The Urbz: Sims in the City: FAQ/Walkthrough by Redlance Version 1.12, Last Upda
The Urbz: Sims in the City: FAQ/Walkthrough by Redlance Version 1.12, Last Updated 2005-02-05 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to The Urbz: Sims in the City (GBA) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users. The Urbz: Sims in the City Guide version 1.12 =========================Contents==================================== Press control F to find things quickly. Be sure to type the key that is next to the section with brackets. If your looking for a specific mission type in the chapter number first then the mission number such as 6-1. There is no chapter 6 though this is just a example. Version Contents Introduction Controls [CS] Creating-A-Urb [CU] Xizzles [XZ] Rep groups [RG] Mini Games [MG] Walkthrough [WT] Tips and secrets [TAS] Copyright Thanks to ========================Version=========================================== 11/23 04 Version 1.0 All missions, rep groups and some jobs completed 11/24/04 Version 1.10 added the last rep group trophy, added daddy bigbucks to richies, added a Xizzles section. I changed the mission numbers so they will have the chapter number in them as well. Added tips and secrets section. 11/25/04 Version 1.11 Added the rest of the Xizzles, added where lily gates can be found for the mission in chapter 3, added some info for starting chapter 5 mission 5 . Addition to version 1.11 11/28/04 Added all the rep missions, made a correction to mission 5-5, added what mission gives you a hover board, added a correction to mission none shall pass. 12/10/04 added a few more rep group gifts 2/1/05 Version 1.12 Decided to go to 1.12 with all the add-ons and what I added today. Some more time for the cheat ninja, what questions give you what Xizzles. 2/5/05 Just adding how to get into the rep group clubhouse finally look in the Tips and secret section. =========================Introduction==================================== Hello and welcome to my The urbz:Sims in the City Walkthrough. This game is a lot like bustin out where you don't really know where to go to start a mission unless you wander around. This guide is to help you with that by saying who you have to talk to and what you have to do to complete it. I hope this guide helps you out in finishing the urbz Sites that can use this guide: If you want to use this guide on your site simply email me and I will most likely say yes. =========================Controls [CS]==================================== D-pad-move around Start-Use this to look at goals, popularity, how much a individual likes you, how high your reputation is with a rep group and how high your skills are. Select-With select you have a map, look at your xizzles, save your game and how high you need skills and how much money to make to get a promotion in jobs. R shoulder button- Take out hover board/put away board A button-Action button B button-hold to run L button- Hides or shows your status screen. ========================Creating-A-Urb [CU]=============================== When you start creating an urb you will have some menus after you create your looks. These menus will determine which Xizzles you can start buying and which rep group you belong to. Rep group menu: King of Minipolis: streeties Computer daze: Nerdies Bright Lights, Big Wallet: Richies My Guitar Hero: Artsies Friday Night: Pizza & Games - Eager Eager Hippo Stay home & sleep - Inzombiac Prank call people - Nemesis Home from School: Drink OJ - Little Piddy Diddle Play Street Ball - Sweet Smell Navigate to the Mall - Sell Out DJ Names: Chilly Pie - Play It Off Krazy Klaw - Mantis Rapture Smooth Money - All Up Ons Get into Club: Show Off Bling - G'd Up Tell Jokes - Jibba Jabba Outwit Bouncer - Nerd Level 5 Muscles Cooler than Brains: True - Chillin' Like a Villain False - Livin' Large Contributed by: Choshojo and Mrlooney Note:This is not exact different combinations will give you different ones. But this will giveyou atleast some idea on what you will get. =======================Xizzles [XZ]======================================= You can buy Xizzles at Club Xizzle trade in 3 beads for a Xizzle. More Xizzles can be unlocked by playing multiplayer with another GBA. Xizzles have certain effects to help you out in gameplay. Sweet smell: Eager Eager hippo: Hunger erosion slows 30% Inzombiac:your sleep slows by 30% Contributed by:Zenithan Sell out:Gives you 10,000 simoleons Contributed by:Zenithan Sweet smell: Hygiene erosion slows 30% Mantis rapture: Fun erosion slows 30% Contributed by: Lightning bolt and Kristina Livin large: You get 20 % more money from all jobs Chillin 'like a villain: All motives decrease 10% less Contributed by: Lightning bolt Nerd level 5: gain one free point in every skill Nemesis: Everyone gains 6 relationship points with you but one person will decrease by 100. Contributed by:Zenithan Jibba Jabba:New dialogue option appears sometimes and gets different reactions will be called jibba jabba. Contributed by:Zenithan G'd up: when you choose a negative option it will reduce it by 1 Contributed by: Lightning bolt and zenithan All up ons:You gain +1 relationship points when you talk to the other sex Contributed by:Zenithan Little piddly diddle:Bladder erosion slows by 30% Contributed by:Zenithan and Kristina Play it off:Comfort erosion slows 30% The names were contributed by: Braxton and Bkam4 If anyone knows what any of the other Xizzles do please let me know. ========================Rep Groups [RG]=================================== There are four groups in the urbz depending on the options you chose to create your urb with is what group your in. You can also change groups by getting 100% relationship with their leader and completing the mission they ask you to do. Artsies: These guys are into art and acting. Leader: Roxanna Moxie Members: Pritchard Locksley, Cannonball Coleman, and Theresa Bullhorn. Nerdies: You will find people like doctors or scientists in this group Leader: Polly nomial Members: Sue Pirnova, Maximillian Moore, and Lincoln Broadsheet. Richies: These people are rich, nothing more to say really. Leader: Luthor big bucks Mmebers: Lottie cash, Misty waters and Lily gates contributed by: Braxton and Bkam4 Streeties: This group is more of your average Joe group. Leader: Darius Members: Darius, Crystal, Kris Thistle, and Ewan Watahmee. Trophies can be found for the groups that will help increase your rep with them. Artsie trophy: In the bayou after crossing the second plank bridge it's past the two plant monsters. Note: You can only get this after completing the Bye Bye Bayou missio Richie trophy: Mall second floor check one of the computers. Nerdie trophy: go to the carnival and follow the main street straight passing the carnival agates. You will see a lone tree in a corner go to and and search for the trophy Streeties trophy:In the graveyard where you come out from the swamp it will be behind a grave Contributed by: Braxton and Bkam4 Gifts: You can get gifts when you're high enough with a rep group. I don't know if you have to be a part of the group or not though Streeties: A stereo that plays any BGM in the game Nerdies: A mad skillz cerebral data infuser gives one random skill point to nay of your skills Contributed by:Undertaker Richies: a Sensual Deprevision Chamber that you go in that will fill your stats Contributed by: MissKIA and something who im not sure if they wanted me to use the name thy had on there email. ========================Mini Games [MG]=================================== Squeegee Clean: 5:00am-7:00PM The object of the game is simple when the pigeons make a mess on the window walk over to it and press A. If your hit by any of the droppings just walk to either side of the platform and get a new squeegee. Level 1: Bird watcher, 1 simoleon for every dropping clean Requirements to get promoted: Complete the mini game once Level 2: Streaker, 3 simoleons for every dropping cleaned Requirements to get promoted: 2 body skill, earn 200 simoleons. Hoopz: 5:00AM-5:00PM When you start this game you will see a black circle going back and forth in a little box at the upper left part of the screen. Wait for it to get centered then press a. Then a basketball will start going up and down try to center it in the circle. Make three baskets to get a simoleon Ball Level 1:Got no game, 4 simoleons for every basket made. Requirements to get promoted: Body skill needed 1, 100 salary acquired Level 2:Granny styler, 8 simoleons for every basket made. Requirements to get promoted: Body skill needed:4, salary 250 Level 3:Sure shot, 25 Simoleons for every basket made Requirements to get promoted: body skill 7, 350 slary Doctor max stat!: 6:00Am-11:00PM Find the pattern at the bar in the top on the puzzle below Level 1: Intern, Requirements to get promoted: 2 logic skills, 80 salary Comic explosion:6:00PM-2:00AM Stand infront of the mike and make the lips on the top fill up. Be careful of the tomatoes they take away 10 seconds everytime your hit. Pick up a flower for a 5 uploads/Litterature/ the-urbz 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Mar 19, 2021
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