Debian installation guide 1

Debian GNU Linux Installation Guide June CDebian GNU Linux Installation Guide Copyright ? ?? the Debian Installer team This manual is free software you may redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Please refer to the license in Appendix F i CContents Welcome to Debian What is Debian What is GNU Linux What is Debian GNU Linux Getting Debian Getting the Newest Version of This Document Organization of This Document About Copyrights and Software Licenses System Requirements Supported Hardware Supported Architectures CPU Support Laptops Multiple Processors Graphics Hardware Support Network Connectivity Hardware Wireless Network Cards Braille Displays Hardware Speech Synthesis Peripherals and Other Hardware Devices Requiring Firmware Purchasing Hardware Speci ?cally for GNU Linux Avoid Proprietary or Closed Hardware Installation Media CD-ROM DVD-ROM BD-ROM USB Memory Stick Network Hard Disk Un x or GNU system Supported Storage Systems Memory and Disk Space Requirements Before Installing Debian GNU Linux Overview of the Installation Process Back Up Your Existing Data Information You Will Need Documentation Installation Manual Hardware documentation Finding Sources of Hardware Information Hardware Compatibility Testing hardware compatibility with a Live-System Network Settings Meeting Minimum Hardware Requirements Pre-Partitioning for Multi-Boot Systems Pre-Installation Hardware and Operating System Setup Invoking the BIOS Set-Up Menu Boot Device Selection Systems with UEFI ?rmware Disabling the Windows ??fast boot ? feature Hardware Issues to Watch Out For ii CCONTENTS Obtaining System Installation Media O ?cial Debian GNU Linux CD DVD-ROM Sets Downloading Files from Debian Mirrors Where to Find Installation Images Preparing Files for USB Memory Stick Booting Preparing a USB stick using a hybrid CD or DVD image Manually copying ?les to the USB stick Manually copying ?les to the USB stick ?? the exible way Partitioning the USB stick Adding the installer image Preparing Files for Hard Disk Booting Hard disk installer booting from Linux using LILO or GRUB Hard disk installer booting from DOS using loadlin Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting Setting up a DHCP server Enabling PXE Booting in the DHCP con ?guration Setting up a BOOTP server Enabling the TFTP Server Move TFTP Images Into Place Automatic Installation Automatic Installation Using the Debian Installer Booting the Installation System Booting the Installer on -bit PC Booting from USB Memory Stick Booting from a CD-ROM Booting from Windows Booting from DOS using loadlin Booting from Linux using LILO or GRUB Booting with TFTP NIC or Motherboard that support PXE NIC with Network BootROM Etherboot The Boot Screen The Graphical Installer Accessibility Installer front-end USB Braille Displays Serial Braille Displays Software Speech Synthesis Hardware Speech Synthesis Board Devices High-Contrast Theme Zoom Expert install rescue mode automated install Accessibility of the installed system Boot Parameters Boot console Debian Installer Parameters Using boot parameters to answer questions Passing parameters to kernel modules Blacklisting kernel modules Troubleshooting the Installation Process CD-ROM Reliability Common issues How to investigate and maybe solve issues Boot Con ?guration Software Speech Synthesis Common -bit PC Installation Problems iii CCONTENTS System Freeze During the

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