1 SUPERCOMET Superconductivity Multimedia Educational Tool, phase 2 Introductio

1 SUPERCOMET Superconductivity Multimedia Educational Tool, phase 2 Introduction Teaching with SUPERCOMET2 Use of ICT in science teaching The Modules Prerequisites, Objectives, Knowledge Testing Experiments Low-tech, High-tech, Teacher Seminar Examples of activities Suggested lessons Evaluation Reviews, Teachers’ comments, Pupils’ comments Physics of Superconductivity Background information Further Resources Books, Weblinks ICT in science teaching Ways of using ICT in the classroom 2 About SUPERCOMET2 The SUPERCOMET2 CD was developed as part of the SUPERCOMET Project (N/01/B/PP/131.014) and SUPERCOMET 2 Project (N/04/B/PP/165.008) with financial support from the Leonardo da Vinci Programme Phase II of the European Union. Objectives of the SUPERCOMET2 Project The SUPERCOMET 2 Project aimed to: • Expand an international partnership committed to the renewal of physics teaching across Europe. • Establish firm connections with existing organizations for physics educators, researchers in physics education, curriculum authorities and policy makers. • Develop a concept for products related to physics education that may be put to use immediately, simultaneously allowing for expansion in both subject and scope. © 2007 Simplicatus AS P.O. Box 27, NO-2006 Løvenstad, Norway Editors Vegard Engstrøm, Heimo Latal, Leopold Mathelitsch, Gerhard Rath Publisher Simplicatus AS Authors Francesca Bradamante, Michela Braida, Aileen Earle, Vegard Engstrøm, Barbara Fedele, Jenny Frost, Gren Ireson, Heimo Latal, Harvey Mellar, Marisa Michelini, Wim Peeters, Alberto Stefanel Illustrations Visualize DA Photographs University of Lille, University of Torun, University of Graz, Loughborough University BRG Kepler Keplerstrasse 1, Graz, Austria Karl-Franzens-Universitaet, Graz, Austria Sint-Gabriëlcollege, Boechout, Belgium University of Antwerp, Belgium Geo Milev English Language School, Rousse, Bulgaria University of Rousse, Bulgaria Maticni Gymnazium, Ostrava, Czech Republic University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Gymnasium Koenigin-Olga-Stift, Stuttgart, Germany University of Ludwigsburg, Germany Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium, Munich, Germany Feodor-Lynen-Gymnasium, Planegg, Germany Erasmus-Grasser-Gymnasium, Munich, Germany University of Munich, Germany IES Juan de la Cierva y Codorniu, Totana, Spain Universidad de Murcia, Spain Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France Liceo Scientifico Statale "M. Grigoletti", Pordenone, Italy Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Arturo Malignani", Udine, Italy Istituto Statale Di Istruzione Superiore "R. D'Aronco", Gemona, Italy Liceo Scientifico Statale "Giovanni Marinelli", Udine, Italy University of Udine, Italy Central Gymnasium of Daugavpils, Latvia Livani Secondary School No 2, Livani, Latvia University of Daugavpils, Latvia Bonhoeffer College, Castricum, The Netherlands AMSTEL Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Trondheim Katedralskole, Trondheim, Norway I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, Slupsk, Poland Pomorska Akademia Pedagogiczna, Slupsk, Poland Escola Secundaria Monte de Caparica, Portugal Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Aurel Vlaicu Upper Secondary School, Arad, Romania Colegiul Tehnic "Transilvania", Deva, Romania Electrotimis High School, Timisoara, Romania Technical College of Construction and Environmental, Arad, Romania School Moor Lane, Nottingham, United Kingdom Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom In memory of Guntis Liberts (Latvia) = June 30th, 2007 3 Table of contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................4 Aims of the SUPERCOMET2 CD and Teacher Guide ..............................................................4 SUPERCOMET2 - the application.............................................................................................5 Teaching with SUPERCOMET2................................................................................................8 ICT in science teaching.................................................................................................................13 Main forms of ICT relevant to school physics..........................................................................13 Why use ICT in Physics Teaching?.........................................................................................15 Ways of using ICT in the classroom........................................................................................17 Finding, adapting and sharing superconductivity teaching materials ......................................19 Physics of Superconductivity.......................................................................................................20 The Modules...................................................................................................................................29 Overview .................................................................................................................................29 Magnetism...............................................................................................................................30 Electromagnetic induction .......................................................................................................33 Electrical conduction ...............................................................................................................35 History of superconductivity ....................................................................................................37 Introduction to superconductivity.............................................................................................39 Applications of superconductivity ............................................................................................41 Superconducting materials......................................................................................................44 Explanation of superconductivity.............................................................................................46 Activities with superconductors ...............................................................................................47 Examples of activities ...................................................................................................................48 Effect of temperature on resistance of metals and of superconductors ..................................48 Suggested lessons on superconductivity ................................................................................50 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY – Stimulating worksheets for pupils ................................................56 Experiments – teacher seminar....................................................................................................70 The teacher seminar - overview ..............................................................................................70 Teaching methods – active learning........................................................................................71 Working with liquid nitrogen and magnets...............................................................................77 Levitation Experiments............................................................................................................78 Hands-on magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena............................................................83 How to make your own superconductor..................................................................................88 Measuring the transition temperature of a superconductor.....................................................90 Evaluation.......................................................................................................................................95 Basic Information.....................................................................................................................95 Expert reviews: Two example studies .....................................................................................96 Teachers’ comments on the materials ....................................................................................98 Pupils’ comments on the materials..........................................................................................99 Further resources ........................................................................................................................105 4 Introduction Aims of the SUPERCOMET2 CD and Teacher Guide SUPERCOMET2 has been designed as a computer application combining graphics, animations, text and navigation to make selected parts of the physics curriculum in upper secondary schools more engaging and accessible. SUPERCOMET2 CD ROM Learning Objectives The SUPERCOMET2 CD ROM is intended as an introduction to superconductivity, the theories upon which its discovery is based (including magnetism and electrical induction and conduction), and its history. Based on work with the SUPERCOMET2 material, pupils will be able to 1. argue how a theory is related to evidence 2. explore possible uses of the phenomena 3. explore technological implications of a new discovery 4. describe how scientists gain and interpret data 5. describe how science and technology uses new ideas 6. communicate scientific ideas to different audiences 7. ask questions of themselves about physics and how it is related to everyday life 8. suggest some connections between different fields of physics Aims of the Teacher Guide The teachers’ guide is intended to outline the pedagogical rationale for using SUPERCOMET2 and suggest effective ways of using it in the classroom, as part of everyday teaching, in stand-alone mode and in combination with practical demonstrations and multimedia tools. It gives information about the physics of superconductivity and shows possibilities for evaluation of the work with SUPERCOMET2. Intended audience The intended audience of SUPERCOMET2 is secondary-school pupils. 5 SUPERCOMET2 - the application SUPERCOMET2 consists of self-contained modules and a set of other useful navigational, teaching and information resources set out as in the site map below: Navigation Main menu Languages Help Glossary FAQ Main menu Magnetism Electromagnetic induction Electrical conduction Introduction to superconductivity Applications of superconductivity Activities with superconductors History of superconductivity Superconducting materials Explanation of superconductivity Search tool Animations Textual resources Bookmark tool Activity Videos Photos References Links A quick start guide 1. When you search for a special topic (e.g. electrical resistance), browse through the relevant module contents listed in the teacher guide. 2. Check page 46 to see if there are any ready-made teaching plans you could adapt for your teaching. Alternatively, go to www.supercomet.eu to browse through materials contributed by other teachers (simplicatus intranet) 3. Start the SUPERCOMET2 CD ROM and familiarise yourself with its navigational structure. 4. Using the Main Menu, go to the module most appropriate to the topic you are teaching and familiarise yourself with it. 5. Either use SUPERCOMET2 as suggested in the teaching plan you have found in the guide or write a lesson plan of your own. 6. After the lesson, evaluate how it went. You might want to share your work with other teachers by logging on to the Simplicatus intranet (http://intranet.simplicatus.no/). 6 How do I start using the SUPERCOMET2 application? System requirements Before using the SUPERCOMET2 computer application, please check if your computer and browser meets the following minimum (or recommended) requirements. PC • Microsoft Windows 98 SE / Me / 2000 / XP / NT • 500 MHz Pentium 4 processor (1 GHz Pentium 4 recommended) • 64 MB RAM (256 MB RAM recommended) • 16-bit color recommended for optimal viewing • 800x600 resolution • 4x CD ROM • Macromedia Flash Player (version 7.x - available free at www.flash.com) Mac • MacOS 9.x / X 10.1.x / X 10.2.x / X 10.3.x • Power Macintosh (1 GHz G4 recommended) • 64 MB RAM (256 MB RAM recommended) • 16-bit colour recommended for optimal viewing • 800x600 resolution • 4x CD ROM • Macromedia Flash Player (version 7.x - available free at www.flash.com) Browser requirements MS Internet Explorer 6.0 or better Using the SUPERCOMET2 application Place the disc in the CD ROM drive. The disk should start automatically. If it does not, follow the instructions on the label, or open the file called “Open.html” in your browser. If you have problems loading or using the SUPERCOMET2 application, open the ‘read-me.txt’ file on the CD. 7 How do I find my way around SUPERCOMET2? You can either follow the navigational links provided (see below)... Click here to find the Main Menu, Help, Glossary, FAQs and to choose the Language This button allows you to bookmark a page that you would later like to come back to. It is not possible to bookmark multiple pages. These are the controls for interactive animations. You can use them to interact with the simulations. What each button does will depend on the animation being presented at the time. The search tool 8 Teaching with SUPERCOMET2 Frequently asked questions Q: Superconductivity is not in the curriculum, so why would I teach it? A: Superconductivity can be used as an engaging way to teach pupils about the structure of matter, electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic induction. Q: I teach children under 16. Can I use superconductivity in my teaching? A: Simple demonstrations of superconductivity can be implemented for younger pupils. Q: I don’t have time to run through the whole of the CD ROM. Can I use it any other way? A: Although you can work through the CD ROM from start to finish, it is possible to use different parts of the content (text, graphics, animations) on a stand-alone basis. A powerful search function has been provided to help you find materials that would be relevant to uploads/Litterature/ superconductors-guide.pdf

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