STRM028 – Postgraduate Business and Economics Dissertation and Research Methods

STRM028 – Postgraduate Business and Economics Dissertation and Research Methods Module FULL-TIME STUDENT STUDY GUIDE, Stafford 2014/15 Linda Coles STRM028 Dissertation and Research Methods Module - Overview This guide is designed to give students an overview of the independent research and related research methods skills training programme offered across Northampton Business School at taught postgraduate level (level 7). The module is set out flexibly, so as to reflect the different types of research project which students may choose to undertake - conceptual, applied or work-related - and also to reflect the contrasting research paradigms that may be followed. Overall aim(s) for the module To provide the student with the opportunity to: i) Acquire a grounding in taught postgraduate level (level 7) approaches to research, and related research skills ii) Carry out a sustained, independent research project, involving an individual piece of conceptual, applied or work-related research, culminating in the writing of a dissertation or project report of approximately 16,000-18,000 words. Learning outcomes On successful completion of the module, students will be able to: Knowledge and Understanding a) Engage actively and successfully with a programme of training in approaches to research, and related research skills, involving generic and field-specific elements b) Demonstrate the ability to plan, design and implement an individual piece of conceptual, applied or work-related research, involving the synthesis of theory and practice, the contextualisation of the chosen topic in the literature and the selection of appropriate research methodologies and methods of data collection and analysis c) Produce a substantial account of the research study that is consistent with the chosen type of research Subject-specific Skills d) Formulate an academically rigorous and practically feasible research proposal, setting out the detailed parameters for the proposed independent research project e) Carry out an independent piece of conceptual, applied or work-related research, synthesising theory with practice in the chosen field, and making use of a conceptual framework based on the relevant academic literature and other appropriate sources of secondary data f) Construct and use a research instrument, such as a survey, to collect primary and/or secondary data, and apply appropriate methods of data collection and data analysis in order to make comprehensive and 2 appropriately focused responses to the research questions / issues / problems identified g) Write a well defined and structured narrative account discussing the design, conduct and outcomes of the research project, in the form of a conceptual, applied or work-related research based dissertation or project report Key Skills h) Manage a prolonged course of independent research and related study in an orderly and effective manner, demonstrating the enhancement of academic knowledge, intellectual and work-related skills gained through completing the module successfully i) Make discriminating use of learning and information technology resources, in order to locate, collect, analyse and interpret quantitative and qualitative information, define and solve problems in a selective and critical manner, and challenge and critique accepted wisdom and methodologies in the chosen research field j) Communicate the solutions arrived at, and the thinking underlying them, in verbal and written form. Content of module: The module comprises two main elements: (i) Research methods training (ii) Dissertation or project report Research methods training Full- time programmes The approach will comprise a series of lectures, typically 1 hour in length, in which students will be provided, on a cross-school basis, with an introduction to generic research principles, approaches and options. A complementary series of field-based seminars and / or workshops will also be offered, reflecting the diverse research traditions, approaches, methodologies and methods appropriate to taught postgraduate (level 7) students located in the constituent fields comprising NBS. Part-time programmes The approach will comprise a series of lectures, typically 2 to 3 hours in length, in which students will be provided with an introduction to generic research principles, approaches and options, linked to training in field-specific research traditions, approaches, methodologies and methods. Distance Learning programmes 3 Distance learning students will be supported by means of an NBS-Nile site, and an essential textbook (where appropriate). This material will include an introduction to generic research principles, approaches and options, linked to training in field-specific research traditions, approaches, methodologies and methods. Integrated into the learning scheme will also be a number of self assessment exercises and resources together with student-tutor links via the internet. A face to face workshop will also be held, helping students to achieve the appropriate level of understanding expected, and provide explanations for the module assignment. Students will be allocated a NBS supervisor. Dissertation working Working initially from their research proposals, students will be given access to individual and group support from specialist supervisors located within their various fields of independent research study, with a view to facilitating the design and implementation of their research projects and their writing up in conceptual, applied and work-related dissertation / project report form. Suggested module study hours Lectures and seminars/workshops 20 Student workshop follow-up 42 Preparation of research proposal/assessment 40 Individual supervision -nbs 8 Literature Review 100 Data collection 90 Data analysis 100 Writing-up 200 600 Module engagement and formative feedback A staged approach to student engagement and progression with the module is to be followed, reflecting the successive milestones passed during a student's independent research journey, from (i) attending the research skills workshop classes, to (ii) putting forward a draft research topic, to (iii) making contact and engaging with supervisors, to (iv) scoping an academically rigorous and feasible research proposal, to (v) completing a draft literature review chapter, to (vi) completing a draft research methodology and methods chapter, to (vii) completing and submitting the final dissertation or project report. Formative assessment will be provided at each intermediate stage in the journey, reflecting the achievement of learning outcomes in relation to stated assessment criteria. This assessment strategy will provide the basis for a holistic and ongoing assessment of students' developing, independent research-related capabilities throughout the course of their module-related studies, providing students with formative as well as summative feedback until the dissertation is completed. Students will be required to demonstrate an ability to map out their research through the research proposal, together with an ability to build a conceptual 4 framework based on the literature and to identify, defend and implement an appropriate research methodology and design, based on good research practice. The writing of the completed dissertation or project report will provide a well- established test of their ability to conduct in-depth, independent and focused research and to present that research in ways consistent with good scholarship in their chosen field of study. Students will also be expected to provide regular evidence of progress by the timely submission of the component assignments through which the module is assessed. Students will also be expected to maintain regular contact with their supervisors, throughout the period from the latter's appointment to the submission of the final dissertation or project report, in order to help an assessment to be made of their progress towards the completion of their independent research project, and of the authenticity of the work carried out and presented for assessment. As a quality assurance measure, students who do not maintain regular contact with their supervisors and provide regular evidence of progress may be required to attend a viva-voce examination following the submission of their final dissertation or project reports. 5 Assessment Assessment Items Weighting Learning Outcomes Final dissertation Or project report (approximately 16,000- 18,000 words) 100% a-j inclusive Assessment criteria The assessment criteria will need to vary according to the modes of research that students pursue. The general criteria below will need to be weighted accordingly for any particular dissertation:  The study is justified in terms of academic theory and business / management practice  Logical / feasible rationale, aims and objectives are provided  A clear conceptual framework is provided and clear research questions and /or hypotheses are articulated, linked to the literature in the field  Research methodology and methods appropriate to the research question / problem / issue examined are selected and are clearly justified  The final dissertation / project report structure follows conventions in the field  The dissertation or project report contains a logical narrative  The dissertation or project report contains evidence of significant critical analysis and evaluation  The presentation of text and data reflects taught postgraduate (level 7) scholarship and rigour. Students will also be expected to provide regular evidence of progress by the timely submission of the component assignments through which the module is assessed. Students will also be expected to maintain regular contact with their supervisors, throughout the period from the latter's appointment to the submission of the final dissertation or project report, in order to help an assessment to be made of their progress towards the completion of their independent research project, and of the authenticity of the work carried out and presented for assessment. 6 Assignment submission Two hard copies of your final dissertation or report must be submitted to the Student Assignment Office, Park Campus, The University of Northampton together with an electronic copy (submitted uploads/Philosophie/ study-guide-handbook.pdf

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