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Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. For additional information or to submit technical questions, go to: https://createpoint.qti.qualcomm.com Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. NO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PERMITTED: Please report postings of this document on public servers or websites to: DocCtrlAgent@qualcomm.com. Restricted Distribution: Not to be distributed to anyone who is not an employee of either Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. or its affiliated companies without the express approval of Qualcomm Configuration Management. Not to be used, copied, reproduced, or modified in whole or in part, nor its contents revealed in any manner to others without the express written permission of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Qualcomm products mentioned herein are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. Other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This technical data may be subject to U.S. and international export, re-export, or transfer (“export”) laws. Diversion contrary to U.S. and international law is strictly prohibited. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 5775 Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA 92121 U.S.A. © 2017-2018 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. GAIA Control Demo Application for iOS User Guide 80-CT528-1 Rev AC August 24, 2018 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 2 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Revision history Revision Date Description 1 May 2017 Original publication of this document. Alternative document number to CS-00332450-UG. AA 09 November 2017 Updated with Qualcomm branding. DCN updated to use Agile number. Added Heart Rate feature and some minor corrections. AB 22 November 2017 Updated to include User EQ and Mac OSX changes (iTunes) for version 1.4.9. AC August 2018 Updates for Data Length Extension support, updated images. Prepared for ADK 6.3 release. 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 3 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Contents 1 Application overview ............................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Minimum requirements .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Development tools ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Application composition ............................................................................................................................. 4 2 Use the GAIA Control Demo Application ............................................................................ 5 2.1 Select a device .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Over the air updates .................................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Find my phone ......................................................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Find my headset ...................................................................................................................................... 11 2.5 Proximity alerts ........................................................................................................................................ 13 2.6 Heart Rate Service................................................................................................................................... 15 2.7 GAIA features .......................................................................................................................................... 16 2.7.1 LED control ............................................................................................................................. 16 2.7.2 Remote control ....................................................................................................................... 16 2.7.3 TWS........................................................................................................................................ 17 2.7.4 Equaliser ................................................................................................................................. 18 2.7.5 User EQ .................................................................................................................................. 19 Figures Figure 2-1 Selection of a device ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2-6: File transfer complete during an update ....................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2-10 Find my phone service disabled ............................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2-11 Find my phone service enabled ................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 2-12 Set up the alert level with Light Blue software for Mac OSX ..................................................................... 11 Figure 2-13 Find my phone service alerting ................................................................................................................. 11 Figure 2-14 Find my headset ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 2-15 Find my headset alert in progress ............................................................................................................. 12 Figure 2-16 Proximity alerts ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 2-17 Proximity alert in progress ........................................................................................................................ 14 Figure 2-18 Heart Rate Service.................................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 2-19 LED control, LED disabled ........................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 2-20 LED control, LED enabled ........................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 2-21 Remote control ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 2-22 True Wireless Stereo ................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 2-23 Equaliser ................................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 2-24 User EQ .................................................................................................................................................... 19 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 4 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 1 Application overview This document describes how to use the Qualcomm GAIA (Generic Application Interface Architecture) Control Demo Application for iOS v1.5. This example application controls an audio device that uses the Qualcomm GAIA protocol to communicate GAIA features and GATT attributes for other Bluetooth low energy technology features, over BR/EDR or Bluetooth low energy. 1.1 Minimum requirements The GAIA Control Demo Application v1.5 is compatible with iOS 8.0 and later versions. 1.2 Development tools The GAIA Control Demo Application v1.5 is developed using Objective-C, Xcode 8.1, and iOS frameworks. 1.3 Application composition The GAIA Control Demo Application project comprises the following modules: ■ GaiaControl: The main application. ■ BTLibrary: A Bluetooth helper library, which accelerates the use of the Core Bluetooth library. ■ GaiaLibrary: The library to manage operations over the GAIA protocol. ■ HealthDemo: A secondary application that implements GATT health Services which are used in the main application. 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 5 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2 Use the GAIA Control Demo Application Once the application is launched you will presented with a list of nearby devices. When connecting to your device for the first time, the pairing mode must be activated on the audio device for this to succeed. 2.1 Select a device Figure 2-1 Selection of a device Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 6 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2.2 Over the air updates With the GAIA Control Demo Application installed on an iOS device. 1. Add an upgrade file to the GAIA Control Demo App using iTunes: 2. The connected device advertises available Bluetooth Smart services. Tap Update Service: Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 7 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 3. The upgrade file or files uploaded from iTunes are listed. Tap the upgrade file or files required: 4. If the device supports enhanced transfer rates then these can be configured. Pressing start will begin the over the air update. Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 8 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 5. Once the upgrade is started a progress and estimated time of completion will be shown. 6. When the upgrade file transfer completes, a prompt shows. Tap OK to continue or tap cancel to abort the upgrade. Figure 2-2: File transfer complete during an update 7. After validating the processing of the upgrade, the device reboots. The GAIA Control Demo Application automatically reconnects with the device when it is ready. Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 9 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 8. Depending on the content of the upgrade file, a few dialog confirmations to continue the process might appear. Confirm the process to continue the update. 9. The GAIA Control Demo Application confirms when the upgrade file is committed to the device. Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 10 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2.3 Find my phone The service is used to locate a lost phone by playing a tone on it. Once activated the peripheral service waits for the alert to be set. In the GAIA Control Demo Application, a tone is played once. Figure 2-3 Find my phone service disabled Figure 2-4 Find my phone service enabled To test the service, connect to your phone and set the alert level: □ 0x00 = Off □ 0x01 = Mild and high Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 11 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Figure 2-5 Set up the alert level with Light Blue software for Mac OSX Figure 2-6 Find my phone service alerting The alert service is activated. 2.4 Find my headset Tap the activate button and the headset starts playing a tone. Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 12 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Figure 2-7 Find my headset Figure 2-8 Find my headset alert in progress Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 13 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION 2.5 Proximity alerts The Proximity feature gives access to the controls and monitoring information define by the Proximity GATT Profile. This profile defines the behavior of the connected device when one device moves away from the second one or when they come closer. It also defines the behavior when the connection is dropped, lost, or when the distance between both increases above a defined level. Figure 2-9 Proximity alerts The Link Loss alert level defines the strength of the alert on the connected device when the connection is dropped. The alert levels are: None: deactivates the alert when the connection is dropped or lost. Mild: activates an alert when the connection is dropped or lost. High: activates the strongest alert when the connection is dropped or lost. Use the GAIA Control Demo Application 80-CT528-1 Rev AC Confidential and Proprietary – Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 14 MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Figure 2-10 Proximity alert in progress Once the RSSI value drops below the threshold a tone will be triggered. Use the uploads/Science et Technologie/ guide - 2023-05-31T024206.691.pdf

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