Mona baker estilo de traducao 1

Target ?? ?John Benjamins B V Amsterdam Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher Towards a Methodology for Investigating the Style of a Literary Translator Mona Baker Centre for Translation Studies UMIST Abstract Translation studies has inherited from literary studies its preoccupation with the style of individual creative writers and from linguistics the preoccupation with the style of social groups of language users It also inherited from both disciplines the association of style with ? original ? writing Little or no attention c John Benjamins has been paid so far to the possibility of describing the ? style ? of a translator or Delivered by Ingenta group of translators in terms of what might be distinctive about the language they produce This paper o ?ers a ?rst attempt to outline a methodological framework for invoestnig atiFngrthi e q ue stioJnaofnstyl e i n lite rar y t ra n sla tio n ?? not in the tradi- tional sense of whether the style of a given author is adequately conveyed in the relevant translation but in terms of whether individual literary translators can be shown to use distinctive styles of their own Résumé Des études littéraires les études de traduction ont hérité l ? intérêt qu ? elles portent à la créativité et au style individuel des auteurs et de la linguistique celui qu ? elles portent au style des groupes sociaux usagers de la langue Aux deux disciplines elles ont également emprunté l ? association des notions de style et de création ? originale ? Jusqu ? à présent peu d ? attention a été accordée à la possibilité de décrire le ? style ? d ? un traducteur ou de groupes de traducteurs en fonction de ce qui peut distinguer leurs usages de la langue Cet article constitue une première tentative pour dessiner le cadre méthodologique d ? une analyse stylistique de la traduction littéraire loin de véri ?er si le traducteur a transposé de manière adéquate le style d ? un auteur donné il s ? agit d ? examiner à quel point des traducteurs littéraires individuels se servent de styles distinctifs qui leur appartiennent C MONA BAKER She Ros Schwartz said that when someone complained to a wellknown Czech author that he had changed his style his reply was ? No I ? ve changed my translator ? The Times Style in Translation A number of translation scholars have attempted to apply various interpreta- tions of the notion of style to the study of translation mostly with a view to elaborating criteria for quality assessment The best known and most explicit treatment to date is House House sets out to develop a model for describing the linguistic and situational peculiarities of the source text comparing source and translation texts and making informed statements about the relative match of the two These statements are meant to be evaluative to say something about whether the translation is good bad or indi ?erent

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