1 National Children’s Science Congress 2016-2017 Focal Theme: Science, Technolo
1 National Children’s Science Congress 2016-2017 Focal Theme: Science, Technology and Innovation for SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT : A focus on Accessibility for persons with disabilities ACTIVITY GUIDE A Programme of Department of Science and Technology Government of India Catalysed & Supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110 016 Published by Gujarat Council on Science & Technology (GUJCOST) Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of Gujarat 2 Block B, 7th Floor, M S Building, Sector 11, Gandhinagar – 382011, Gujarat, India NCSC Themes covered so far 1993 Know Your Environment 1994 & 1995 Clean-Up-India 1996 & 1997 India is our Dream Let's go for it 1998 & 1999 Nature Let's Care, Share & Conserve 2000 & 2001 Indigenous Scientific Knowledge for a better tomorrow 2002 & 2003 Food System towards nutrition for all 2004 & 2005 Harness Water Resources for our Future 2006 & 2007 Biodiversity: Nurture Nature for our Future 2008 & 2009 Planet Earth: Explore, Share and Conserve 2010 & 2011 Land Resources: Use for Prosperity, Save for Posterity 2012 & 2013 Energy: Explore, Harness and Conserve 2014 & 2015 Understanding Weather and Climate 2016 & 2017 Science, Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development 3 National Children’s Science Congress 2016-2017 Activity Guide Book Published by Gujarat Council of Science & Technology (GUJCOST) Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat Block B, 7th Floor, M S Building, Sector 11, Gandhinagar – 382011 Gujarat, India Catalysed and Supported by National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of India Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, NEW DELHI-110 016 Email: ujjwala@nic.in Telephone: 011-26535564/ 226590251. 4 This resource material compiled in this publication was developed during the Brainstorming Workshop held at Gujarat Science City, Ahmedabad during 21st – 24th Nov, 2015. Core Working Group for Activity Guide Book development. Advisor Dr. B. P. Singh, Head & Advisor, NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India National Coordinator, NCSC Programme Dr. Ujjwala Tirkey, Scientist, F, NCSTC, DST. Govt. of India. Working Group: Dr. Narottam Sahoo (Coordinator) Prof. H. C. Pradhan Dr. R. Gopichandran Er. Anuj Sinha Mr. T. P. Raghunath Shri B. K. Tyagi Dr. Pulin Behari Chakraborty Mr. Jayanta Kumar Sarma Prof. E. Kunhikrishnan, Dr. Lalit Sharma Er. U. N. Ravikumar Dr. P. Pramod Dr. Hemant Pande Dr. Bharat J Pathank, IFS Dr. Sudipto Chatterjee Dr. Swapan Kumar Shri Kathan Kothari Dr. Mani Subramaniam Dr. Satyendra N Bhandari Designed and Illustrated by: GUJCOST 5 FOREWORD National Children Science Congress (NCSC) prompts children to ponder upon some significant societal problem, think over its causes and subsequently try and solve the same using the scientific process. This involve close and keen observation, raising pertinent questions, building models, predicting solutions on basis of models, trying out various possible alternatives and arriving at an optimum solution using experimentation, field work, research and innovative ideas. NCSC encourages a sense of discovery of child scientists. National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) aspire to popularise S&T among school students by exhibitions and demonstrations, training of resource persons particularly teachers, field projects etc. NCSC encourages children to observe, explore, experiment and wonder through a project activity and its associated ways of participation and evaluation rightly takes care of the guiding principles of next generation science learning. The NCSC is unique programme that motivates children in the age group of 10-17 years, to take-up scientific research on local specific issues of their choice under broad themes, instead of imposing issues on them. NCSC programme is an activity towards promoting congenial team work, correlating science with everyday life situations. The focal themeof NCSC for the year 2016 and 2017 has been finalized as "Science, Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development". This has been very inspiring and engaging among children and the community, linking the socially relevant current research issue with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The Activity Guide Book on this broad theme and sub-themes will be distributed widely among the organising and technical coordinators and guide teachers which will help them throughout the programme. Competition and recognition of merit is introduced at district, state and national level. My best wishes to all of the Child Scientists and the teachers. New Delhi (Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh) Scientist ‘G/ Head (NCSTC) Dated: 6 A Note from National Programme Coordinator Ms. Ujjwala Tripti Tirkey Scientist ‘F/ Director, NCSTC & National Programme Coordinator. The National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) is flagship programme initiated in 1993 has reached to 23 years with its great success. It is organised nationally every year from December 27-31. It is forum for 10-17 years age children from urban/ rural area of different state. NCSC programme is not necessarily a school-based programme but it is open to all non-formal systems of education besides out of school and disabled children. NCSC programme is not only limited to Government, Private and Public school but also extended to Kendriya Vidhyalaya Sangathan and Navodaya Vidhyalaya Samiti. All over the country about a million children take part in this unique event every year, from which about 650 projects come to national level. This programme is become popular in ASEAN countries with their participation by delegates. NCSC programme has covered the topics like Environment, Nutrition, Clean-up India, Water Resources, Biodiversity, Land Resources, Energy, Weather and Climate during its 23 years of great success and also grow up with innovative ideas of Child scientist through their innovative Project work on a variety of highly relevant local issues of above topics. NCSC has announced “Science, Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development” as a focal theme for the year 2016 & 2017 with an expectation that the child scientist will be introduced to inquiry based learning approaches in project mode. Sustainable development (SD) is a process for meeting human development goals while maintaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. We are planning to engage child scientist and our teachers to work on Sustainable development goals to become change maker and to change their future. The Activity Guide Book on (Science, Technology & Innovation for Sustainable Development as a focal theme for the year 2016 & 2017) is brought out with the great efforts of the Experts, Resource Persons, State Academic Coordinator and further involvement State Resource Person involved in the brainstorming session and participated in the National Orientation Workshop. We hope that the Activity Guide Book will help the State and District Coordinators, Resource Persons, Teachers Guide and Evaluators to carry out the activity, resulting the valuable and potential project ideas that come up in different level of NCSC. Any suggestion with regard to improvement in the Activity Guide Book is always welcome. My best compliments to all child scientists and heir guide teachers. New Delhi (Ms. Ujjwala Tripti Tirkey) Scientist ‘F/ Director Dated: National Programme Coordinator 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On behalf of Core Working Group for design and development of the Activity Guide Book for the National Children Science Congress 2016 and 2017, I am thankful to NCSTC, DST, Govt of India for considering the theme Science, Technology, Innovation for Sustainable Development, which is very inspiring and engaging. I am extremely thankful to Dr. B. P. Singh, Head, NCSTC, DST, Govt of India and Mrs. Ujjwala Tripti Tirkey, Scientist F, and National Coordinator, NCSC Programme for their trust and confidence on GUJCOST for the design and development of the Activity Guide Book. I express my sincere thanks and regards to the esteemed members of the Core Working Group who had attended the brainstorming session at Gujarat Science City during 21-24 November 2015 and contributed a lot in elaborating the focal theme and subthemes in terms of possible projects and activities. My special thanks are due to NCSTC, DST for the catalytic support and guidance in making this activity guide book. Last but not least, I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to DST, Govt of Gujarat, GUJCOST and Gujarat Science City for their constant support and encouragement in this programme. On Behalf of National Academic Core Group Dr. Narottam Sahoo Coordinator, NAC 8 National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) Department of Science and Technology (DST) Government of India NCSTC is an apex Organization of the Department of Science and Technology of Government of India that endeavours to • Communicate Science and Technology • Stimulate Scientific and Technological temper • Coordinate and orchestrate such efforts Goals: • to create excitement concerning advances in Science & Technology • to enable informed decision-making at the grass roots level • to encourage intelligent debate on developmental issues Important Activities • Research in thrust areas of science and technology communication; • Development of scripts, films, video and radio programmes, books, slide sets, etc., on selected areas of science and technology; • Training (short term) for school teachers uploads/Science et Technologie/ guide - 2023-05-30T173916.396.pdf
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