Museum Vol I, n° 1/2, 1948 The Museums of France Les Musées de France 1 4 1 U M
Museum Vol I, n° 1/2, 1948 The Museums of France Les Musées de France 1 4 1 U MUSEUM, successor to hlouseion, is published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in Paris. MUSEUM serves as a quarterly survey of activities and nicans of research in the field of museography. Opinions expressed by individual contributors are not nccessarily those of Unesco. Musauhi, qui succPde à Alouseion, est publié Paris par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour I’edu- cation, la science et la culture. bIUSEUM, revue tri- mestrielle, est à la fois un périodique d’information et un instrument de recherche dans le domaine de la muséographie. Les opinions cxprimCes par les auteurs ne reflbtent pas nécessairement celles de 1’Uncsco. BOARD OF EDITORS / COMITd DE RÉDACTION Torsten Althin, Stockholm Leigh Ashton, London Martin Baldwin, Toronto Julien Cain, Paris Cheng Te-K’un, Chengtu Daniel Defenbacher, hIinneapolis Nicolas Dclgado, Quito AndrC LCveillé, Paris Gottfried W. Locher, Leiden August Loehr, Vienna Grace L. hlcCann Morlcy, Paris H. O. McCurry, Ottawa Kasimierz Michalowski, Waniiua Jiri Neustupny, Prague P. Norlund, Copcnhagen Frans Olbrechts, Ghent Albert E. Parr, New York A. R. Penfold, Sydney Daniel Catton Rich, Chicago Paul Rivet, Paris Georges Hcnri Rivikre, Paris D. C. Röell, Amsterdam Daniel F. Rubin de la Borbolla, Mexico City Gcorgcs Salles, Paris W. J. H. B. Sandberg, Amsterdam Herman Shaw, London Philippe Stern, Paris George Stout, Worccstcr, Mass. Bengt Thordeman, Stockholm Achille Urbain, Paris Jose Valladares, Bahia An ADVISORY EDITORIAL CoMhiiTTm representing countries in which the International Council of Museums has national committees is at the present time being organized. The complete list of names will be published in subsequent numbers of hIusEUM. Un COMITS DE n6mcrioN CONSULTATIF, oh seront représentes les pays dans lesquels existent des Co- mitCs nationaux du Conseil international des Musees, est actuellement en voie de formation. La liste cornplPte des noms sera publiée dans les numtros ultkrieurs de MUSEUM. Annual sukription rate (4 issues or corresponding double issues) : $7.00 - 35 s. / Abonnement annuel (4numéros ou numeros doubles Cquivalents): fr. I>OO Editorial and Publishing Offices / Rédaction et Edition: UNESC0,Ig Avenue Kléber, Paris 16e,France. S E U Unesco Publication 627 F O R ~ W O R D , by the Director-General of Unesco 1 Avant-propos, par le Direc- teur ghéral de l’Unesco. I EDITORIAL : MUSEUM an¿ Museums 1 MUSEUM et les mushcs. 2 GEORGES SALLES : Les musées de France 1 The Museums o f France ~~~i HUYGI~E : L e remaniement du département des peintures e t la Grande Galerie, Musée di4 Loutlre Changes in the Department of Paintings and the Grande Galerie, Louvre lsAN CHARBONNEAUS : La réinstallation des collections d’antiquité.r grecques et romaines, Mfi{& (/ir Louvre Rein rfallation of the Collections of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Loirure A N D R ~ . PARROT : L e diparfernent des antiquitis orienfules, M u s l e du Louvre 1 The Depart- ment o f Oriental Antiquities, Louvre PIERRE VERLET ; Le dipartment des objets d’art, Musée du Louvre 1 The Department of Oblats d’art, Louvre JACQUES VANDIER : Nouvelle présentation des collections égvptiennes, Musée du Louvre I T h d nen~ Arrangement of the Euptian Collections, Louvre MARCEL AUBERT : L’Écale du Louvre 1 The Ecole du Louvre GERMAIN BAZIN : Une expérience, le Musée de l’Impressionnisme 1 An Experiment, the JEAN CASSOU : L e Musée d’art moderne 1 The Musée d’art moderne PHILIPPE STERN : Muséographie au Musée Guimet 1 Mu.reogra]dy at the Musée Guimet JEAN VERGNET-RUIZ : Organisation générale des musées de provincp I Generd O~qaani~ation JEAN VERGNET-RUIZ : Château de Compiègne A c n i L m URBAIN - PAUL RODE : Les collections d’histoire naturelle 1 French Natural PAUL R ~ v m : Opnisation d’un musée d’ethnolq<ie 1 Organiration of an Ethnological RoGm PALCK : Technique de présentdon des vitrines au Mush de l’homme 1 Methods o f ANDRÉ L~.vEII.L~. : L e Palais de la Dicouverte 1 The Palais de la Dicouverte YVON RIZAR DEL : Collections municipales de Paris 1 The Mi4nicipal Collections of Paris FRANÇOIS B O C C H ~ R : L e Musée Carnavaht 1 The Musée Carnavalrt SUZANNE KAHN : L e Petit Palais 1 The Petit Palais RENO GROI~SSET : L e Alusle Cernuschi 1 The A h é e Cernuschi Ifrzpressionist Museum oj’ the Provincial A4useums Ilistory Collections ilfuseuni Cuse-Displuy used at the Musbe de l’homme 7 II 3 0 33 37 / 6 60 68 70 7 / RI 8/ 88 89 MUSEUMS AND EDUCATION 1 LES MUSfiES ET T,’ENSEIGNEMENT 1 EDITORTAL I 2 I HARRY O. ~ ~ C C U R R Y : Educational Work in Canadian hfuseums 1 Les activités Pducofìves GÖSTA SI;.LLING : Educational Work in Swedish Museums Les activités éducatives des BRUNO F. G E ~ H A R D : The Cleveland Health Museum 1 Le Musée d’bygi2ne de Cleveland P.-M. BARDI : L’expérience didactique du Museu de Arte de São Paulo 1 An Educational CHENG TE-K’IJN : The West China U n i o n University Museum 1 L e musée de la West ha“. L ~ V E I L L L : 130?4r un musée international de Ia civilisation 1 ProposaIfor an Intw ‘ 2 7 130 134 des musées canadiens musées sjrédois 138 Experiment at the Museu de Arte. São Paulo Chino Uniow Uniiersity nntiontrl Afi~sczíx of Ciililqation 143 I4.J CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIBRES III CHILDREN and the Museum I L’enfant e t les nrusées ‘77 178 MARGARET M. DRAYTON : Children’s Work in hluseums 1 L e s musées au serik-e de l’enfant ELEANOR M. MOORE : Promoting Inferriutional Friendship throttgh hlttseun! Edttcafion 1 MOLLY HAKRIsoN : A new Approach to Histoty in a London h h e u m 1 u n musée de LOUISE CONDIT : The Junior Museum at the Metropolitan 1 Le musée des.jet/nes au Metro- Le muée, centre d’enlente internationale Londres présente l’histoire SOUS un jour nouueau ‘83 I 88 politun 19 . ? IV THE FILM nnd the ,Irt ilfuseum 1 Le jilnz et les mus4t.r d’art GORDON MIRAMS : ‘I‘he Function of the Art Film Le râle dufilm d’art ‘ 9 6 19 8 en Italie 204 les tnusées n2oderne.r 208 FRANCISCO hloNo-rrr : Art und the Camera ,Eye in Itab 1 L ’ a r t s0.w l ’ceil de l c r camera USE OF the hilotion Picture in Museums o f the Present Dgy 1 L’tttilisation du f i l m dans ' U nesco takes pleaswe in lazlnching M U S E U M for the benefit of the museums of the world, on whom Unesco calls direct4 for co-operation i n its programme and for aid in i t s work of establishing the intercultural and international anderstanding basic to the peace of the world. L'Unesco est heureuse de présider atl lancement de M U S E U M, revue destinée aux musées du monde entier auxqzlels I' Organisation fait appel directement pour q z l ' i l s coopèrent à la mise en cewre de son programme, et I'aident à instaurer, entre les difirentes cdtures et les dìffkrentes nations, cette compréhension qui est indispensable à la paix mondiale. D I R E C T O R - G E N E R A L , U N E S C O D I R E C T E U R G d N k R A L D E ' L ' U N E S C O M U S E U M " 0 1 . U l l E I N o 1-2 1 9 4 8 MUSEUM dnd Maseam 2 he first issue of MUSEUM appropriately turns the attention of museum pro- T fessionals of the world on the museums of France. The first international museum conference since the war takes place in Paris in June, and the French museums act as hosts. Always among the great museums of the world for their collections, and for their standards of scholarship and technical develop- ment, the French museums are resuming operation after the long interruption of the war years with renewed vigour, with a new orientation in many cases, and with broader purposes in general than before. Collections are being revised, buildings renovated, and installations modified to achieve clearer presentation for the benefit of the general public and in the interests of scientific improvement. The articles and illustrations in this number describe the guiding principles and the outstanding examples of various categories of French museums. The writers, active museum professionals who have carried out this work of reorganization, are recognized leaders among the museo- graphers of Europe, and they have given much thought to the problems in their respective fields, Their solutions, sensitively adapted to conditions in their own country, cannot fail to be of interest, and to suggest ideas to musecm workers elsewhere. The Editors of MUSEUM appreciate their contributions to this first number, and hope that these articles will prompt uploads/Litterature/ unesco-the-museums-of-france.pdf
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- Publié le Jui 29, 2021
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