Gcse study guide GCSE - STUDY GUIDE CIntroduction As your daughter enters Year she makes a transition that moves from Key Stage KS where all subjects are compulsory into Key Stage KS where some subjects such as English and Maths are compulsory and others

GCSE - STUDY GUIDE CIntroduction As your daughter enters Year she makes a transition that moves from Key Stage KS where all subjects are compulsory into Key Stage KS where some subjects such as English and Maths are compulsory and others have been chosen through the Options Evening in Year At the end of KS pupils will take external examinations the results from which will give them the formal quali ?cations which will be required to continue onto A levels This booklet is aimed at the girls and parents alike to help clear the mists that can surround the start of GCSEs It aims to o ?er advice and guidance on the information you need to ?nd out from teachers how to manage your time For parents who understandably want the best for your child it will also o ?er some support about how to keep your daughter motivated and how you can help her From the start please be assured that if you have any questions regarding any subject you should contact the appropriate subject teacher head of department in the ?rst instance If you have any concerns pastorally please contact your daughter ? s form tutor Mrs Webb or Mrs Beck who will endeavour to clear things up as quickly as possible K ?? S Kelly cry gdst net N ?? B Nowitzke cry gdst net Mr Pickering ?? M Pickering cry gdst net Mr King ?? D King cry gdst net Mr Burnie ?? C Burnie cry gdst net Mrs Webb ?? E Webb cry gdst net Mrs Beck ?? S Beck cry gdsst net Your daughter is starting a very important two years of her education As well as enabling her to attain the highest grades possible in August we also hope to help her develop a strong sense of self-con ?dence in her ability to study and revise e ?ectively which will stay with her for the rest of her life CSubjects o ?ered follow either GCSE or IGCSE boards International GCSE IGCSE English Language CIE website link http www cie org uk programmes-and-quali ?cations cambridge-igcse-english- ?rstlanguage- CIE iGCSE English Literature http www cie org uk images - - -syllabus pdf Edexcel International GCSE Mathematics A http quali ?cations pearson com en quali ?cations edexcel- international-gcses-andedexcel-certi ?cates international-gcse-mathematics- a- html Edexcel IGCSE Biology https quali ?cations pearson com en quali ?cations edexcel-international-gcses-and-edexcelcerti ?cates international-gcse-biology- html IGCSE Chemistry https quali ?cations pearson com en quali ?cations edexcel-international-gcses- andedexcel-certi ?cates international-gcse-chemistry- html Edexcel IGCSE Physics - PH https quali ?cations pearson com en quali ?cations edexcel-international-gcses-and-edexcelcerti ?cates international-gcse-physics- html IGCSE French http quali ?cations pearson com en quali ?cations edexcel-international-gcses- andedexcel-certi ?cates international-gcse-french- html IGCSE Spanish - edexcel Speci ?cation https quali ?cations pearson com content dam pdf International GCS E Spanish speci ?cation-and-sample- assessments International-GCSE-SpanishSpeci ?cation pdf CIGCSE German https quali ?cations pearson com en quali ?cations edexcel- international-gcses-andedexcel-certi ?cates international-gcse- german- html Latin http eduqas co uk quali ?cations latin IGCSE Computer Science http www

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