SSA® Warehouse Management – 4000 Work Order User Guide Copyright © 2005 by SSA

SSA® Warehouse Management – 4000 Work Order User Guide Copyright © 2005 by SSA Global Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means, including, without limitation, photocopying or recording, without the prior written consent of SSA Global Technologies™, Inc. Important Notices The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and contains confidential and proprietary information of SSA Global Technologies, Inc. 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All other company, product, trade or service names referenced may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. Publication Information Release: SSA® Warehouse Management – 4000 Version 3.10 Publication Date: July 2005 SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide i Table of Contents WORK ORDER .............................................................................................................. 1 WORK ORDER FUNCTIONAL PROCESSING ............................................................ 3 PICKING COMPONENTS USING RF ................................................................................. 4 WORK ORDER CONTROL/UPDATE (ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS) .......................................... 5 WORK ORDER PROCESS FLOW................................................................................ 7 EXCEPTION HANDLING................................................................................................... 9 COMMENT FORM ....................................................................................................... 11 ii SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide iii Revision History Date Editor Description of Change 9/24/2003 Jude Duniho Reformat 12/9/2003 Jude Duniho • Decimal support added. • Company address change. 8/18/2004 Jude Duniho Product name change iv SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide Work Order SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide 1 Work Order SSA Warehouse Management – 4000 Work Order is designed to operate within warehouses that add value to existing Commodities, or combine component Commodities into finished goods or sub-assemblies. Operations are typically outlined and controlled by Work Orders. SSA Warehouse Management – 4000 Work Order was initially designed to support light manufacturing operations, but can also be used to control any operations that expend components to create goods to be shipped or sold. Work Orders can be manually generated using the GUI interface, or by interfacing with an outside system used to keep the flow of work ahead of the demand for finished goods. The Work Order module allows you to: ● Gather components pre-defined to a Bill of Material ● Move those components through one or more workstations, each associated with a work center ● Receive final product into inventory ● Report Work Order activity through RF ● View support documents and reports. Chapter 1 Work Order 2 SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide Work Order Functional Processing SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide 3 Work Order Functional Processing To ensure that the pick details are set to picked status, components should be picked using an RF device. This keeps the pick balance correct (if cycle counted) and maintains an audit trail in case of problems. The system still allows Work Order processing if this step is not completed. However, it is not recommended that this is the standard practice. This section describes how to perform Work Order pick tasks using RF. The following topics are covered: ● Picking Components Using RF ● Work Order Process Flow ● Exception Handling Chapter 2 Work Order Functional Processing 4 SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide Picking Components Using RF 1. From the SSA Warehouse Management – 4000 RF Main Menu, select Pick/Shipping. The Picking Tasks (K1) screen displays. Picking Tasks (K1) Screen 2. Select Pieces/Units. The Pieces (K3) screen displays. Pieces (K3) Screen 3. Populate the following fields by scanning or typing the information: ● LBL#- Container ID ● LOC- Location that displays in the door field of the pick list header 4. Press ENTER. 5. Repeat steps 3-4 for all products to be picked. Note The pick lists determine which items need to be picked. Work Order Functional Processing SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide 5 Work Order Control/Update (Assembly Operations) After picking components, the worker is ready to begin processing the Work Order. 1. From the RF Main Menu select Work Order. The Operation (W1) screen displays. Operation (W1) Screen 2. Select Control/Update. The Control/Update (W2) screen displays. Control/Update (W2) Screen 3. Populate the following fields by scanning or typing the information: ● WO#- Work Order number. ● OPER#- Operation number. ● ACT- Scan or type one of the following actions: START Updates the Work Order and operation status fields to In Process. COMPLETE Records the completion of any quantity that is finished. This also specifies an ID to identify the pallet or container. STATUS Displays the total quantity, completed quantity, and remaining quantity of the specified operation. Work Order Functional Processing 6 SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide 4. Press ENTER. 5. Press ESC to return to the screen. Note If an assembler forgets how many units have been completed, the Work Order number and operation number from the operation sheet can be scanned. The assembler then scans the STATUS action code, and the system returns the required information. Refer to screenshot sample below. Control/Update (w2) Screen Work Order Process Flow SSA Warehouse Management - 4000 – Work Order User Guide 7 Work Order Process Flow As an example, assume a Work Order exists for assembly of 100 units. The Work Order has three (3) operations. Operations can only finish half of their quantities before changing pallets. It is assumed that the job for this Work Order has been released and the components have been properly delivered to the component drop zones. The following defines the assembler action and how the system responds: ● For the first operation, the assembler scans the Work Order number and operation number from the barcodes provided on the operation sheet. The assembler also scans the START barcode on the laminated action sheet (following the example above) and enters the record. The system then updates the Work Order header and entered operation to In Process. ● When the first half of the work is completed, the assembler palletizes the resulting goods. ● The assembler then scans the Work Order number and operation number from the barcodes provided on the operation sheet. They also scan the COMPLETE barcode on the laminated action sheet and press enter. The system provides additional fields for quantity and ID. The assembler keys in a quantity of 50 and places a generic pallet label on the pallet, scans it, and presses enter. The system updates the operation of the Work Order that 50 is completed and creates an RF-directed Work Center move task to the operation complete drop zone (if the appropriate box was checked on the Work Center Setup window). ● The assembler finishes the second pallet containing the final 50. ● The assembler then scans the Work Order number and operation number from the barcodes provided on the operation sheet. The assembler also scans the COMPLETE barcode on the laminated action sheet and presses enter. The system provides additional fields for quantity and ID. The assembler keys in a quantity of 50 and places a new generic pallet label on the pallet, scans it, and presses enter. The system updates the operation of the Work Order that all 100 are completed and creates a second RF-directed Work Center move task to the operation complete drop zone (if the appropriate box was checked on the work center setup screen). It also sets uploads/Science et Technologie/ work-order-user-guide-ssa-warehouse-management-4000.pdf

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