Curriculum Vitae Kunadi Santoso Purchasing and marketing Staff with over 1 year
Curriculum Vitae Kunadi Santoso Purchasing and marketing Staff with over 1 years of experience providing through and skillful support for Accounting Function & Business Analyst C O N T A C T Email Height : 179 cm Weight: 67 kg Address Mardani Street III Rt 008/010 N0. 22, West Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta Phone 0895341508582 S K I L L S o Administration Expert (Ms. Office, Photoshop) o Negotiation o Presentation o Time Management o Database Management o Leadership o Photograph L A N G U A G E S o Indonesian – Native o English - Advanced C E R T I F I E D o Brevet Tax o Ms Office o TOEFL o Basic Training BNi Life o Driving Lincensed A and C W O R K E X P E R I E N C E Purchasing Staff C V U g i B e r d i k a r i ( S a r i R o t i D i s t r i b u t o r ) , F e b 1 7 – D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 7 • Conducting corporate financial administration arrangements • Make purchase oder • Finding and analyzing potential suppliers in accordance with the material needed • Negotiate prices according to material quality standards and ensure material delivery dates • Coordinate with suppliers regarding the completeness of documents • Make a Report Transaction everyday • Monitoring • Supporting material in accordance with applicable quality standards • Willing to make purchases in the field / out of the office • Collaborate with relevant departments to ensure the smooth operation of the company • Ensuring the availability of goods / material through an audit / control stock mechanism etc Senior Worksite Bancassurance Specialist B N I L I F E , F e b 1 8 – S e p t 2 0 1 9 • Market Research • Market Analysis • Recruiy and Solicit Clients • Assess Clients’ Needs and Goals • Recommend Strategies • Execute Strategies • Monitoring Accounts • Identify New Oppurtunities Purchasing Supervisor A D E L L E J E W E L L E R Y, O C T 1 8 – P R E S E N T • Meet the needs of companies and users in accordance with the specifications provided • Do file documentation properly and correctly • Do inventory control properly and correctly • Manage and maintain company assets properly and transparently • give ideas related to depreciation of company costs TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE TRAININGS, SEMINARS, REWARDS AND CERTIFICATION E D U C A T I O N Bachelor of Economics - Management S e k o l a h T i n g g i I l m u E k o n o m i , 2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 8 EDUCATION AND REFERENCES R E F E R E N C E S o Fahrul Rezza (Training Manager) BNI Life Insurance, Contact : 081282243482 o Rahayu Istiningsih (Owner CV Ugi Berdikari) Owner CV Ugi Berdikari, Contact : 08128589298 TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Office Packages : Microsoft Office ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCE TRAININGS, SEMINARS, REWARDS AND CERTIFICATION MEMBER OF SENI BUDAYA (ART ORGANIZATION ON SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU EKONOMI INDONESIA) BREVET TAX (SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU EKONOMI 2017) MICROSOFT OFFICE (RISTEK NUSANTARA 2017) TOEFL (LPBB LIA 2017) AAJI Certification( BNI LIFE INSURANCE2018) KEY QUALIFICATION Have a knowledge about analytical skills in business strategy Have a good qualification in operating PC. Can work either independently or as part of a team; Have good communication and interpersonal skill Fast learning, responsible, loyal, dynamic, good spirit, and motivation KEY QUALIFICATION uploads/Management/ cv-26-agustus-2019.pdf
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- Publié le Nov 17, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
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