Summary of the guide Short Summary of ??The Guide ? by R K Narayan The Guide is the most popular novel of R K Narayan It was published in and won the Sahitya Akademy Award for It has also been ?lmed and the ?lm has always drawn packed-houses It recounts t

Short Summary of ??The Guide ? by R K Narayan The Guide is the most popular novel of R K Narayan It was published in and won the Sahitya Akademy Award for It has also been ?lmed and the ?lm has always drawn packed-houses It recounts the adventures of a railway guide popularly known as ? Railway Raju ? As a tourist guide he is widely popular It is this profession which brings him in contact with Marco and his beautiful wife Rosie While the husband is busy with his archaeological studies Raju seduces his wife and has a good time with her Ultimately Marco comes to know of her a ?air with Raju and goes away to Madras leaving Rosie behind Rosie comes and stays with Raju in his one-room house His mother tolerates her for some time but when things become unbearable she calls her brother and goes away with him leaving Raju to look after Rosie and the house Rosie is a born dancer she practices regularly and soon Raju ?nds an opening for her In her very ?rst appearance she is a grand success Soon she is very much in demand and their earnings increase enormously Raju lives lavishly entertains a large number of friends with whom he drinks and gambles All goes well till Raju forges Rosie ? s signatures to obtain valuable jewellery lying with her husband The act lands him in jail Rosie leaves Malgudi and goes away to Madras her hometown She goes on with her dancing and does well without the help and management of Raju of which he was so proud On release from jail Raju takes shelter in a deserted temple on the banks of the river Sarayu a few miles away from Malgudi and close to the village called Mangla The simple villagers take him to be a Mahatma begin to worship him and bring him a lot of eatables as presents Raju is quite comfortable and performs the role of a saint to perfection However soon there is a severe famine drought and the villagers expect Raju to perform some miracle to bring them rain So he has to undertake a fast The fast attracts much attention and people come to have darshan of the Mahatma from far and wide On the twelfth day of the fast Raju falls down exhausted just as there are signs of rain on the distant horizon It is not certain if he is actually dead or merely fainted Thus the novel comers to an abrupt close on a note of ambiguity The last pages of Narayan ? s best novel The Guide ?nd Raju the chief protagonist at the end of a lifetime of insincerity and pain As a professional guide to Malgudi ? s environs he invented whole new historical pasts for bored tourists he seduced a married woman drifted away from his old mother and friends became a ashy cultural promoter and then tried absentmindedly to steal and was

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