Customer Service and SimplyOrder Training © 2019 Exclusive Clothes and Gifts. A

Customer Service and SimplyOrder Training © 2019 Exclusive Clothes and Gifts. All Rights Reserved. CS and SO Training Table of Contents Page i Table of Contents Instructor Information .................................................................................... iii Content Introduction ........................................................................................ iii Content Details ................................................................................................ iii Audience Information ....................................................................................... iv Training Environment ........................................................................................ iv Training Tips ..................................................................................................... v Using this Guide ............................................................................................... v Timeline ........................................................................................................... vi Preparation Checklist for Customer Service Skills Training ............................. vii Preparation Checklist for SimplyOrder Training ............................................. viii Course Overview: Customer Service Skills Training ................................... 1 Lesson 3: How to Handle Difficult Customers .............................................. 9 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 9 Using H.E.A.T. ...............................................................................................12 Escalating Calls to a Supervisor .....................................................................21 Review and Summary .....................................................................................27 Course Overview: SimplyOrder Training .................................................... 29 Lesson 2: How to Search for Product Information ..................................... 35 Introduction .....................................................................................................35 Using Search Functionality .............................................................................37 Identifying Product Details ..............................................................................42 Review and Summary ......................................................................................47 CS and SO Training Instructor Information Page iii Instructor Information Content Introduction Two training courses are provided in sequence for the Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors of ECG: Customer Service Skills Training: This training supports employees by equipping them with the communication knowledge and skills necessary to provide superior customer sales experiences. It includes instruction combined with in-class practice regarding proper phone protocol, handling difficult customers, and using effective sales techniques. SimplyOrder Training: With a focus on mastering use of the newly implemented product ordering software and its functionality, this training supports employees by introducing the features of the system and providing hands-on opportunities throughout the course to search for products, create new orders, and handle returns and exchanges. Content Details Course outlines for both the trainings were developed to reflect a comprehensive list of the tasks and skills necessary for successful performance in the workplace. The content for the Customer Service Skills Training was selected based on results of the current performance and job task analysis which revealed gaps that could be resolved through training. Content for the SimplyOrder Training was chosen by comparing the functionality of the old ordering system with the new one to determine what additional knowledge was needed for a smooth transition to occur. The table below presents an outline of the lessons in each course: Lesson Course I Overview (Customer Service Skills) Lesson 1: How to Employ Proper Phone Protocol Lesson 2: How to Employ Basic Sales Techniques Lesson 3: How to Handle Difficult Customers Final Summary Course II Overview (SimplyOrder) Lesson 1: How to Launch SimplyOrder Lesson 2: How to Search for Product Information in SimplyOrder Lesson 3: How to Take New Orders Lesson 4: How to Modify an Existing Order Lesson 5: How to Handle Returns and Exchanges Final Summary CS and SO Training Instructor Information Page iv Audience Information Primary Audience ❑ Telephone Operators Secondary Audience ❑ Customer Service Supervisors General Learner Characteristics ❑ Age: [17-35] 44%; [35-50] 16%; [50-65] 40% ❑ Gender: Female ❑ Education: 80% earned GED or HS diploma; 20% some post-secondary education ❑ Average Tenure at ECG: 2-10 months ❑ Language: 28% are not native English speakers but have self-reported as fluent Entry Characteristics ❑ More than 75% indicated some level of dissatisfaction with their job and previous trainings. ❑ All current ECG Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors have past experience with the previous order entry system. ❑ All current ECG Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors have past experience interacting with customers via phone. Learning Preferences ❑ Shorter increments of training ❑ Hands-on/Doing activities ❑ Visual instruction Training Environment Training will take place for both courses in the ECG training room. Each trainee will sit at an individual computer workstation that will be prepared with all software, applications, and tools necessary to complete the trainings. You will be provided with an instructor computer tower, podium, projector, and screen. Your computer will be loaded with any necessary supplemental information required for instructors, such as lecture presentation PPT, administrative sandbox tools, and scenario scripts for role play. You may add additional materials to this preload upon request. For role play and breakout sessions, chairs will be arranged in groupings of four in the corners of the room. Learners can arrange them as needed throughout the sessions. There will be four standard sessions lasting four hours per each training, with an additional session per each training as an option in the case of unavoidable schedule conflict. Employees will be preregistered in the training that they attend, and you will be given your attendance list on the day of the training session. You will train no more than eight employees at one time. Should any equipment or technical issues arise, a dedicated IT support staff member is available from ECG during all training sessions. CS and SO Training Instructor Information Page v Training Tips In any group training, it is important to establish norms at the onset. These behavioral and participatory guidelines will help to ensure attendees are explicitly aware of the expectations leading to a more productive training. It may be helpful to have these norms posted clearly throughout the training for reference after they are introduced. Honor attendees’ time by starting promptly and ending on time. Gauge skill mastery as you circulate during exercises and role-play. Remediate and guide as appropriate and move on to the next task early if participants demonstrate that the skill or knowledge has been acquired. Model appropriate actions or responses in instances where participants show continued struggle. This can include participation in an Elbow Partner practice in which learners practice with the colleague next to them, Role-Play or practice within the SimplyOrder sandbox. Using this Guide A Facilitator Guide is used by instructors, like you, to guide them as they lead training for a group of learners. This guide has been created specifically for you to train Telephone Operators and Customer Service Supervisors on improving customer service skills and using the new SimplyOrder system. This guide includes a variety of information to guide you as you facilitate a training session and ensure that each session is taught consistently. The information in this guide is organized into three columns. The left-hand column is just for instructors and only appears in the Facilitator Guide. Learners do not see the content in this column in their Student Guides; It is left blank for their notetaking. Any content in the left-hand column will be in blue font. The content listed here includes: ❑ Instruction notes, which will begin with an action verb in bold ❑ Any information you need to share that might not be found in the Student Guide ❑ Answers to all exercise questions The center column holds icons to give you and the learners an indication as to what kind of content to expect in that row. The information in the right-hand column holds the content of the course and is found in both the Facilitator and Student Guides. What you see in your Facilitator Guide in this column is exactly what the learners sees in the same column in the Student Guide. The content listed here includes: ❑ Information about the topics being taught during the course, which sometimes include graphics to exemplify a concept ❑ Guidelines or procedure steps that you and the learners will use for demonstrations and practice exercises ❑ Thumbnails of the PowerPoint presentation so that you and the learners can identify where you are in each lesson ❑ Practice exercises ❑ Debriefing questions CS and SO Training Instructor Information Page vi Timeline Each of the two trainings, Customer Service Skills Training and SimplyOrder Training, will be approximately four hours long. The tables below serve as guidelines to schedule and time the various lessons and topics in each of the training. All the time spans listed in the tables are approximations, and you can modify them based on the needs of the training and trainees. A blank schedule is provided to map your actual training day. Customer Service Skills Training Topic Duration (in mins) Timing Introduction 5 ____:___ to ___:___ Ice-breaker activity 10 ____:___ to ___:___ L1: How to Employ Proper Phone Protocol 60 ____:___ to ___:___ Break 10 ____:___ to ___:___ L2: How to Employ Basic Sales Technique 55 ____:___ to ___:___ Break 10 ____:___ to ___:___ L3: How to Handle Difficult Customers 60 ____:___ to ___:___ Final Summary 10 ____:___ to ___:___ Q&A Session 20 ____:___ to ___:___ SimplyOrder Training Topic Duration (in mins) Timing Introduction 5 ____:___ to ___:___ Ice-breaker activity 10 ____:___ to ___:___ L1: How to Launch SimplyOrder 20 ____:___ to ___:___ L2: How to Search for Product Information in SimplyOrder 45 ____:___ to ___:___ Break 10 ____:___ to ___:___ L3: How to Take New Orders 35 ____:___ to ___:___ L4: How to Modify an Existing Order 35 ____:___ to ___:___ Break 10 ____:___ to ___:___ CS and SO Training Instructor Information Page vii Topic Duration (in mins) Timing L5: How to Handle Returns and Exchanges 40 ____:___ to ___:___ Final Summary 10 ____:___ to ___:___ Q&A Session 20 ____:___ to ___:___ Preparation Checklist for Customer Service Skills Training The following checklist is intended to uploads/Voyage/ facilitator-guide 4 .pdf

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  • Publié le Mai 07, 2022
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 2.0962MB