Installation guide 34 DYNAMIC MULTIPHASE FLOW SIMULATOR OLGA Version Installation guide COLGA Installation guide Page i Copyright Notice Copyright ? Schlumberger All rights reserved This work contains the con ?dential and proprietary trade secrets of Schl

DYNAMIC MULTIPHASE FLOW SIMULATOR OLGA Version Installation guide COLGA Installation guide Page i Copyright Notice Copyright ? Schlumberger All rights reserved This work contains the con ?dential and proprietary trade secrets of Schlumberger and may not be copied or stored in an information retrieval system transferred used distributed translated or retransmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical in whole or in part without the express written permission of the copyright owner Trademarks Service Marks Schlumberger the Schlumberger logotype and other words or symbols used to identify the products and services described herein are either trademarks trade names or service marks of Schlumberger and its licensors or are the property of their respective owners These marks may not be copied imitated or used in whole or in part without the express prior written permission of Schlumberger In addition covers page headers custom graphics icons and other design elements may be service marks trademarks and or trade dress of Schlumberger and may not be copied imitated or used in whole or in part without the express prior written permission of Schlumberger Other company product and service names are the properties of their respective owners OLGA-S ROCX and ECLIPSE are marks of Schlumberger An asterisk is used throughout this document to designate other marks of Schlumberger Security Notice The software described herein is con ?gured to operate with at least the minimum speci ?cations set out by Schlumberger You are advised that such minimum speci ?cations are merely recommendations and not intended to be limiting to con ?gurations that may be used to operate the software Similarly you are advised that the software should be operated in a secure environment whether such software is operated across a network on a single system and or on a plurality of systems It is up to you to con ?gure and maintain your networks and or system s in a secure manner If you have further questions as to recommendations regarding recommended speci ?cations or security please feel free to contact your local Schlumberger representative COLGA Installation guide TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Security notice REQUIREMENTS Recommended hardware Screen resolution for OLGA GUI O ?cially supported platforms INSTALLATION OF OLGA Enable NET Framework in o ine mode Note on administrator privileges Uninstalling OLGA FLEXLM INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS Requirements Installation of FlexLM License con ?guration License Installation and Con ?guration for optional OLGA modules System info License ?les TCP IP Windows CREDITS Page ii COLGA Installation guide Page INTRODUCTION This document describes the installation of OLGA The OLGA program system installation comprises the following OLGA Engine dynamic multiphase ow simulator OLGA GUI graphical user interface OLGA Viewer Multiphase Toolkit OLGA Namespace Explorer License Manager OLGA-S OLGA-SDK OLGA Excel tool The following modules are also available but require additional licenses OLGA FEMTherm Viewer Mud Property Table Delivered by WFD OLGA ROCX Near-wellbore reservoir model Multi ash The installation also includes the following required Windows packages Microsoft Visual C Redistributable for Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft

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