Quoted from "Adalbert (NFNA)" 1) Ability - how they are calculated / base stats

Quoted from "Adalbert (NFNA)" 1) Ability - how they are calculated / base stats 2) Accuracy - where's the cap, how is it calculated 3) Reload - where's the cap 4) Soft Defense - how it works and how it is calculated 5) Repair rate / Burn rate 6) Overheat time 7) base speed / "natural" overheat 8) How engineers stack to increase overheat speed 9) Overheat speed 1) Ability ======= Ability is what effects the performance of every sailor in Navyfield. If you are new to the game or have general questions on what ability which sailor should be good in, please refer to Obst guides- in fact I think every player should read or have read them. *** www.nf-guides.com *** Now to how ability is calculated in the game for a SINGLE SAILOR - it is more then just the displayed value. With N (vets) = number of veterans N (experts) = number of experts N (tot) = total number of sailors = rookies + experts + veterans N (max) = maximum number of sailors (as displayed) ****** I will be referring to this true ability in all further guides. Remember - you have to calculate your every's sailors ability with the formula above if you want them to work. ****** Now some immediate conclusions that we can draw from that formula. 1) Keep your sailors maxed out at all times - reducing the number of rookies not only decreases the chance to get more experts, but also reduces the sailor's true ability, thus making him perform worse. 2) Class all sailors’ right when a promotion becomes available. Not only do you lose the extra ability bonus when you don't, but usually the recruit gain per level increases after a promotion. And as you can see the mere number of experts and vets influences the performance of a sailor and not the displayed ability percentage directly. {Exception: pilots loose recruit gain per level after promotions - ONLY FIGHTER !} 2) Accuracy ======== Sayoyin has made the discovery where to find all those values and spend an immense amount of time and effort in finding formulas that describe it. You can find his whole explanation under http://www.navyfield.com/board/view.asp?Num=94981&Sort=D07 I have just shortened it and rearranged the interpretation. Give him the recommendation for his work on accuracy. Now the best part: Yes, there is an accuracy cap. You reach it when your gunners true acc-ability is --> 4706 * level of gunners + 1000000 <-- It is independent from your ship, FCS, guns or whatever else. Once you have reached that value, your gunners do not get better accuracy by adding vets for example. If you start with a +10 gunner, boost him and give him 100 vets (which seems to be normal already), your gunners will be at the accuracy cap surprisingly soon. Here are some numbers - all +10base, boosted, 100vets sailors. UK ACC gunner - lvl63 UK RLD gunner - lvl85 KM Gunner - lvl64... and the others are in between. Now that is only the cap. And if you have looked sharply - there is the level of your gunners as a factor in the formula. Meaning - the cap increases every level. (Your gunner’s accuracy just increases faster than the cap, so once you have hit it - you stay over it) Your spread however is determined by the accuracy itself, which is a number calculated by Accuracy = (FCS + GunRev) * ((3 * true ability /1000000) + 1) Where "FCS" is the accuracy revision of your FCS and "GunRev" is the accuracy revision of every gun. Most of them are 0 - the guns that block have that value set to 25. So what determines your spread now: 1) FCS 2) The Guns accuracy Revision (assume 0 for the guns that don't block for now) 3) Your gunners true ability UP TO THE CAP. <- there's the catch [Once your gunners have reached the cap, there is nothing you can do to make them better except level up to increase the cap value] The FCS has by far the greatest effect on your spread. The part that is affected by your crew makes up only around 35% of the final accuracy value. 3) Reload ======= Reload is capped at 50% of the published gun-reload-value. You need a certain amount of true reload ability (see above for the calculation of true ability) to reach it. Once you have reached the cap, your reload will stay the same, no matter how high your ability goes (well... that's why they call it a cap). Reload speed is linear to true reload ability. So if you reload 10 seconds one day, gain 10000 true ability the next day and get down to 9 seconds, then another 10000 true ability will give you 8 seconds and so on until you reach the cap. 4) Soft Defense (SD) ============== Smedd posted the first conclusions on SD on the NA-servers. After reducing the SD cap, altering the way it was calculated increasing the cap again... it is all back to the way it was when I started playing the game. If you don't know HOW it works in general - read Obst guides again... I'm going into more detail here. 1) Every sailor aboard your ship contributes to SD (even the BO) and stacks linearly 2) Restore ability is the one that matters here 3) You can have a maximum of 900SD 4) Restorers get a bonus in that ability and produce the most SD of all sailors. Eventually you will hit 900SD without a single restorer through the combined abilities of the other sailors. Now to the calculation or if you don't remember what I said in the first post about ability: For our young folks confused by mathematical symbols... just calculate SD for every single sailor aboard and add them up. If you have 100SD you will take only 90% instant damage of a hit and burn 10% - thus giving time to repair. Effectively to kill you in one 'hit' you would need 110% of the damage of what your ships DP is. It goes up linear to 900SD and is capped there. Just take a look at the graph: You can clearly see the cap at 900SD. Although my formula will give you the values for SD even above 900, it has NO further effect anymore once you reach that value. SD also helps your ship to repair further. So if you take damage with 0 SD you will lose 20% of that hit on your DP which you will not be able to repair. With increasing SD this value drops and is capped at 900SD, where you only take about 2.2% permanent damage (the little red arrow on the health bar shows you how far you can repair) - again a picture: An example - you have a ship with 20000DP, a crew with 500SD and get hit by an evil ship which gets 10000attack from it. 1) You take 50% immediate DP reduction = which brings you down to 20k-5k=15k DP 2) if you had no repair ability you would burn the remaining 5k down to 10kDP 3) you will be able to repair until you hit your prior DP minus 10% of the hit or 1k bringing you back up to 19k DP 5) Repair rate and Burn rate =================== - All Sailors aboard your ship contribute to repair rate and stack linear - Repair rate is capped at 280DP/sec which you reach with 35mil true repair ability Calculate the repair ability for every sailor aboard and add them up. I have dropped the actual formula for repair rate, as it is discontinuous and not linear and might be a bit confusing to look at. Instead here is a graph that gives you the repair rate for given values of repair ability. And the same graph for higher abilities to make it easier to read: Don't forget the BO in your calculations!! You can see his (unboosted) abilities every time he levels up. Now to the burn rate - meaning the rate at which you lose DP while burning. Here's the graph : not too important as you get above 5,500,000 repair ability quite fast and it is capped there at 25DP/sec - even at 55,000,000 ability (my crew with extra reps) it is still the same. 6) Overheat time ============ 1. ONLY engineers contribute to overheat speed and time 2. The maximum overspeed is limited to 70 percent above the 'base speed'. Different ships need a different amount of engis to get to the max speed. (Thanks SirDante for that 'cap' Info) 3. Engine ability stacks linear for overheat time and all engis. You can calculate your overheat time for every sailor or for all your engineers using : remember again... calculate the true engine ability for all the engineers aboard your ship and simply add them up. The result value is the uploads/Management/ adalbert-x27-s-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Mai 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
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