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Verify that you have the most current version of this document. Go to, then select Support > Download > Third-party Interfaces > Third-party Integration Guides. BACnet Integration Guide For an LGR line, ME-LGR line, or ME812u-LGR controller Rev. 9/28/2011 © 2011 Automated Logic Corporation. All rights reserved throughout the world. Automated Logic Corporation, the Automated Logic logo, WebCTRL, EIKON, BACview, SuperVision, and InterOp are registered trademarks, and Alert is a trademark of Automated Logic Corporation. BACnet® is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. All other brand and product names are trademarked by their respective companies. Contents Overview .................................................................................................................................. 1 Before-you-begin checklist ........................................................................................................ 1 The integration process ............................................................................................................. 2 1 Discover BACnet networks, devices, and objects ...................................................................... 2 2 Create a control program ....................................................................................................... 3 3 Edit a control program ........................................................................................................... 5 4 Configure Display microblocks ................................................................................................ 7 5 Configure Network Input and Total Analog microblocks ............................................................. 9 Method 1: BACnet COV subscriptions ........................................................................... 9 Method 2: Polling ........................................................................................................ 9 To speed detection of a dead device ........................................................................... 10 6 Connect the third-party device to the ALC controller ................................................................ 11 To wire a BACnet/ARC156 device ............................................................................... 11 To wire a BACnet MS/TP device .................................................................................. 11 To wire a BACnet PTP device ....................................................................................... 12 7 Download the BACnet driver ................................................................................................. 13 8 Verify the controller is set up correctly.................................................................................... 13 To capture ARCNET or MS/TP communication ............................................................. 15 To capture BACnet/IP or BACnet/Ethernet communication ......................................... 17 Appendix A - BACnet addresses ................................................................................................ 18 Appendix B - To reuse a control program ................................................................................... 21 Appendix C - Third-party points behind NAT routers .................................................................... 22 Appendix D - Point packs ......................................................................................................... 23 Appendix E - COV subscription details ....................................................................................... 24 BACnet Integration Guide • Rev. 9/28/2011 1 © 2011 Automated Logic Corporation You can integrate BACnet devices into a WebCTRL system using one of the ALC controllers listed below that provide third-party points*. The ALC controller serves as a master device. ALC Controllers LGR25 LGR250 LGR-1000 ME-LGR25 ME-LGR200 ME812u-LGR (200 points) Read/write capability Can read from and write to the third-party equipment Third party Supported equipment Any device that supports the BACnet protocol Supported media IP, Ethernet, ARC156, MS/TP (9600, 19200, 38400, or 76800 kbps), and PTP * The point allowance of a controller (the number after the letter R) applies only to that controller. For example, if you purchase an LGR-1000 that provides 1000 third-party points and you download control programs that use 500 third-party Network I/O points, you cannot apply the unused 500 points to a different controller. If you have legacy ALC controllers that use point packs, see Appendix D (page 23). You need the following items, information, and skills for the integration process: The system's SiteBuilder database The ALC controller's Technical Instructions The third-party device's: • BACnet network number and MAC address or the Device instance • Points list including BACnet Object ID's (object type plus object instance) If the third party device is not installed or commissioned yet, ask the third-party vendor for this information. Then use Appendix A (page 18) to write correct BACnet address strings in your microblocks. The baud rate of the third-party device if running MS/TP Verification that all communication settings have been set on the third-party device Experience creating control programs with EIKON LogicBuilder Experience installing, wiring, setting up, and downloading to the ALC controller Overview Before-you-begin checklist BACnet Integration Guide • Rev. 9/28/2011 2 © 2011 Automated Logic Corporation Follow the steps in this document to integrate one or more third-party BACnet devices into a WebCTRL system using an ALC controller. To install and network the ALC controller, see the controller’s Technical Instructions. WebCTRL’s BACnet Discovery locates all accessible BACnet networks, BACnet devices, and BACnet objects (including devices in your WebCTRL system) on a BACnet network. To use BACnet Discovery: 1 On the WebCTRL CFG tree, select System Settings. 2 On the Communications tab, clear the Use Static BACnet Bindings checkbox so that bindings are dynamic. NOTE Always run your system with dynamic bindings (clear the Use Static BACnet Bindings checkbox) unless you are: ○ Troubleshooting BBMD's. See "Setting up BBMD's" in WebCTRL Help. ○ Using NAT routing. See "To build a Network tree" in SiteBuilder Help. 3 On WebCTRL's CFG tree, select Connections. 4 On the Configure tab, stop the BACnet/IP connection. 5 While the connection is stopped, enter or verify the server's IP Address and Subnet Mask for the BACnet/IP connection. 6 Restart the connection. 7 On the NET tree, select the system level. 8 Click Devices. 9 On the BACnet Discovery tab, click Go to discover BACnet sites for the system. An item called Discovered Networks appears in the tree. After all sites are found, close the status dialog box. 10 To discover BACnet networks, select Discovered Networks, then click Go. A list of all BACnet networks appears in the NET tree. After all networks are found, close the status dialog box. TIP Run a commstat manual command to determine which device routes to each network. The BACnet Bind Show Network section of the Commstat window shows the IP address of the router to each network. 11 To discover BACnet devices on a network, select a network on the NET tree, then click Go. After all devices are found, close the status dialog box. Click the plus sign beside an item to expand the list of devices. The integration process 1 Discover BACnet networks, devices, and objects BACnet Integration Guide • Rev. 9/28/2011 3 © 2011 Automated Logic Corporation 12 To discover BACnet objects on a device, select the device in the NET tree, then click Go. After all objects are found, close the status dialog box. A list of all BACnet objects in this device appears on the NET tree. TIP Make sure you are discovering objects in the correct device. It may take some time to discover objects in devices with more than 100 objects. 13 On the NET tree, select a discovered network with devices or a single device. 14 Click the Export button to export the BACnet information. 15 Name and save the .discovery file in any folder. NOTES • Some third-party BACnet devices may not be discovered because they do not support the BACnet methods required for auto discovery. • If the discovery process returns ambiguous information, such as multiple points with similar names, contact the third-party manufacturer's representative for clarification. • Device configuration or network load can prevent WebCTRL from showing all BACnet devices. If you do not see a BACnet device that you expect to see, check the system's BBMD configurations. If the configurations are correct, try the discovery process again. • If a third-party device is not discoverable, you must get the device's address and point list information from the third-party vendor. Then use Appendix A (page 18) to write correct BACnet address strings for your microblocks. Use Network I/O microblocks and Display microblocks to read from or write to BACnet objects in a third-party BACnet device. Use Network I/O microblocks if any of the following is true: • An ALC control program must read from or write to third-party BACnet points for automatic control. • You want to trend values from a third-party device that does not support BACnet trends. • You want to display third-party values that require unit conversion or other math processing. NOTES • Each Network I/O microblock that is addressed to a third-party object property counts against the point limit of an ALC controller. • Display microblocks do not count against the point limits of ALC controllers. • Both Network I/O and Display microblocks count against the 500-point limitation of WebCTRL 500. • Display microblocks cannot use logic, including the logic that a thermographic floorplan requires. 2 Create a control program BACnet Integration Guide • Rev. 9/28/2011 4 © 2011 Automated Logic Corporation To create a control program: 1 Go to Start > All Programs > WebCTRL 5.2 > Third-Party BACnet Utility. 2 Select File > Save as. 3 Name and save the .3pbu file in any folder. 4 Select File > Import. 5 Browse to the .discovery file that you exported from WebCTRL's BACnet Discovery tool. 6 Select Control Program > Add Control Program. 7 In the Name field, type the name of the .equipment file that you want to create, then click OK. NOTE You can repeat steps 6 and 7 to add multiple control programs to the .3pbu file. 8 Click to highlight one or more control programs in the Control Programs to Generate list. 9 Click, Shift+click, or Ctrl+click to select the point(s) you want to add to the control program(s). 10 Click . 11 Select Control Program > Generate Control Programs. 12 Browse to the control programs Destination Directory. 13 Select the checkbox by each control program that you want to generate. NOTE You can use the Check All and Uncheck All buttons to the far right. TIPS • Move the divider bar to adjust the size of the size of the panes. BACnet Integration uploads/Management/ bacnet-integration-guide.pdf

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