, Max Hp+10) B) Robe of Destiny (Phy. Def. +38, Max Hp+10) C) Armband of Destiny (Phy. Def. +15, Max Hp+10) D) Anklets of Destiny (Phy. Def. +3, Max Hp+10) E) Cape of Destiny (Phy. Def. +8, Max Hp+10) Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Max Hp+50 and 20% chance of being revived to full health if killed in combat. --Where you can find the pieces-- 4/27/2019 Suikoden V Armor Guide for PlayStation 2 by Blazefeeler - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/929668-suikoden-v/faqs/54431 4/8 *-Crown of Destiny --(Sable-Near eastern gate/past the inn) --(Childerich Pursuit Battle-Dilber Spear Unit) --(Armes Pursuit Battle- Lower Infantry Unit) *-Robe of Destiny- (Ship Graveyard-Second shipwreck) *-Armband of Destiny --(Final Defense Campaign #1 (defend the castle-Archer Unit) --(Final Defense Campaign #2 (defend the castle after the duel-Archer Unit) --(Recapture the Castle -(occurs if you fled instead of defended when given the option, Archer Unit) *-Anklets of Destiny- (Lelcar-West Islet/South End Chest) *-Cape of Destiny --(Twilight Forest Ruins) --(Lordlake Defense Camp-Cavalry Unit) --(Lelcar Defense-Wilhelm/Mueller Cavalry Unit if you did not recruit them) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.5) Guardian Set ================= A) Guardian Casque (Phy. Def. +20, Magic Defense +10) B) Guardian Chain (Phy. Def. +69, Magic Defense +10) C) Guardian Gloves (Phy. Def. +17, Magic Defense +10) D) Guardian Boots (Phy. Def. +10, Magic Defense +10) E) Guardian Scarf (Magic Defense +10) Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Additional Magic Defense +10 --Where you can find the pieces-- *-Guardian Casque- (Lelcar-Located on the Central Islet) *-Guardian Chain --(Lake Ceras Ruins-West Wing) --(Lelcar Campaign) *-Guardian Gloves --(Lelcar Campaign-Victory+) --(New Queen's Camp.-Archer unit on the left of map) *-Guardian Boots- (Rainwall Defense Campaign-Victory+) *-Guardian Scarf- (Doraat Siege-Victory +) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.6) Classic Set ================ A) Blue Jacket- (Phy. Def. +24, Max Hp +5) B) Bandage- (Phy. Def. +1) C) Long Boots- (Phy. Def. +7, Evasion +2) D) Strength Sash- (Strength/Attack+5) Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Additional Max Hp +10, Attack +5 --Where you can find the pieces-- *-Blue Jacket- (Dwarf Camp-Armor Shop) *-Bandage- (Stormfist Shops) *-Long Boots- (Raftfleet Armor Shop, Very common.) *-Strength Sash- (Raftfleet Armor Shop, very common.) 4/27/2019 Suikoden V Armor Guide for PlayStation 2 by Blazefeeler - GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/929668-suikoden-v/faqs/54431 5/8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2.7) Samurai Set ================ A) Minamoto Helmet (Phy. Def. +14, Attack +3, Tech +3) B) Taira Armor (Phy. Def. +53, Attack +3, Max Hp +10) C) Fujiwara Gauntlets (Phy. Def. +30, Attack +3, Tech +3) D) Tachibana Greaves (Phy. Def. +34, Attack +3, Evasion +3) Bonus when worn as a set: ------------------------- Critical Hit +10%, Double Critical +10% --Where you can find the pieces-- *-Minamoto Helmet- (Estrise Armor Shop) *-Taira Armor- (Mt. Ranro-Bandit Cave, Ship Graveyard Ship #1) *-Fujiwara Gauntlets --(Twilight Forest Ruins) --(Sol Falena Siege #1, Right Cavalry Unit) *-Tachibana Greaves --(Final uploads/Litterature/ suikoden-5-armor-guide.pdf

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