Pace style guide Our Style Guide The PACE and PACE APP Styleguide was created to establish a clear standard for the PACE identity It is important to remember that each element of communication contributes to the overall impression people have of the organ
Our Style Guide The PACE and PACE APP Styleguide was created to establish a clear standard for the PACE identity It is important to remember that each element of communication contributes to the overall impression people have of the organization A uni ?cation of all PACE and PACE APP collateral is essential in manifesting the integrity quality and stability of the organization and its mission The PACE visual identity represents the children and families the organization serves The PACE brand must also appeal to a wide range of working professionals in the childcare ?eld Table of Contents Intro Logos Colors Slogan Fonts Our logo re ects our mission to advance the early care and education of California ? s children There are several versions of the logo and each one has a speci ?c use LOGO The standard logo for PACE and should be used whenever possible LOGO - Version Used for limited spaces when the standard logo is too wide LOGO - NO NAME Used when logo needs to be smaller than one inch in height Logo should not be used smaller than a half inch in height FRAMED LOGO Used for covers and headlines of multi- page documents This logo should only be used when the full name of the organization appears elsewhere PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT PROGRAM SINCE ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT PROGRAM SINCE Do ? s and Don ? ts with our logo These are some examples of what to do and what not do with our logo DO ? s Spacing Do keep an eighth of an inch of clear space around the logo Size Do keep the logo larger than a half an inch B W Do use the B W version of the logo when printing projects in black-andwhite White Do use the white version of the logo over solid or dark backgrounds DON ? Ts Embellish Don ? t add drop shadows embossing or other e ?ects to the logo Too small Don ? t print the logo smaller than half an inch Gray Don ? t print the logo in black and white using the color version because it will look gray and washed out Use the B W version already setup Tint Don ? t print the logo as a tint or watermark It should always print Recolor Don ? t change the colors of the logo Distort Don ? t alter pivot or warp the logo ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Our brand colors are violet and orange Please use the proper color de ?nition for each use For spot printing use the PMS swatch for full color printing use the CMYK formula for screen displays use the RGB formula and for web programming use the HEX code VIOLET PMS CMYK RGB Hex e ORANGE PMS CMYK RGB B HEX fca Our secondary colors complement our brand colors These vibrant colors can be used for graphs directories or series
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- Publié le Aoû 26, 2021
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 30.8kB