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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The role of collaboration in the supply chain of the automotive industry in Morocco Le rôle de la collaboration dans la supply chain de l'industrie automobile au Maroc Article · August 2020 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3992224 CITATIONS 0 READS 106 2 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: agility View project What configuration of the supply chain should be designed and implemented in order to meet the demands of turbulent markets characterized by a highly customized (complex) product? View project Mohamed Hansali Université Hassan II de Casablanca 5 PUBLICATIONS 1 CITATION SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Mohamed Hansali on 21 August 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion ISSN : 2728- 0128 Volume 1 : Numéro 2 Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion Page 95 Le rôle de la collaboration dans la supply chain de l’industrie automobile au Maroc The role of collaboration in the supply chain of the automotive industry in Morocco HANSALI Mohamed Doctorant Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales Casablanca Université HASSAN II Casablanca Laboratoire de modélisation appliquée à l’économie et à la gestion Maroc GOURCH Abdelwahed Enseignant chercheur Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales Casablanca Université HASSAN II Casablanca Laboratoire de modélisation appliquée à l’économie et à la gestion Maroc Date de soumission : 10/07/2020 Date d’acceptation : 15/08/2020 Pour citer cet article : HANSALI M & GOURCH A. (2020) « Le rôle de la collaboration dans la supply chain de l’industrie automobile au Maroc », Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion «Volume 1 : Numéro 2» pp : 95 - 106 Digital Object Identifier : Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion ISSN : 2728- 0128 Volume 1 : Numéro 2 Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion Page 96 Résumé La compétitivité n’est plus désormais définie par le prix et la qualité seulement, mais aussi par le service ou autrement la disponibilité des produits sur le marché, un facteur essentiel qui s’ajoute aux autres facteurs de création de valeur et qui se justifie de plus en plus. Il reste néanmoins difficile de donner priorité au service au détriment de maîtrise des coûts et l’objectif se dresse alors ainsi : assurer une disponibilité des produits dans les marchés malgré leur turbulence sans impacter pour autant les coûts. Les pratiques collaboratives montrent à cet égard des résultats satisfaisants en assurant flexibilité et réactivité (performance opérationnelle) sans impacter sensiblement les coûts (performance des coûts). Le projet de recherche que nous menons porte sur les pratiques collaboratives d'apprentissage dans l'industrie automobile au Maroc, le sujet du présent article est de nous assurer de l'effet et des résultats de ces pratiques dans ce contexte. L'étude empirique montre que les pratiques collaboratives sont plus corrélées avec la performance opérationnelle que la performance des coûts. Mots clés : Supply chain collaboration ; Supply chain flexibility ; supply chain performance ; Marchés turbulents ; Étude d’impact. Abstract Competitiveness is no longer defined by price and quality alone, but also by service or otherwise the availability of products on the market, which is an essential factor in addition to the other factors of value creation and is becoming increasingly important. However, it is still difficult to give priority to service at the expense of cost control, and the objective is therefore to ensure the availability of products in the markets despite their turbulence without having a significant impact on costs. In this respect, collaborative practices show satisfying results by ensuring flexibility and responsiveness (operational performance) without significantly impacting costs (cost performance). The research project we are conducting focuses on collaborative practices for learning in the automotive industry in Morocco, but first we want to make sure of the effect and results of these practices in this context, which is the subject of this paper. The empirical study shows that collaborative practices are more correlated with operational performance than cost performance. Keywords : Supply chain collaboration ; Supply chain flexibility ; supply chain performance ; turbulent markets ; impact assessment. Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion ISSN : 2728- 0128 Volume 1 : Numéro 2 Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion Page 97 Introduction Despite the achievement of good levels of efficiency and cost control, supply chains may no longer retain a competitive advantage for long in turbulent markets. The search for responsiveness, flexibility and speed become paramount objectives that require an alignment of the stakeholders in the supply chain being the developed form of collaboration (Lee, 2004 ; Dwayne Whitten et al., 2012). Numerous studies show that collaboration makes it possible to gain in terms of flexibility, improvement of product quality, speed of design, production, delivery and sensitivity to the market (Stevens, 1989 ; Lambert and Cooper, 2000 ; Pagell, 2004 ; Sadler, 2007 ; Stevens and Johnson, 2016). But many companies use it only to reduce costs by, for example, passing on inventory to their suppliers. However, competition has made markets more turbulent than ever, pushing supply chains to give more priority to operational performance (flexibility, responsiveness, quality) than cost performance (Lee, 2004 ; Vázquez‐ Bustelo et al., 2007 ; Dwayne Whitten et al., 2012). The question our research answers is : what impact does collaboration have on operational and cost performance in the supply chain of automotive industry in Morocco ? To answer this question, we conducted an impact study using the PLS structural equation method. We discuss the concept and practice of collaboration and the different meanings it takes in research. The contribution of collaboration to flexibility, responsiveness and cost control in the supply chain is also clarified in the first section. The research model linking the elements of collaboration to operational and cost performance is developed in the second part. We highlight the research methodology in a third part. The evaluation of the external and internal model is then carried out. To conclude, we discuss the results obtained and future research projects. 1. Collaboration in the supply chain Supply chains need more flexibility, on-time delivery and quality control as markets become increasingly turbulent. Otherwise, supply chains find themselves with unsold products when demand falls and take a long time to regain full speed when demand recovers (Pimor and Fender, 2008). The need for integration is becoming more pressing and was initially aimed at reducing inventory, reducing costs and improving customer service (Stevens and Johnson, 2016). It should also be pointed out that integration is not only about information, but also about flow, process, knowledge and even strategy. This makes the concept somewhat broad and Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion ISSN : 2728- 0128 Volume 1 : Numéro 2 Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion Page 98 more or less ambiguous (Stevens and Johnson, 2016). However, some authors have tried to unpack and flatten it, such as (Fabbe-Costes, 2007), who specifies dimensions of integration : - Flows (physical, information and financial); - Processes and activities; - Systems and technologies, which are important components of the SCM; - Actors (i.e. organizations) commitment of resources However, the above dimensions are sometimes called coordination, cooperation or integration in the literature and which can all be included in collaboration. Collaboration - a broad concept and takes the form of different variants, namely: coordination, integration, cooperation - is subject to confusion and reveals an ambiguity in the literature (Barratt, 2004 ; Gligor and Holcomb, 2012). Some scholars and practitioners, however, clarify the terminology in order to make the concepts clearer. Gligor and Holcomb (2012) for example, argue that coordination is the alignment of actions, and cooperation is the alignment of interests. These two variants, which Barratt (2004), to distinguish them speaks of a low or very advanced level of collaboration that is achieved through integration; information sharing and coordination of processes. For this reason, we propose a figure whose purpose is to clarify even more clearly how the relationships between these concepts are: Figure N°1 : Relationship between collaboration, co-ordination and co-operation Source: Developed by us Often in the literature collaboration is presented as the backbone of supply chain management considering that the basis of this field is the search for global optimization and not disjoint Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion ISSN : 2728- 0128 Volume 1 : Numéro 2 Revue Française d’Economie et de Gestion Page 99 and local optimizations. Collaboration as a research question gains more space as companies tend to focus on their core business and outsource everything that does not fall within their specialty. However, companies seek to develop relationships with their subcontractors obtaining resources, knowledge and know-how being beyond their control (Cohen and Roussel, 2005). However, what hinders collaboration in its various aspects is that the supply chain perspective has redistributed inventories, hence costs in the supply chain (Ireland and Bruce, 2000). Large companies often impose on their main suppliers the costs of inventories keeping (Lee, 2004). Indeed, uploads/Management/6-lerledelacollaborationdanslasupplychaindelindustrieautomobileaumaroc.pdf
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