Amos user guide AMOS Business Suite M P version User Guide Revision April CDocumentation Copyright and Disclaimer Copyright Copyright E SpecTec AS Lysaker Norway World rights reserved No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system transmi
AMOS Business Suite M P version User Guide Revision April CDocumentation Copyright and Disclaimer Copyright Copyright E SpecTec AS Lysaker Norway World rights reserved No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system transmitted or reproduced in any way including but not limited to photocopy photography magnetic or other record without the prior agreement and written permission from SpecTec AS Documentation o ?ce Furthermore unless speci ?cally stated in the Software Purchase Agreement duly signed by both SpecTec AS and the user the user will not distribute reproduce or allow access to by a third party this documentation without the prior written approval from SpecTec AS Documentation o ?ce Whenever an authorised copy is made of all or any part of the documentation all titles copyright notices patent notices or other proprietary markings must also be reproduced in full and included with the copied product The User shall not alter or remove any copyright notices patent notices or other proprietary markings a ?xed to or distributed throughout the documentation Disclaimer SpecTec AS makes every e ?ort to ensure the information contained in this document is correct at the time of printing However as products of SpecTec AS are constantly being updated and maintained discrepancies may arise from time to time between this documentation and the Product to which it applies SpecTec AS makes no representations or warranties regarding the content or accuracy of the documentation and speci ?cally disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability of ?tness for any particular purpose Furthermore SpecTec AS reserves the right to make documentation changes from time to time in regards to style layout and content without any obligation by SpecTec AS to notify any person of such changes or provide users with updated documentation revisions Trademarks All brand and product names to be found in this document or the product to which it applies are trademarks of their respective companies ii CTable of Contents Chapter General Information Who Should Read the User Guide How This User Guide is Organised Related Documentation Chapter Introduction to AMOS M P Working with AMOS at a Local Installation Work With AMOS at the Head O ?ce Chapter Using AMOS Business Suite How to Start AMOS Business Suite Why do I Have to Logon The Windows in AMOS Customise Toolbars Active Window Refresh The Dashboard Alerts Overview Noti ?cations Dashboard Appearance Customisation Installations and Departments Switching Departments Filters What is a Filter Look- up Filters Searching Inside a Window Sorting Calender Facility The Right- Click Menus The Text Editing Right- Click Menu The Window Right- Click Menu How To Print Saving Data and Closing a Window Exiting AMOS Business Suite The Database Help Navigating Through the Help File Moving the Help Window Resizing the Help Window Chapter Maintenance How Does AMOS M P Plan Maintenance for Me iii C It All Begins With Components Component Types The Components Window Components and Counters Components and Measure Points Jobs are Regular Maintenance on Components Related Jobs Reserving Parts
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jul 15, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 421.8kB