Guide 2023 05 29T215303 283

Manuscript Format GeneralAll Manuscripts should be concisely written and should contain complete documentation of results Manuscripts must be written in English A typical manuscript will not exceed words including tables and references Authors should include a word count with their manuscript Manuscripts should be conformed to the following order title page abstract keywords main text acknowledgements references appendices as appropriate table s with caption s on individual pages ?gure caption s as a list Manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft MS Word and be typed in -point font size using Times New Roman Single line-spacing should be used throughout on one side of A paper Manuscript will not exceed words including tables and references Except for units ? measurement abbreviations are strongly discouraged The ?rst time an abbreviation appears it should be preceded by the words for which it stands TitleThis should contain the title of an article full names of authors and institutional a ?liation s If several authors and institutions are listed they should be clearly indicated with which department and institution each author is a ?liated Also address for correspondence including the name of corresponding author degree address institutional a ?liation city zip-code and country telephone and fax numbers and email address should be given The title should not exceed words and two lines AbstractThe abstract must be concise less than words and describe in paragraph concisely purpose methods important results and describe conclusion of the study but not repeat information already presented in the title Up to keywords should be listed at the bottom of abstract to be used as index terms The ?rst letter of each keyword should be capitalized IntroductionThe main purpose of the study and results achieved in the study should be described in a brief and concise style Authors should include background information that is related to the purpose but omit irrelevant information in the text Literature ReviewsThe purpose of the literature review is to analyze critically a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary classi ?cation and comparison of prior research studies reviews of literature and theoretical articles MethodsThe description must be detailed to allow the replication Procedures that have been published previously should not be described in detail However new or signi ?cant modi ?cations of previously published procedures need full descriptions Method of statistical analyses and criteria of signi ?cance level should be described ResultsThis part should be presented logically using text table and illustrations Excessive repetition of table or ?gure contents should be avoided At the end of results emphasize or summarize only important observations DiscussionsThe data should be interpreted concisely without repeating material already presented in the results section It should be considered the results in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the introduction This may include an evaluation of the methodology and of the relationship of new information to the knowledge in that ?eld ConclusionsConclusion should be clear to understand authors can combine the Conclusion and Discussion AcknowledgementsSpecify contributions for the article such as

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