1 Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams Strategy Guide (Version 1.0)

1 Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams Strategy Guide (Version 1.0) By: Fuuya Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Legal Notice III. How to Play IV. Tips and Tricks V. Main Walkthrough 1. Reality and Fantasy 2. Trip to the Human Village 3. The Puppet Liberation Front 4. The Second Incident Case 5. A Trip to the Forest of Magic 6. Lost in the Bamboo Forest 7. Side Quest Section 1 8. The Mansion of the Scarlet Devil 9. Intruders in the Kappa Hideout 10. Side Quest Section 2 11. Scaling Youkai Mountain 12. Descent from Youkai Mountain 13. Side Quest Section 3 14. Journey to the Underground 15. Fanning the Flames 16. Battle for Gensokyo’s Future 17. The Garden of the Sun 18. Return to Myouren Temple 19. Journey to Another World 20. Pandemonium 21. Little Sister 2 22. Cherry Blossoms in the Netherworld 23. Side Quest Section 4 24. Old Enemies, New Friends 25. Inverted Castle in the Sky 26. Final Chapter: Truth Behind the Incident VI. New Game Plus Preparation VII. Spoiler-Free Walkthrough VIII. Useful Puppets Section IX. Special Thanks I. Introduction Hey hey, everyone! Welcome to my Strategy Guide for Touhou Puppet Dance Per- formance: Shard of Dreams, which will hereafter be shortened to TPDP: SoD for short. My name is Fuuya (Fuuya-151 from Reddit), and it’ll be my honor to walk you through the entirety of TPDP: SoD’s Main and Expansion Storylines. TPDP and its expansion, SoD, were both built from the ground up by FocasLens, which wanted to make a true Pokemon-esque game for the Touhou series. Up until TPDP came out, we had hacks of the earlier Pokemon games that replaced Poke- mon with Touhou characters; these games were pretty fun, but still seemed to be missing that special something which screamed you were playing a Touhou game. FocasLens decided to correct that, and built TPDP from the ground up, modeling the overworld maps based on the GBA Pokemon games, but completely redesign- ing the battle system and storyline to have a far more Touhou feel. As a result, TPDP really feels like you are playing a Touhou game, as you’re visiting various famous Gensokyo locales, meeting iconic characters, and, of course, catching Pup- pets based off of the Touhou characters to use in battle. For those that have played the base game, you know that it was pretty good, if a bit difficult and unpolished in spots. The Shard of Dreams expansion cleaned it up tre- mendously, keeping the best parts while altering the worst parts, and added addi- 3 tional areas to explore, an expansion storyline that runs concurrent to the base game’s storyline, additional Puppets to catch, more and tougher Puppeteers to bat- tle against, new Items to find, an additional type (Warped-type), and even an addi- tional Style for every base Puppet in the game (Extra Style). Rather than simply an expansion, you could think of it as a reimagining of TPDP. I personally think the changes were great and made a fun game into a stellar one; in fact, it’s become my favorite Pokemon game period, though I admit I’m a little biased. I wrote this walkthrough in the hopes of helping you get the most out of TPDP: SoD, regardless of whether you are a veteran to TPDP/ Pokemon games in general or if this is all new to you but you want to give it a shot. Either way, I promise you’ll get a lot of use out of this Strategy Guide, and hopefully have a lot of fun doing it. My biggest goal is that by the time you reach the end of the game, you’ll look back at your journey and feel a bit sad that it’s over, but happy that you decided to give this admittedly obscure game a shot. In short, I hope you fall in love with this game the way I have. II. Legal Notice Every official guide needs to have one, but I’ll keep this short and sweet. This Strategy Guide is only to be posted to the official TPDP wiki. Absolutely no part of it should appear elsewhere; I reserve the right to request that it be taken down should it be posted or hosted without my express permission. Yes, this means YOU. Of course, this Strategy Guide is copyright of myself, Fuuya. It has been written for the express use of the Touhou community, and is entirely free to read and enjoy. If you paid for this Strategy Guide in any way, you’ve been had. I will always be happy to provide a downloadable copy of this guide on request, as I understand the pain of living without Internet. Please contact me via my Reddit username, Fuuya-151, if you are interested in a copy. Please do not share the copy with others, and instead refer them to me if they are interested in a copy of their own. Again, I am always happy to provide a copy upon request. 4 III. How to Play As a Pokemon-esque game, TPDP: SoD is an easy game to learn, but a hard game to master. Veterans of Pokemon games or TPDP itself will probably find much of this section review, as it’s tailored towards new players. Feel free to briefly skim over it to find the few nuggets of information that could be of use to you, such as the Puppets Submenu and the Edit option. For all you new players out there, let’s start by looking at the controls. Directional Keys(↑↓←→) Moves your character in the world or your cursor in menus. Z Key Confirm/Talk/Examine X Key Cancel/Run (when held) C Key Bicycle/Display S Key Opens/Closes Menu A Key Menu Navigation Tab to Left (Tool, Puppet Box, Gap Map) D Key Menu Navigation Tab to Right (Bag, Puppet Box, Gap Map) Space Key Bicycle/Display Left Shift Key Sort Button (Bag, Puppet Box) Double-clicking with the Left Mouse Button enlarges the game window, double- clicking with the Right Mouse Button reduces it. As you can see, the controls are simple, leaving you ample time to focus on more important things, such as your character’s journey throughout Gensokyo. Your ul- timate goal in this game is to get to the bottom of the Puppet Incident, which caused a large number of magical Puppets (conveniently based on the various Tou- hou characters) to appear all over Gensokyo and start causing havoc. In order to accomplish this, you will need to become accustomed to using Puppets to protect yourself from the various dangers you’ll encounter during your investigation (in- cluding hungry Youkai who would love to have you as a snack!). There are three main skills that you will need to master in order to successfully 5 complete your journey: Overworld Travel, Menu Manipulation, and Combat. Let’s cover them in three brief segments. A. Overworld Travel It seems simple enough, but if you can’t navigate through Gensokyo, your journey won’t last very long...or perhaps it simply won’t end. Moving your character is as simple as using your Directional Keys to walk around. Naturally, you’ll find peo- ple to talk to, Items laying on the ground in the form of a red/white ball, and even Items hidden inside of dressers, cabinets, pots, trees, etc. To talk to people, grab an item, or search objects, simply press the Z Key. You’ll be traveling through a variety of locations, including forests, caves, towns, roads, and other locations, all of which are filled with Puppets to catch and Puppet- eers to battle. To find Puppets, find patches of tall grass and walk through them; a Puppet will soon jump out at you (covered later on in the Combat section). Puppet- eers come in many forms (Fairies, Youkai, Humans, etc.), and usually will chal- lenge you to a battle if they see you, though sometimes you’ll need to talk to them in order to initiate a fight. Should you wish to avoid battle, don’t walk directly in front of them (each Puppeteer has a different range at which they’ll spot you, but usually it is about half a screen or so). There will also be cases where your path is blocked, preventing you from advanc- ing. In the case a cart is blocking the road, it means you’ll need to advance the story in order to proceed; try talking to people and exploring the area for clues. Other times, you’ll find small trees or water blocking your path, at which point you’ll need to find the right tool to let you proceed. These are given through story events, meaning you’ll need to return there later to explore what lies beyond. These are often locations filled with new Puppeteers, Puppets, and Items, so don’t be afraid to backtrack! The Strategy Guide will always detail these optional areas in the Side Quest Sections. B. Menu Manipulation Want to change Puppets around? Perhaps use an item? Learn new Skills? All of these require you to use the Menu, accessed by uploads/Management/ touhou-puppet-dance-performance-shard-of-dreams-strategy-guide-version-1-0-pdf.pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 15, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 3.8802MB