Pftests guide INTRODUCTION A review of the existing physical ?tness tests for the purpose of establishing testing protocols considered to be more current and appropriate for the Special Program in Sports SPS and in K to program conducted through a worksho

INTRODUCTION A review of the existing physical ?tness tests for the purpose of establishing testing protocols considered to be more current and appropriate for the Special Program in Sports SPS and in K to program conducted through a workshop initiated by the Task Force on School Sports TFSS and subsequently by the Bureau of Secondary Education BSE gave rise to this Physical Fitness Test Manual It is intended to be used in the public and private elementary and high schools which intended to adopt the program Passing the prescribed standards is a requirement for admission to SPS Moreover under the K to Basic Education Curriculum Physical Fitness is one of the major goals of the Physical Education program and shall be incorporated adopted in the PE curriculum from Grades to The PFT is a set of measures designed to determine a student ? s level of physical ?tness It is intended to test two categories of physical ?tness commonly referred to as ??health-related ? and ??Skill-related ? Health related components refer to those physical attributes which enable a person to cope with the requirements of daily living such as cardiovascular endurance or stamina muscular strength and endurance exibility and the appropriate body mass index BMI Skill related components are physical abilities that shoe potential for good performance in certain skills Usually in sports like running speed agility reaction time or quickness balance and coordination In determining the level of health-related and skill-related physical ?tness status several test items are applied These tests were speci ?cally selected to suits various condition existing in schools such as a the time it takes for a test to be completed b availability of equipment and facilities c ease and simplicity in administering the test d easy recording of the test results and d challenging yet joyful participation among the students and everyone involved in the program The administration and implementation of the testing program shall treated as an essential component of the Physical Education and school Sports Programs for both in the elementary Grades and and Secondary levels Junior High and Senior High School PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST OBJECTIVES To determine the level of ?tness of students To identify physical strength and weaknesses of students for development and improvement To provide baseline data for selection physical activities for enhancement of health and skill performance To gather data for the development of norms and standards To motivate guide and counsel students in selecting sports recreation competition and lifetime participation TEST PROTOCOL Explain the purpose and bene ?ts that can be derived from the physical ?tness test Administered the test at the beginning of the school year and the start of the semester to monitor the progress Prepare the following testing paraphernalia First Aid Kit Drinking Water instruct students to bring their drinking bottles and small towel to wipe their perspiration Individual score cards properly ?lled up for distribution to students During testing a Body Composition-tape measure weighing or bathroom scale For schools in the rural areas

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