Application for residence guide
May INZ Application for Residence Guide Skilled Migrant Category Information about this guide This guide will help you to complete your Application for Residence under the Skilled Migrant Category INZ once you have received an invitation to apply for residence from Immigration New Zealand It will also explain our process for assessing your application You should read this guide before completing the application form and refer to it as you complete the application The guide explains ? the evidence you need to provide with your application form and ? our process for assessing your application If you need more information about the Skilled Migrant Category criteria or you need help understanding any of the terms used you should also read the Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest Guide INZ How can this guide help me to apply for residence in New Zealand You can only apply for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category if you have received an Invitation to Apply for residence from Immigration New Zealand INZ Once you have received an Invitation to Apply the information in this guide will help you complete and submit your Application for Residence in New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant Category INZ correctly The guide also sets out our process for assessing your application How you can help INZ process your application quickly You can help us make a decision on your application quickly by ? reading this guide carefully and ? providing all the information and documents requested in the application form Please take time to read this guide carefully and have it in front of you when preparing the documents you need to provide with your Application for Residence in New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant Category We may not be able to accept your application if you do not complete the application form fully and also provide us with all the documentation required for lodgement of the application If you are applying for residence while you are in New Zealand on a visitor work or student visa you must ensure that your visa remains valid at all times If you are currently in New Zealand you are only eligible to apply for residence if you have a valid temporary visa Who can help you ?ll out the form You can apply for residence by completing and compiling all the necessary forms and documentation yourself or you can ask another person to help you including ? a lawyer ? a consultant ? a licensed immigration adviser ? any other person including a friend that you ask to help you apply for residence Any person that gives you immigration advice must be licensed or exempt from being licensed see www iaa govt nz for more information INZ treats all applicants equally We do not give preferential service to applicants with agents advisers or other representatives We deal with agents advisers or representatives in the following ways ? You may give your own address or the address of your representative as a
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- Publié le Jul 28, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 94.2kB