LANDSCAPE CONTRACTING STUDENTS Internet Resource Guide Designed for Perspective
LANDSCAPE CONTRACTING STUDENTS Internet Resource Guide Designed for Perspective and Current DUS students to decide whether to enter the College of Agriculture Plant Science Department and the Landscape Contracting major MiDori Evans ENGLISH 202C 1 Table of Contents Front Matter Contents/Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Audience/Purpose………………………………………………………………………………………….2 Guide Assumptions…………………………………………………………………………………………2 Organization of Guide ……………………………………………………………………………………..3 Tips for Using the Guide………………………………………………………………………………….3 General Websites The Penn State Landscape Contracting Webpage……………………………………………4 PLANET: Professional Landcare Network…………………………………………………………5 United States Government Websites Catalog of US Government Publication……………………………………………………………6 Grounds/Landscaping………………………………………………………………………………..7 Statistical Abstract of the United States………………………………………………………….8 2007 Census of Agriculture………………………………………………………………………..9 Research Information Lawn and Landscape……………………………………………………………………………………..10 HortTechnology…………………………………………………………………………………………….11 Scott’s Landscaping Inc………………………………………………………………………………….12 OSHA…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13 Courses for Consideration Design/Build Option……………………………………………………………………………………..14 Maintenance Option…………………………………………………………………………………….15 2 Contents/Scope This guide contains many resources for students interested in a degree in Landscape Contracting. Due to evolving nature of the Landscape industry, many jobs are becoming available, and many people do not know about this area of expertise. Many people think that the Agriculture Industry is all about farming and feeding animals, but there is much more to it than that. There are many other areas of study like Plant Science, Soil Science, and the Greenhouse industry as well. This guide focuses on the area of Landscape Contracting at Penn State and the two options, Design/Build Option or the Maintenance Option. This guide provides an in depth look at this major and its options. It explains exactly what the Landscape Contracting major is and how one could choose to become a Landscape Contracting student. This guide also serves as a source of information on what the industry involves and how to become a part of the Landscape Contracting community. These resources are very useful in learning about the community and getting a better understanding of the major and its options. Furthermore, these options allow one to stay current in the field after graduation. Audience/Purpose This guide is intended for undergraduate students in DUS, current landscape contracting students, or high school seniors interested in the College of Agriculture at The Pennsylvania State University. This guide is geared towards students wanting to learn more about the landscape contracting major. It provides information about the major, career goals beyond graduation, or additional research in the field. This guides information ranges from entry level to graduate and career comprehension. The purpose of this guide is to recruit individuals into the landscape contracting major in The College of Agriculture at Penn State. Guide Assumptions The guide is merely a tool to get you connected and “in the door” to exploring landscape contracting. It is a learning experience and assumes you have some general interest in the major. This guide assumes an entry to graduate level of comprehension. This guide also caters to high school seniors entering the university with little understanding of landscape contracting. The guide assumes that you will take into consideration that there is a lot of time and effort to obtaining a degree in landscape contracting. There is a lot of information and skills to be learned developed and it is assumed that you are willing to take on that challenge. 3 Organization of Guide This guide is organized from the most general information to very specific courses required for a landscape contracting student to complete his or her degree. The sections that are provided in this guide will give you and in depth look at the major and career options. The guide’s general websites section provides you with information about the landscape contracting major at Penn State and also the website of a very prominent organization that keeps landscape contractors current in the industry. The Government websites are included to give you an understanding of the major on a statistical scale. The research option provides journals and other websites that cater to grad and career studies. The courses for consideration section provides specific information on courses at The Pennsylvania State University required for graduation. Tips for Using the Guide There is a lot of very important information in this guide and the way you use this guide is key to the very important decision you are about to make. Keep these tips in mind as you read through this guide in order to help you navigate better. Please read through the table of contents. This is a lot of information but it will help you navigate and learn more about the major. The general websites provided will give you very specific information about the major. Please use these websites as they cater to your needs specifically. Please read the tips section provided in each abstract, as they will help you navigate webpages easily and efficiently. Examples will be provided and they will help you obtain what you are looking for. Take notice of the “Student Resource” links, they are essential to getting you directly to the resource that you need, without having to go to the primary webpage. 4 Penn State Landscape Contracting Homepage Website Home page: Description This is the Penn State Landscape Contracting homepage. It is a website for prospective students, current students, graduate students, and alumni. This is the most important webpage to visit, given that you are a Penn State student and are considering this major. This website provides you with the most up-to-date information concerning landscape contracting. The left side of the page is most important. This table provides answers to the many questions you may have about the landscape contracting major. Please utilize this table as much as possible in order to get a better understanding about landscape contracting at Penn State. Tips The “Why Major in Landscape Contracting” option is very important if you are a DUS student or high school senior accepted into the university. This option gives a brief but accurate description of the major and skill you will acquire as a landscape contracting student. This webpage also allows you to access the extra-curricular activities that current students participate in. The “Internships” webpage is very important for landscape contracting students. This page encourages students to gain hands-on experience. This option also provides a link to the landscape contracting internships webpage. This is crucial, because experience in the industry is very valuable and respected. The “Potential Career Paths” option is geared primarily towards current students who are soon to be alumni. This page contains information about what to expect after graduation. This site also provides a link to look for perspective jobs in the industry. Use the “Student Clubs and Organizations” link to view “upcoming events” in the department. Click on HORT CLUB MEETING. These meetings are designed to keep you informed about what’s going on in the department as well as the many opportunities in the industry. 5 PLANET: The Professional Landcare Network Website Homepage: Student Resources: Career Resources: Description This website is home to the most current information in the landscape contracting industry. This site offers many important aspects into the Ag Industry. It caters to students, universities, as well as small and big businesses. The majority of the website is free, you can choose to become a member as well, but you still gain access to the site and its amenities. PLANET is the premiere association that represents almost all land care professionals. They are experts in the landscape industry that provides outstanding services to students, professionals, and the public. PLANET provides programs on education, networking, safety, and business development programs, as well as host many webinars. I have provided three links for your use. The first is the homepage, which provides you with a lot of information for students and professionals. The second resource is primarily for students. The third resource is for professionals only seeking to expand and network in the industry. Tips As a student interested in landscape contracting the most important is the “Events and Education” tab. Under this tab you will find a lot of information on what PLANET has to offer. Under the “Program” tab you will find workshops, career fairs, and development days. These are most important to you, in order to expand your knowledge of the industry and gain experience. As a student looking to expand your knowledge after graduation the student resources web address I have provided is very essential. This webpage provides information on certification in the industry and how to obtain it through PLANET. PLANET is a LEED certified, meaning it is a Leader in Energy and Environametal Design organization. The most helpful resource is the “Certification” tab. As a graduate and future professional in the Ag Industry, PLANET is a great way to network, acquire experience, and expand you knowledge. The “Career Resource” webpage I have provided will prepare you for what PLANET has to offer. This page provides you with different events that PLANET has, going to these events or attending the schedule webinars will be a a great benefit. 6 Catalog Of United States Publications Government Database Homepage: Description The Catalog of US Publications is a database that compiles documents from the many branches of governement. It records and catalogs publications made in the United States, which uploads/Societe et culture/ internet-resource-guide.pdf
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