Methods of research prof cecilio azarcon 1

METHODS OF RESEARCH Prof Cecilio Azarcon CMARIA CLAUDIA DAYAO CWhat is Style Guide Style manuals ? A style guide or manual of style is a set of standards for the writing formatting and design of documents A style guide is a reference point that sets standards for writing documents within your organization CWhy is it important in research writing ? It help to ensure that multiple authors use one tone ? The primary purpose of a style guide is to promote consistency CFORMAT OF THE RESEARCH REPORT I Preliminary Pages i Cover page ii Acknowledgment iii Dedication iv Table of contents v Abstract II Chapter Body of the Report ? Background of the Study ? Statement of the problem ? Signi ?cance of the study C ? De ?nition of Terms III Chapter ? Review of Related Literatures ? Research Design conceptual framework ? locale of the study ? participants of the study ? research instruments ? data gathering procedures ? statistical techniques CIV Chapter V ? Summary of ?ndings ? conclusions ? Recommendations V Back matters ? Bibliography ? Appendix CI PRELIMINARY PAGES i Title or Cover Page Just like any other paper you write your research paper needs a cover page with your study ? s title It also needs your and any co-writers ? names and institutional a ?liations Cii Acknowledgment This is a page focused on expressing gratitude to organizations agencies or individuals who in one way or another have aided the researchers in ?nishing the thesis iii Dedication This is the page for dedicating the thesis to certain people or groups who have inspired the researchers while doing the thesis iv Table of Contents The table of contents is essentially a topic outline of the thesis ? It is compiled by listing the headings in the thesis down to whichever level you choose Cv Abstract An abstract presents a brief summary of your thesis ? The aim of the abstract is to brie y provide the reader with the most important information from the entire text CII Chapter ? Background of the study Includes purpose and reason behind the conduct of the study It also serves as the introduction ? Statement of the Problem The main problem that the research is trying to solve ? Signi ?cance of the study You have to identify who will bene ?t from the research and how they will be bene ?ted C ? Scope and Delimitations of the study Determines the coverage of the study and all the things that it will not cover in order to be speci ?c ? De ?nitions of Terms De ?nes technical terms based on how they are used in the study speci ?cally in the title This aims to provide the readers or future researcher with basic terminilogird that are important to understand the paper CIII Chapter II ? Review of Related Literature In this part you must get your data and information from any books magazines and news papers ?

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