Pocket Guide 1 1 Pocket Guide 1 Level 1 Ground Skills Lessons 1 – 4 Beginning y

Pocket Guide 1 1 Pocket Guide 1 Level 1 Ground Skills Lessons 1 – 4 Beginning your Partnership Ground Skills Introduction to Pocket Guide 1 Learner Preparation Lesson 1: Discovery and commitment Lesson 2: Starting a new relationship with your horse Understanding equine psychology Developing curiosity Lesson 3: Learning to use your horsemanship tools and body for communication The Carrot Stick and Savvy String “Body Blocks” Lesson 4: Introducing your new tools to your horse Now that you've viewed DVD-1, Chapter 1 “Preparation for Success”, your journey can begin! Introduction to Pocket Guide 1 This is the beginning! Before you start pursuing a long learning goal it is very important you know how to use what you have to your best learning advantage AND how to get yourself unstuck if you run into road blocks on the path. Indulge us for the short time it will take to study this first introduction well. It'll hold you in good stead for the remainder of your journey. Our aim has been to design the best program possible in a genuine attempt to facilitate your unique learning experience. Much has been drawn from the experiences of teaching thousands of students each with their own learning skills and unique horses. From those experiences we have an excellent understanding of what needs to be taught, to what degree of understanding and skill level and in what order, that knowledge forms the structure of the whole of the Parelli Level 1 Program. Within that structure the features and elements support you on your own unique journey. That means you will have strong guidelines for some things, such as the sequence of lessons and how well you perform each skill before moving forward. By the same token you will have flexible guidelines for other things, such as how often you review the DVD segments for learning and reinforcement. Pocket Guide 1 2 Every Pocket Guide follows a similar format each contains one or more specific lessons. It starts with a unique Introduction that will prepare you for where you are heading on that new leg of the journey. When necessary, the Introduction is followed by a section titled Learner Preparation. This section outlines what you need to do BFFORE you start the lessons in that Pocket Guide. After your preparations you will follow the lessons in the Pocket Guide in order until you have completed each lesson and the tasks assigned. The final section of each Pocket Guide tells you how to assess where you are so you can make a clear decision about when to move on. Learner preparation What you will know and be able to do at the end of the lessons in this Pocket Guide The very first lessons in Level 1 are designed to prepare you with the basic knowledge and skills you need BEFORE you start this Program with your horse. This Program will develop within you a whole new way of thinking about horses in general and your relationship with your horse in particular. Everything is about to change. You will learn new ways to describe your horse's behavior and your behavior when you are with him. You will use new kinds of tools for communicating. What you expect of your horse and yourself when you are with your horse will change. The four lessons in this Pocket Guide set a strong and important foundation for everything that follows. By the end of the lessons in this Pocket Guide you will: 1. Have an idea of what the result of the Level 1 journey will look like when you get there; 2. Learn, or reinforce, new ways of thinking about horses; 3. Have started developing skills with your natural horsemanship tools; 4. Have taken the first critical step in developing a different kind of relationship with your horse. Viewing assignment In this Pocket Guide you will be instructed to view related segments on your DVDs at the time of the lesson. Reading assignment Before the start of Lesson 2 you will be asked to read “Understanding Equine Psychology” in your Theory Guide. Pocket Guide 1 3 Lesson 1: Discovery and commitment Getting a clear picture of where you are heading and what to do if you get stuck or stall at any time in this Program. Please look in the Level 1 box and get your Success Map. Introduction Knowing where this Level 1 journey is taking you is the subject of this first lesson. Knowing where you have come from and where you are in the Program is the purpose for the Level 1 Success Map and the records yon will keep there. In a long learning journey, students can sometimes lose motivation simply because they have no easy way to see that change and progress is being made. We also can have difficulty seeing the forest for the trees when we are engaged in challenging lessons. It is easy to become disoriented and the map will help you see your efforts in perspective. It is also quite conceivable that at some point on this learning journey you will be waylaid by some problem related to learning, motivation or a special circumstance with your horse. We have been teaching this Program for many years with thousands of students just like you. As a result we know you may need support along the way that can't be easily predicted when you begin. We have built numerous support services to assist you. You must be committed to being proactive if you get stuck along the way. Using the resources is your responsibility. Only you know when you are stuck, therefore taking proactive steps to getting unstuck has to be your responsibility!! What to do if you hit a roadblock on your learning path is outlined clearly on the Getting Unstuck section of your Success Map. Directions Find a place in your home, office or stable where you can tack the map to a wall. The only thing that matters is that the location is a place you will see each day. The door of the refrigerator is a good place. The map is a visual reminder of what it is you are doing and the Getting Unstuck section reminds you that there is help for you when and if you need it. Knowing where the journey is taking you There are several ways that Parelli students can register their progress and achievements. One way is to self-assess your progress using the checklists in these Pocket Guides or the challenges in the Savvy Club Passport. Students can also be assessed “officially” by submitting a video for assessment to a Parelli Professional Instructor. We have included a list of tasks for this Level 1 assessment in your Log Book and you will soon be introduced to that list. Pocket Guide 1 4 Those students who submit an assessment video and who pass are given an official accreditation for Level 1. They receive a certificate red Level 1. They receive a certificate, red Savvy String and a Level 1 pin. On the opening night of Linda's Level 1 course, students watched a Level 1 assessment video of a successful student. And this is where you too will begin!! The student's assessment is NOT instructional!! It is NOT meant to teach you how to DO anything! Instead it is meant to help you see the place you will go with your horse as a result of your studies. These are useful images Linda wanted her students to have in their minds BEFORE they started. Let's face it, if you aim in Level 1 to look tike Pal Parelli playing with his horse you are going to get stuck and frustrated very quickly! It is NOT expected that you will have that level of skill while you are in the learning stages. We chose this particular student's assessment for particular reasons. This student's demonstrations of the Level 1 tasks are VERY good, and indeed some are at a Level 2 standard. But at this stage it is important for you to have a good model, even though your Level 1 skills may look a bit less coordinated (even downright ugly!) in parts. Later in the Program you will be instructed to view another Level 1 student doing these tasks successfully at a true Level 1 standard. Our aim is twofold: to present you with good images at the start, but avoid having you become trapped in what we call “Level 1 purgatory!” – the place some Level 1 students find themselves when they try to make Level 1 look like Level 2! You will learn more about this as you progress. For now, sit back and enjoy the following DVD segment. Viewing Assignment Play DVD-1, Chapter 2, and watch the segment titled, “Helen Hall's Level 1 Assessment”. Don’t take notes – they will not be useful. Sit back and relax. Make a mental note of what you are doing in your mind during the viewing. At uploads/Management/ parelli-pocket-guide-1.pdf

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  • Publié le Dec 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
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