EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 1 Edureka 2019 Tech Career Guide CYBERSECURITY A report by Edureka YOUR PERSONALIZED ROAD-MAP TO A CAREER PATH IN ABOUT EDUREKA Edureka is a global e-learning platform for live, instructor-led training in trending technologies. We offer short term courses supported by online resources, along with 24x7 lifetime support. We have an unwavering commitment to help working professionals keep up with emerging technologies. With an existing learner community in more than 100 countries, Edureka’s vision is to make learning easy, interesting, affordable and accessible to millions of learners across the globe. Find Out More at DevOps PYTHON CLOUD COMPUTING BIG DATA MACHINE LEARNING MASTERS PROGRAM MASTERS PROGRAM MASTERS PROGRAM CERTIFICATION TRAINING CHECK OUT ALL COURSES MASTERS PROGRAM Introduction 4 Trending technologies of 2019 5 Motivation for career upgrade 6, 7 Cybersecurity Analyst / Engineer career path 8 Cybersecurity industry outlook & career opportunities 9,10 Cybersecurity Analyst / Engineer learning path 11 Conclusion 12 Table of Contents EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 4 2019 is going to be a momentous year for the technology industry. While there is a looming fear of automation eating away jobs, the job forecast looks bright with most large companies looking to grow their ranks this year. This is a welcome change from the bleak IT jobs forecast the last few years. Futuristic technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, RPA, etc. are finding widespread applications in the real-world, not just by startups in experimental projects, but even by multinational information technology companies. Ironically, this positive job outlook is juxtaposed with a rearing skill gap in the technologies that are forecasted to lead job creation in the coming years. The technology industry is filled with anecdotes of emerging technology jobs lying vacant while the vast majority of applicants are knocking on employers’ doors with a desire to bag the emerging tech jobs but with redundant skill sets. Applicants dream of job titles and careers in future technologies such as Big Data, Cloud, AI and Data Science but do not know how to achieve them. To bridge this skill gap, the 2019 edition of the Edureka career guide not only lists the cutting-edge technologies that are expected to lead job creation in 2019 but also shares the exact learning path that job aspirants can follow to bag their dream jobs in these future technologies. The Edureka Tech Career Guide 2019 is a one of a kind career path guide that gives technology professionals customized learning paths for in-demand technologies, namely, Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Blockchain and Cybersecurity. The career guide also touches upon industry outlook, job trends, salaries, and learning hours for these technologies in addition to sharing findings of a survey on the most-sought after technology jobs this year. INTRODUCTION EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 5 2019 began with a number of industry and career portals announcing survey results listing the most popular technologies in 2019 and their job outlook. We decided to test the sentiment on the ground and asked technology professionals spread across the globe, which job titles they aspire to land in the future. Around 500 technology professionals in various stages of their career answered our survey, and based on the results, these are the most-sought after technology jobs of 2019 as chosen by technology professionals. AI / MACHINE LEARNING ENGINEER HADOOP DEVELOPER / ADMIN DATA SCIENTIST DEVOPS ENGINEER CLOUD ARCHITECT BLOCKCHAIN ENGINEER BIG DATA ARCHITECT CYBERSECURITY ENGINEER TRENDING TECHNOLOGIES OF 2019 EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 6 Before laying out the career paths for each sought-after technology job roles, let’s try and understand the motivations of technology professionals to seek these job titles. Our survey results showed that the primary motivation to seek jobs in future technologies is improving the quality of their work and projects. Getting promoted to a better position at work and bagging a bigger paycheck are the other prominent reasons techies said influenced their desire to upgrade to in-demand technology careers. Natural progression from their current roles, fear of redundancy, influence by peers were also quoted as reasons by technology professionals to move to in-demand technologies. We also asked the survey participants whether they knew how to bag the jobs that they were aspiring for. While a little more than 51% of them said that they don’t know how to bag their dream job, 48.6% said they do know how to bag the job they were aspiring for. This is reflective of the IT industry where every technology professional wants a lucrative and rewarding job profile in a trending technology but more than half of them do not know how to achieve it. But, when the question came to skills to match the jobs the professionals were aspiring for, the survey results had a different albeit interesting story to tell. - Only 13.8% of the surveyed technology professionals said they were skill-ready for their dream job. MOTIVATION FOR CAREER UPGRADE DON’T KNOW HOW 51.4% KNOW HOW TO 48.6% Motivation for career upgrade Do they know how to bag their dream job? QUALITY OF WORK NATURAL PROGRESSION FEAR OF REDUNDANCY PEERS PAY POSITION 41.6% 14% 07% 2.2% 15.1% 20.1% EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 7 CURRENTLY UP-SKILLING 69.6% SKILL READY FOR DREAM JOB 13.8% NOT SKILL READY 16.5% Significantly, majority of those who said that they know how to achieve the jobs they were aspiring for, have already up-skilled for it or are in the process of up-skilling. So up-skilling clearly plays a major role in knowing the learning path to ones dream career. Up-skilling with future skills is no longer a choice for today’s technology professional and in fact, a previous skill report by Edureka stated that a tech professional needs to up-skill 15-20 times in their career if they wish to stay relevant in today’s competitive and ever-evolving IT industry. Professionals from all industries and experience levels are feeling the need to up-skill and expert-curated information - on which technologies to master, tools to learn and the correct learning path to follow - can go a long way in helping them up-skill for their dream jobs in a structured way. The Edureka Tech Career Guide 2019 aims to provide this information by serving as a handy guide to those technology professionals who do not know the learning path to their dream career. It also aims to provide the recommended learning path to those who have already started their learning journey and provide course correction if needed. 64% 76% 26% 07% 06% 18% DON’T KNOW HOW TO BAG JOB KNOW HOW TO BAG JOB BUT UP-SKILLING NOT SKILL READY SKILL READY Are professionals skill-ready for their dream job? Skills Vs knowing how to bag their dream jobs - 16.5% of them said that they felt they were not skill-ready for the job they were aspiring for. - But, what’s more interesting is the fact that 69.6% of the survey participants said they were currently up-skilling for the job of their dreams. We can safely conclude that awareness about the need to up-skill for jobs of the future is high enough among the IT workforce but they are lacking a clear roadmap and learning path to the jobs of their future as can be inferred from the previous chart . EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 8 EDUREKA TECH JOBS NAVIGATOR 2019 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 8 EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 9 By 2019, the world will require USD 248.26 billion by 2023 6 million cyber security experts The global cybersecurity market size is projected to reach Every year in the U.S., 40,000 information security analyst jobs go unfilled & employers struggle to fill 200,000 other cyber- security related roles - Symantec & Cisco - Markets & Markets *Source CyberSeek Some of the companies that are hiring for Cybersecurity Analysts / Architects Cybersecurity has emerged as one of the hottest technologies to upskill in 2019 as industries across the spectrum look to protect their digital data from cyber threats. In times when our world revolves around digital presence and data, cyber crimes have not only increased but become bolder every passing year. Consumers and in turn organizations have woken up to these vulnerabilities and have been actively working towards bolstering their cyber security. This has led to a never-before-seen demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals who can help organizations prevent data theft, system compromise and other security breaches. Even the public and government sectors are offering attractive packages for skilled cyber security professionals. But, there’s a serious dearth of professionals who can fill these roles and consequently there are hundreds of jobs lying vacant. In such a scenario, the career prospects for skilled Cybersecurity professionals looks brighter than ever. CYBERSECURITY INDUSTRY OUTLOOK & OPPORTUNITIES EDUREKA 2019 TECH CAREER GUIDE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / MACHINE LEARNING 10 CYBERSECURITY uploads/Science et Technologie/ cybersecurity-guide-2014.pdf

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