Field testing guide CPART ONE FIELD TESTING FOR PROJECT AND IA C CTABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Testing Project Acceptance Testing Informational Testing Retests Miscellaneous Samples and Tests Acceptance of Small Quantities Nuclear Testing Program Testing Pe

CPART ONE FIELD TESTING FOR PROJECT AND IA C CTABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Testing Project Acceptance Testing Informational Testing Retests Miscellaneous Samples and Tests Acceptance of Small Quantities Nuclear Testing Program Testing Performed by Other Divisions Testing Disputes Resolution Independent Assurance Program Responsibilities of the IA Lab Independent Assurance Samples and Tests Independent Assurance Forms Independent Assurance Files and Records Sampling and Testing Frequencies Tester Quali ?cation Program Field Lab Facilities and Equipment Lab Removal and Setup Lab Calibration Lab Equipment Repair Maintenance and Replacement Inventories Field Lab Record- Keeping Field Tester Safety i C CFIELD TESTING FOR PROJECT AND IA OVERVIEW This resource has established the ?eld testing guidelines to maintain compliance with B Title Code of Federal Regulations CFR while assisting Construction Field Crews and the Construction Division in administering a quality construction project as it relates to ?eld testing Sampling and testing on roadway construction contracts ensures that materials and construction methods conform to plans and speci ?cations Consistent sampling and testing procedures are necessary to ensure quality materials and construction techniques are provided to the Department NOTE For more information regarding the Department ? s Quality Assurance Program refer to Chapter ??Sampling and Testing ? of the Construction Manual TESTING PROJECT ACCEPTANCE TESTING Project acceptance testing ?eld testing is performed during the progress of construction on the materials to be permanently incorporated into the contract to ensure quality and consistency In addition some materials are accepted by the Department with submission of Certi ?cates of Compliance from the Contractor and or producer of the material or products listed on the Quali ?ed Products List QPL The Department is responsible for all acceptance testing with few exceptions These exceptions include the measurement of pavement smoothness and the measurement of retro-re ectivity for striping Project acceptance tests ?eld tests are performed by construction crew testers and or the Materials Division using the Synopsis of Materials Division Testing Manual for Field Testing or the Materials Division Testing Manual To determine which test method revision to use on a contract refer to the contract advertised date found in the e-bidding portal and use the test method revision dated on or before the contract advertised date Tests are to be conducted at the appropriate locations and times using methods as de ?ned in the speci ?cations The Materials Checklist Letter provided by the Materials Division identi ?es materials acceptance details for each contract The Acceptance Test Summary Sheet ATSS shows all known at the time of publication applicable minimum required tests needed for each contract Unforeseen changes to existing materials and or the addition of new materials requiring testing will need to be addressed by the Resident Engineer The Minimum Required Samples and Tests Project and Minimum Required Samples and Tests Independent Assurance IA list the minimum required frequencies for each material on each contract To determine which set of ??Project Testing Frequencies ? to use on a contract refer to the contract advertised date found in the e-bidding portal and

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