Les différentes parties d’un article scientifique Christian Leduc IRD, UMR G-EA
Les différentes parties d’un article scientifique Christian Leduc IRD, UMR G-EAU christian.leduc@ird.fr INAT Tunis septembre 2019 Une structure normalisée, IMRaD Biblio Titre Résumé Mots clefs Question de recherche Contexte et justification de l'étude Revue de la littérature scientifique Comment répondre à la question : les données, leurs limites les méthodes, leurs limites Découvertes importantes Explications des résultats Introduction Matériel et méthodes Résultats Discussion Conclusion Critique et mise en perspective des résultats Limites éventuelles Eventuels futurs développements consensus interprétation Forme IMRaD très robuste (exceptionnellement remise en cause) doit marquer une progression dans l'exposé (Eric Lichtfouse, 2009) Une structure normalisée, IMRaD tout l'article guide vers la conclusion Titre Doit indiquer le sujet principal être court et efficace (un nombre maximal de mots peut être imposé par la revue) être compréhensible insister sur la nouveauté être cohérent avec le résumé, la conclusion Elément essentiel pour attirer les réviseurs de l'article lors de la soumission le lecteur potentiel après publication Par exemple poser une question remettre en cause une hypothèse courante proposer une nouvelle explication Titre 1. Aspects of the geology and groundwater conditions of XX, YY 2. Geochemical and qualitative assessment of groundwater of the YY watershed, NW XX 3. La mise en valeur hydro-agricole et l’efficience de l’utilisation de l’eau d’irrigation. Cas du périmètre de YY (NE XX) 4. La petite irrigation par les eaux souterraines, solution durable contre la pauvreté et les crises alimentaires en milieu rural au YY ? fait craindre du purement descriptif et du très local éveille l'intérêt 5. Advances in understanding river‐groundwater interactions 6. Resuspension of sediment, a new approach for remediation of contaminated sediment 7. Keratin made micro-tubes: The paradoxical thermal behavior of cortex and cuticle annonce de l'innovation Résumé le résumé n'est pas l'introduction ! Accompagne et complète le titre Elément aussi essentiel pour convaincre de l'intérêt du document Sens évident sans besoin de lire l'article Longueur souvent imposée par la revue Déroulé obligatoire de tous les éléments essentiels de l'article Question scientifique et contexte Objectifs Méthodes Résultats principaux Conclusion et éventuelles perspectives Rédaction après l'achèvement de l'article Pas de référence biblio, pas d'abréviation Highlights Résumé Retrouvez-vous les différentes parties ? a) Question scientifique et contexte b) Objectifs c) Méthodes d) Résultats principaux e) Conclusion et perspectives 1 We investigate complex surface deformation within the Los Angeles Coastal Basin due to groundwater withdrawal and subsequent aquifer compaction/expansion. 2 We analyze an 18 year interferometric synthetic aperture radar time series of 881 interferograms in conjunction with global positioning system data within the groundwater basin. 3 The large data set required the development of a distributed time series analysis framework able to automatically decompose the time series into short-term and long-term signals. 4 We find that short-term, seasonal oscillations of ground elevations due to annual groundwater withdrawal and recharge are unsteady due to changes in seasonal withdrawal. 5 The spatial pattern of seasonal ground deformation near the center of the basin corresponds to a diffusion process with peak deformation occurring at locations with highest groundwater production. 6 Long-term signals occur over broader areas and are ultimately caused by long-term changes in groundwater production. 7 Comparison of the geodetic data with hydraulic head data suggests that different regions of the groundwater system are responsible for different temporal components in the observed ground deformation. 8 Short-term, seasonal ground deformation is caused by compaction of shallower aquifers used for the majority of groundwater production whereas long-term ground deformation is correlated with delayed compaction of deeper aquifers and potential compressible clay layers. 9 These results demonstrate the potential for geodetic analysis to be an important tool for groundwater management to maintain sustainable pumping practices. Résumé Retrouvez-vous les différentes parties ? a) Question scientifique et contexte b) Objectifs c) Méthodes d) Résultats principaux e) Conclusion et perspectives 1 In recent years, West Africa has witnessed an increasing number of damaging floods that raise the question of a possible intensification of the hydrological hazards in the region. 2 The evolution of extreme floods is analyzed over the period 1950–2015 for seven tributaries of the Senegal River and four data sets of the Niger River basin. 3 Non-stationary Generalized Extreme Value (NS-GEV) distributions including twelve models with time-dependent parameters plus a stationary GEV are applied to annual maxima of daily discharge (AMAX) series. 4 An original methodology is proposed for comparing GEV models. 5 The stationary GEV is rejected for all stations, demonstrating the significant non-stationarity of extreme discharge values in West Africa over the past six decades. The model of best fit most commonly selected is a double-linear model. 6 Change points in double- linear models are relatively consistent for the Senegal basin, with stations switching from a decreasing streamflow trend to an increasing streamflow trend in the early 1980s. 7 In the Niger basin the trend in is generally positive since the 1970s with an increase in slope after the change point, but the change point location is less consistent. 8 The recent increasing trends in extreme discharges are reflected in an especially marked increase in return level magnitudes since the 1980s in the studied Sahelian rivers. 9 The rate of the increase raises urgent considerations for stakeholders and engineers who are in charge of river basin management and hydraulic works sizing. Highlights Plus court que le résumé Plus précis que les mots-clefs Très exigeant en efficacité de rédaction Très efficace pour ne pas dévier du thème principal Ex. pour un article sur "Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the urban aquifer of Zaragoza (Spain) in connection with geothermal exploitation" : • Emerging contaminants’ reactivity induced by groundwater heat pumps is evaluated. • 42 compounds were analyzed from 31 groundwater samples at a city scale. • Heat plumes are involved in the degradation-transformation of emerging contaminants. • Geothermal activity participates indirectly in the emerging contaminants’ prevalence. on doit y retrouver les mots-clefs et les principaux éléments du titre Mots-clefs Deux usages décrire le contenu de l'article chercher les articles pertinents Essentiels dans le passé pour rechercher un article en référence ou non à des thésaurus Moins important aujourd'hui indexation des articles sur le titre et le résumé, voire le contenu intégral mais reste une aide rapide au déchiffrage du contenu certaines revues ne les indiquent plus Nombre limité pas plus d'un mot-clef géographique éviter les redondances éviter les termes trop vagues ou trop spécifiques cohérence avec le titre (répétition vs. synonymes) si besoin s'inspirer des mots clefs d'articles proches Mots-clefs Quels mots-clefs associer à ce résumé ? Significant human alteration of the Earth system is connected to fossil fuel consumption coinciding with the Industrial Revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, or global change resulting from the "Great Acceleration" following the Second World War. Although evidence for earlier, anthropogenically-driven environmental changes are acknowledged, they are seen as qualitatively different. This perspective is also prevalent in conservation and ecological discussions of human impacts on tropical forests. A growing body of archaeological and historical evidence demonstrates, however, that humans influenced physical, chemical, and biological systems through large regions of tropical forest starting as early as 45,000 years ago. This evidence challenges the idea, prevalent in global scenarios of anthropogenic land cover change, that human influence on tropical forests was limited until the colonial or industrial era. This paper reviews the role of tropical forests in the Earth system and, through a synthesis of archaeological data, critiques the prevailing view of anthropogenic influence on tropical forests in the pre-industrial world. We suggest that any definition of the anthropocene should account for the long history of human modifications to tropical forests. Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental research in these ecosystems is also critical to the broader debates in the social and natural sciences around the onset and utility of the anthropocene concept, and the potential for long-term, sustainable occupation of tropical forest environments. Archaeology - Anthropocene - Palaeoenvironment - Landuse - Palaeoecology Mots-clefs Quels mots-clefs associer à ce résumé ? Crop yield estimation in many developing countries depends on conventional techniques of data collection and ground-based field reports. However, these methods are costly, time consuming, and prone to large errors because of incomplete ground observations, thus resulting in poor crop yield assessments. Moreover, the information usually becomes available too late for appropriate actions to be taken to avert food shortages and related problems. The goals of this research were to develop an information system that supports crop yield forecasting of major agricultural commodities in Ethiopia and to improve the accuracy and spatial and temporal limitations of existing systems. We conducted a ground survey to measure the actual yields of selected major crops (teff, maize, wheat, and rice). We also used Sentinel-2 satellite data. Three indexes were produced and correlated with ground measured crop yields. Two of the three indexes were significantly positively correlated with yield for three of the four crops. Maize yield fit best with the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and EVI were the best fits (both R2 = 0.88; P < 0.01) for wheat yield, and teff yield was most strongly correlated uploads/Science et Technologie/ 2019-2-les-parties-d-x27-un-article 1 .pdf
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