Welcome to the University of Strasbourg ! Guide d’accueil international Welcome
Welcome to the University of Strasbourg ! Guide d’accueil international Welcome to the University of Strasbourg Strasbourg -The City A place like no other, a city with a soul History testifies to the numerous commercial and cultural exchanges that have endowed Strasbourg with a rich and well-preserved architectural heritage. In 1988, the “Great Island” of Strasbourg was listed by UNESCO as World Heritage for Humanity. The cradle of Europe Strasbourg is one of the world’s only cities, along with Geneva and New York, to host the headquarters of international organizations without being a State capital. Seat of the Council of Europe since 1949, it also plays host to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Parliament. It boasts the headquarters of many other European organizations including Eurocorps, the European Pharmacopoeia, Arte the Franco-German television channel, as well as 30 consulates and 46 embassies. Strasbourg is a pioneer in cross-border cooperation and at the heart of the Euro district, which promotes Franco- German objectives in the field of transport, urban planning, education, health, etc. Strasbourg, a great place to live With its monumental cathedral featuring carvings as delicate as any piece of lacework, Strasbourg is one of Europe’s most attractive cities. Strasbourg, a city of many cultures, gastronomy and firmly rooted traditions, is also the number one place for foreign students (more than 8,000). Strasbourg’s sense of hospitality has contributed to enhancing its tourist appeal, notably with its famous Christmas market. Strasbourg is a pioneer city in terms of respect for the environment, and a very pleasant place to live in. The city boasts France’s largest and most widespread tramway network along with 500 km of cycle paths, placing it at the forefront of cycling networks in France. Alsace, one of France’s leading scientific centres Я Я3rd largest scientific hub of France Alsace is one of France’s most dynamic and prosperous regions, equipped with state of the art infrastructures and high-speed railway lines. Strasbourg’s central location places it at the crossroads of the European economy, along the Rhine axis, in a very dense trading zone between Northern and Southern Europe. With its 2 universities, 12 grandes écoles, 250 laboratories and over 4,3000 researchers, Alsace is France’s third largest scientific hub and is ranked 1st for chemistry. 3 public research institutions: CNRS, INSERM, and INRA 5 200 researchers France’s 5th most important region for European patent registration 5 competitiveness clusters: Alsace Biovalley, Véhicule du Futur, Fibres, Energivie, Hydreos SUM M A RY Welcome to the University of Strasbourg 2 Strasbourg -The City 2 The University of Strasbourg 4 Organization of higher education 6 Admission as a regular student 8 Exchange Program Admissions 10 Strasbourg’s way of life 14 Life on Campus 14 Culture / Sports / Improving your French Take it easy 16 Housing / Transport / Healt / Working in France as a foreign student / Driving in France Finances 20 Welcoming you to the University 24 Academic programs 26 Contacts 29 2 England France Spain Germany Italy Switzerland Paris Basel Bruxelles Luxembourg London Stuttgart Strasbourg Strasbourg La ville de Strasbourg Loin des lieux communs, une ville en version originale Dans cette ville au cœur des échanges économiques et de la circulation des idées, l’histoire se lit dans la richesse de son patrimoine architectural particulière- ment bien préservé. La «Grande Ile», soit l’intégralité du centre-ville de Strasbourg a été classée au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité par l’UNESCO en 1988. Le berceau de l’Europe Strasbourg est l’une des seules villes au monde, avec Genève et New York, à abriter le siège d’organisations inter- nationales sans être capitale d’un État. Siège du Conseil de l’Europe depuis 1949, elle abrite aussi le siège de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme et le Parlement européen. Beaucoup d’autres organismes européens ont choisi de s’y implanter, comme le commandement de l’Eurocorps, la Pharmacopée européenne, la chaîne de télévision franco-allemande Arte, et quelque 30 consulats et 46 ambassades. Pionnière de la coopération transfrontalière, Strasbourg est au cœur de l’Eurodistrict qui nourrit des ambitions franco-allemandes dans le domaine des transports, de l’urbanisme, de l’éducation, de la santé, etc. Une université bien dans sa ville Avec sa prodigieuse cathédrale ciselée comme un ouvrage de dentelle, Strasbourg est l’une des villes les plus attractives d’Europe. Ville de cultures, de gastronomie et de traditions bien ancrées, elle est aussi la première ville étudiante en nombre d’étudiants étrangers (plus de 8 000). Elle a un sens de l’accueil hérité de son attraction touristique, notamment de par son célèbre marché de Noël. Strasbourg est une ville pionnière en matière de respect de l’environnement et une métropole très agréable à vivre. Son réseau de tramways qui est le plus grand et le plus maillé de France et ses 500 km de pistes cyclables placent également Strasbourg au rang du plus grand réseau de France. L’Alsace : intense par nature Я Я3e pôle scientifique français L’Alsace est une des régions les plus dynamiques et les plus prospères de France, dotée d’infrastructures modernes, hub des lignes ferroviaires à grande vitesse. Sa position frontalière la situe au carrefour de l’économie européenne, sur l’axe rhénan, dans une zone d’échange très intense entre le Nord et le Sud de l’Europe. Avec ses 2 universités, ses 12 grandes écoles, ses 250 laboratoires et plus de 4 300 chercheurs, l’Alsace se positionne comme le 3e pôle scientifique français et occupe le 1er rang pour la chimie. 3 établissements publics de recherche : le CNRS, l’INSERM et l’INRA 5 200 chercheurs en Alsace 5e région de France pour l’enregistrement des brevets européens 5 Pôles de compétitivité : Alsace Biovalley, Véhicule du Futur, Fibres, Energivie, Hydreos SO M M A I R E Bienvenue à l’Université de Strasbourg 3 La ville de Strasbourg 3 L’Université de Strasbourg 5 Scolarité 7 Admission à titre individuel 7 Admission en programme d’échange 11 Strasbourg, mode d’emploi 15 Vie des campus 15 Culture / Sports / Espaces de travail / Améliorer son niveau de français Strasbourg pratique 17 Logement / Transport / Santé / Travailler durant sa scolarité / Conduire en France Finances 21 Accueil à l’Université 25 Offre de formation 26 Contacts 29 3 The University of Strasbourg 5 centuries of excellence Located in the heart of Europe, the Univer- sity of Strasbourg is heir to a great tradition born of the humanism of the 16th century. It boasts almost 44,000 students each year, 20% of which are foreign, together with 4,600 teachers-researchers and staff, 37 training and research units, and 79 research units. These impressive figures make the University a rich hub driven by its active involvement in virtually every discipline comprising the current body of knowledge. Several distinguished personalities, inclu- ding 17 Nobel Prize winners, have studied at the University of Strasbourg over time. The University’s international partnerships along with its humanitarian, intellectual, and scientific potential, have contributed to fueling the greatest of ambitions on an international scale. Influenced by a variety of cultures, the University has developed strong European and international ties and offers exchange programs with countless establishments around the world. Multi-disciplinary and international: study as you wish The University of Strasbourg offers an exceptional diversity of programs that cover five principal areas of education: • Arts, Literature, Languages • Law, Economics, Management, Political and Social Sciences, • Social sciences and Humanities • Science and Technology • Health … together with cross-border opportunities As member of the EUCOR campus, the University of Strasbourg students permits its students to study freely at the Swiss, German, and French partner Universities without having to pay additional enrolment fees. There are three ways of enhancing your course of study through this excellent network: • Enrolling in one of the 18 common programmes offered in all areas of education • Completing a study period at a EUCOR university (one semester or a year) • Designing your own course of study by completing your education with courses offered at EUCOR universities. More information at eucor-uni.org A quest for excellence The University of Strasbourg has 79 re- search units that encompass all disciplinary fields. As a centre of excellence in biology, biotechnology, medicine, chemistry, material physics, and space science, the University also actively participates in the development of social sciences through activities at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Science de l’Homme- Alsace. Active in many partnerships More than 400 partner institutions in Europe and 175 in the rest of the world More than 60 international partnership programmes Founding member of EUCOR network (European Confederation of the Superior Rhine Region) and of LERU (League of European Research Universities) Member of international academic consortia: The Franco-German University, Utrecht Network, AC21 Certified Excellence Initiative (IdEx) by the national program “Investissement d’Avenir”, the University of Strasbourg strengthens its position as an internationally attractive university. Implementing innovative projects that foster excellence, the University of Strasbourg is involved in supporting its researchers and uploads/Science et Technologie/ university-of-strasbourg 1 .pdf
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- Publié le Jui 02, 2021
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
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