Page | 1 UNIVERSITY OF THE GAMBIA (School of Business and Public Administration

Page | 1 UNIVERSITY OF THE GAMBIA (School of Business and Public Administration) Department of Economics & Management Sciences ACCOUNTANCY DEPARTMENT Page | 2 Contents Title Page No. 1. Meaning of Dissertation………………………………………………….……………….03 2. Process of Project Selection & Submission……………………….………………03 3. General Framework of Dissertation……………………………….…………………05 4. General Structure of Dissertation…………………………….…….………………..06 5. Format of Dissertation Report……………………………………….…………………07 6. Methodology…………………………………………………………………….……………..09 7. Presentation & Analysis of Data…………………………………….…………………10 8. Discussion Result & Conclusion…………………………………….…….............. 12 9. Appendix 1: Prototype of Title Page……………………………………............. 13 10. Guidelines for the assessment of the dissertation…………….……………14 11. Guidelines for the synopsis……………………………………………….……………15 12. References/Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….16 13. Research Ethics ……………………………………………………………………………..18 14. Applications of Research in Accounting …………………………………………19 Page | 3 MEANING OF DISSERTATION A Dissertation is a written thesis, often based on original research. This research is usually an advancement of a new point of view or any raw idea. An important aspect of a dissertation is the detailed and full of meaning analysis of a chosen subject, area a topic, or a problem. It explores, examines and validates a new idea. A dissertation can be from a sector / economy/ specialized area or government specific. It starts with the problem identification and ends with the recommendations and researched solutions. RELEVANCE OF DISSERTATION The dissertation is usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree. To complete a Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy, every student has to submit an independent research report on his specialized/ Chosen area. It forms a necessary part as partial fulfilment of the degree. PROCESS OF PROJECT SELECTION AND SUBMISSION: 1. Choosing a topic of research A project is a written thesis on any chosen subject. It starts with the selection of the area of study, deciding about the relevant topic of study through extensive preliminary research, coming out with the current/ possible research problem, doing an extensive research on the same, validating your ideas and solutions and making final feasible recommendations. The success of the project is highly dependent on the chosen area and subsequent topic. The clarity on the topic gives us a clear pathway for furthering our research on the right track. Page | 4 2. Once the dissertation topic is decided, the next step is to prepare SYNOPSIS/PROPOSAL of your research report. To know how to make a synopsis, refer to the guidelines of Synopsis Appendix-2. 3. Once the synopsis is approved by the concerned faculty supervisor, the approval will signal the beginning of the research work proper. Only after the approval you can proceed further to complete your Project Work. He/She may also ask you to resubmits the Synopsis if not satisfied with the Work, or the proposed or is not relevant to the topic/area, it is not an original work or insufficient. 4. After completing the Project Work, Students need to submit the Project Report (min 30-50 Pages) in Hard Copy with Spiral Binding, for the Final Evaluation. It should also be noted that Soft Copy should be submitted alongside. Page | 5 1. GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF DISSERTATION Basic Formatting and Grammar Rules i) While the majority of the research proposal is written in the present and future tenses, the reporting of research reviewed is the past tense (when the research has already been done). ii) A paragraph must have two sentences. It cannot only have one. iii) A situation that continues or is still occurring in the present is written in the present tense. iv) Do not use “I” or “you”. All writing must be written in the third person. If it is necessary to refer to you, then refer to yourself as “the researcher”. v) Direct quotations (more than 40 words or four typed lines) should be enclosed in quotation marks and the specific page number from the source of the quotation included in the citation. vi) Do not use colloquialisms, such “good to go”, “picking up the slack”, or other phrases or wordings. Be as precise as possible with word choices. Imprecision allows multiple choices for interpretation, which is not desirable. vii) Use multiple ways to cite someone when not quoting. Words to use include “stated”, “posited” (if it is a proposed theory or viewpoint), “said”, “found” (if research), suggested (similar to posited), though there are others. viii) For the proposal, what will be done should be in the future tense, while past research that has been cited is stated in the past tense. ix) A situation that continues is written in the present tense. For example, “Education, today, with the advent of the “No Child Left Behind” Act, relies more on technology through online testing than ever before.” x) The methodology and findings in the final dissertation are written in the past tense, since the study has been done, at that point. Page | 6 2) General structure of the Dissertation The following outline is indicative of the overall structure of a dissertation. Clearly it will have to be adapted to the particular study you have carried out. Cover Page Title Page Dedication Declaration Certification/Approval Page Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures CHAPTER 1 Introduction CHAPTER 2 Literature Review CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data CHAPTER 5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations References Appendices Page | 7 3) Word Length The typical length of the dissertation is 6,000-10,000 words. This length is exclusive of title and contents page, figures, tables, appendices and references. 4) Plagiarism Plagiarism, that is, the wilful representation of another person’s work, without the acknowledgement or the deliberate and unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work of material derived from the work (published or otherwise) of another, is UNACCEPTABLE and will incur the penalty of outright failure. We have software available to check Plagiarism. 5) Dissertation plan It is recommended that the students should have a synopsis/dissertation plan to guide them right from the outset. Essentially, the synopsis/dissertation plan is an outline of what the student intends to do, chapter wise and therefore should reflect the aims and objectives of the dissertation in detail along with detailed bibliography and critical review of literature. 6. Planning the Dissertation (This entails the following) Selecting a topic for investigation. Establishing the precise focus of the study by deciding on the aims and objectives of the dissertation, or formulating questions to be investigated. Consider very carefully what is worth investigating and its feasibility. Drawing up initial dissertation outlines considering the aims and objectives of the dissertation. Workout various stages of dissertation Devising a timetable to ensure that all stages of dissertation are completed in time. Your dissertation will be reviewed and evaluated by the Amity University’s Examiner. It is advisable to start writing as soon as possible. Do not worry if you feel that your material is not good enough, almost all early material is weak at the beginning. Starting to write at an early stage will enable your supervisor to see what direction you are taking, where your weaknesses are and give you constructive advice and you will gain confidence from this feedback. 7. The Role of Your Dissertation Guide / Examiner Give possible directions for the study and advice on aims and objectives Suggest some general areas of research for consideration and where possible, any examples of current research relevant to the topic. Page | 8 Examine written work and provide constructive criticism. It is not the responsibility of the dissertation guide to correct spelling mistakes, etc. other than to point out these are present: nor is it the duty of the dissertation guide to organize the presentation content of the work, although advice may be provided if enough work has been submitted. Make student aware of inadequate progress or any other facts which could impede the completion of a successful piece of work. 8. FORMAT OF A DISSERTATION REPORT a. The Synopsis A synopsis should provide an overview of your study in all its aspects. It should be around 500-800 in words and should answer the following questions. What does this research set out to do and why? How did it seek to do it? What are the general findings? What do these suggest? What conclusions are reached? What are the implications of these? Synopsis to be submitted will be strictly as per the guidelines. Guidelines for writing synopsis is attached as Appendix 2 in this handbook. b. Acknowledgements In these sections you should express thanks to those who assisted you in your research. These should be kept to a minimum and include academic supervisors and people who participated in the fieldwork, any funding bodies and probably family, friend or relative. c. Introduction In the introduction you should introduce the reader to the background of the study and the nature of the problem being considered. It should therefore set the study in context explaining why this study is important, highlighting significant issues, problems and ideas. The aim and objectives should be stated clearly. d. Literature Review In the process of creating the work it is very important to pay attention to the dissertation literature review in order to prove uploads/Science et Technologie/ project-guide 4 .pdf

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