R e s u l t s - b a s e d P e r f o r m a nc e M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m
R e s u l t s - b a s e d P e r f o r m a nc e M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m Manual for Teachers and School Heads THE INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW FORM (IPCRF) DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR S.Y. 2019-2020 USER GUIDE The Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers and School Heads was developed through the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support from the Australian Government. © Department of Education - Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development Philippine National RESEARCH CENTER FOR TEACHER QUALITY THE RPMS MANUAL This guide is a supplement material to the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual for Teachers and School Heads. The RPMS Manual for Teachers and School Heads was developed through the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support from the Australian Government through the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program. Layout by Michael Wilson I. Rosero 2 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. Preliminaries To better support the continuous professional development of teachers based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), the Department of Education, through the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD), seeks to establish baseline data on teachers’ proficiency level on the first 12 indicators of the PPST. Hence, the DepEd needs to establish an effective mechanism for collection, consolidation and analysis of the RPMS data to obtain such data. To facilitate the collection and consolidation of IPCRF data of teachers across governance levels, the electronic IPCRF form was developed. This Manual guides School Heads and other designated personnel at the school, division, regional and national levels in the use of these forms and the process of collection and consolidation of teachers’ IPCRF data. It also specifies the roles and responsibilities of personnel responsible for data collection at each governance level. 2. Accomplishing the Electronic IPCRF Download the prescribed electronic IPCRF file from the link: http://deped.in/IPCRFEncode20192020 Important notes before using the IPCRF file: • The IPCRF works best in MS Office 2010 or newer. • Each teacher shall have one IPCRF Collection file. The IPCRF may be produced into a number of copies after encoding in the following fields in Part 1 of the Encoding tab: Region, Division, District/Municipality, School ID, School Name, School Type, School Size and Curricular Classification. Edit the name of each file to include the name of the teacher (see Part B Step 9). • Do not type in fields with dropdown button. 3 THE RPMS MANUAL A. Opening the IPCRF Data Collection File Personnel Involved: RATER DOs DON’Ts Laptops, tablets, desktop PCs Mobile/smartphones, tablets, (Windows, macOS X) Chromebooks/Windows RT (Android, iOS) MS Excel 2011 MS Excel 2008 Google Sheets Microsoft Office Excel versions 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365 LibreOffice Calc WPS Office Numbers 4 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. Extract the IPCRF file from the zipped folder and save it on the Desktop. Note: Do NOT double-click the zipped folder to open it. Right-click and then extract folder to Desktop. Click OK. 2. Double-click on the “DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1-4 SY 2019- 2020” file to open it. 5 THE RPMS MANUAL B. Accomplishing and Submitting the IPCRF Data Collection File Personnel Involved: Steps 1-4: RATER; Steps 5-9: TEACHER-RATEE 1. Open the IPCRF File and Enable Macros. Click “Enable Editing” and “Enable Content”. Note that the process of enabling “Macros” may differ in different versions of MS Excel. 2. In the Encoding tab, accomplish Part 1 starting with the fields for teacher, division and school information. Read the Instructions carefully. Enter the needed information by either typing it in the empty cells (white) or by clicking the dropdown arrow and selecting the demographic information applicable to you. It is recommended to start with the Division and School information first (rightmost data column). The Date of Review, if not yet determined, may be left unfilled for the meantime. 6 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM How to “Enable Macros” manually (as an alternative to Step 1 on page 6) Step i: Click “File” in the Ribbon Bar. Step ii: Click “Options”. Step iii: Click “Trust Center”. Step iv: Click “Trust Center Settings...”. Step v: Click “Macro Settings”. Step vi: Tick “Enable all macros”. After all the steps, click “OK” and “OK”, then close the MS Excel window and reopen the file. 7 THE RPMS MANUAL 3. Continue accomplishing Part 1 appropriate to your position in the Encoding tab. Encode the COT rating per observation period by doing the following steps. • Select the subject (or the discipline related to your subject) for COT. • Input the COT rating per objective. • Encode date of observation. • Click “Lock COT” button once finished. • Provide a single password for COT 1-4 to protect your data Note: If in case there are less than 4 COT rating sheets available, leave the entire COT column(s) unfilled. No need to lock the COT column(s). 8 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 4. Finish accomplishing Part 1 of the Encoding tab. • Encode all other IPCRF Numerical Ratings for Q, E, and T. • Input Name and Position of Approving Authority. • When COT and QET ratings are encoded and checked to its accuracy, click “Finalize Part 1”. • Provide the same password, when prompted. Click “Go”, then click “Ok” in the dialog box that will appear. • Give the file copy to the teacher concerned, who then accomplishes Part 2 in the Encoding tab and his/her Development Plan in the Part 4 sheet of the file. 9 THE RPMS MANUAL 5. Answer the Core Behavioral Competencies (Part 2) of the Encoding Tab. • Tick the box of the behavioral indicators that you demonstrated during the performance cycle. • Click “Finalize Part 2” when you are done to save your data. • Supply a password to further protect your data. • Click “OK”. 10 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 6. View IPCRF Parts 1-3 Sheets. After Step 5, the results of all encoding done in the Encoding Tab appear in Parts 1-3 sheets. Check on all contents of these sheets. These sheets are protected from any editing. 11 THE RPMS MANUAL 7. Update your Development Plan in the Part 4 sheet. This sheet is not protected for any editing. You may add rows, if necessary. • Click “Finalize Part 4” if done. • Supply the same password as the one used to finalize Part 2 of the Encoding tab. • Click “Go”, then “OK”. 12 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 8. Print Parts 1-4. Click “Print Parts 1-4”. • The teacher must ensure that his/her computer is connected to the printer using the File and Print Options in MS Excel. • He or she must print all the pages of this form, complete all required signatures, and submit to the Personnel Division of the school to be attached to his or her 201 personnel file. 9. Submit the soft copy of the IPCRF electronic form to your Rater or School Head for the school-wide consolidation. Use the following format in naming the file: DepEd Prescribed IPCRF Parts 1-4 SY 2019-2020- Level-Teacher’s Surname, First Name Avoid using special characters, e.g. ñ, @ 13 THE RPMS MANUAL Frequently Asked Questions on the Accomplishment of the IPCRF e-Tool Question Answer 1. As I start using the file, some • Ensure that you are using MS Office features seem not working 2010 or newer. properly. What can I do? • Ensure that you have enabled all macros. 2. Who initiates the • Based from protocol (and as seen accomplishment of e-IPCRF? in the tool instructions), the RATER answers Part 1 of the Encoding Sheet, including the teacher/rater/region/ division/school demographics, COT and QET ratings. To do this, open 1 file and start encoding the fields for region/division/school information (rightmost column of the demographics portion), then replicate the file into a number of copies. Edit the name of each file to include the name of the teacher. • BUT GIVEN THE CURRENT COVID-19 SITUATION, the RATEE may initiate the encoding of his/her demographic profile, and the COT ratings. The RATER consequently ensures that all information are recorded accurately during the ratee-rater conference. 3. The file is for Proficient • After downloading, the default file Teachers. Where is the file is for Proficient teachers. However, for HIGHLY PROFICIENT selecting from the POSITION field in teachers? Part 1 of the Encoding sheet shows the file/tool appropriate to the position selected. 4. The dropdown options for level • Start by filling out the fields for taught and grade level taught do region/division/school information not appear. What should I do? (rightmost column of the demographics portion), particularly the CURRICULAR CLASSIFICATION field. 14 IPCRF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM Question Answer 5. I am a Senior High School • Select the discipline directly related to (SHS) teacher. What option the SHS subject you are teaching. shall I choose for Subject Taught (in the demographic field and in the subject for uploads/Management/ individual-performance-commitment-and-review-form-ipcrf-user-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Nov 12, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
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