9 In-service teacher training course Trainers' guide In-service teacher trainin
9 In-service teacher training course Trainers' guide In-service teacher training on disability and special needs issues for primary school teachers Teacher training guide: Preface 10 Preface – using this training guide EENET has redesigned the layout of these training materials so that our users across the world can benefit from the comprehensive work already carried out in Cambodia. We have not, however, altered the content of the training sessions. We therefore ask readers to be aware that the materials were created for use in a specific place, and we would encourage you to be creative and flexible, and where necessary to adapt elements of the training to suit your own country and context. For example: • you may need to adapt the case studies or prepare your own case studies which convey the same messages but which are relevant to context in which your trainees live and work • you may want to extend or reduce the time allocated to a certain section, depending on your trainees’ needs and existing knowledge • you may want to add or substitute activities if you have your own ideas for tasks that the trainees could do to achieve the objectives of a certain training module • you may need to be prepared to expand on the suggested short presentations if your trainees require further explanations or information. We have created a simple-to-use layout. Within each module, the units and tasks are clearly labelled and numbered, for example Handouts are presented on separate pages, to enable you to photocopy them easily. Look for this symbol Sections which are to be given as presentations or demonstrations by the trainer are labelled with the following symbol Sections which provide the answers to questions, or which suggest the type of answers you might expect from your trainees, are labelled with the following symbols EENET July 2003 , Task 2 Unit 1 Answers Possible answers Introduction 11 Introduction The Disability Action Council (DAC) is the government mandated national co- ordinating and advisory body on disability and rehabilitation in the Kingdom of Cambodia. In August 1999 the DAC began to co-ordinate ‘The Project to Develop Education Opportunities to Meet the Specific Needs of Children with Disabilities’ in partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS). A key component of the Project was the establishment of the first ever inclusive education pilot programme in that country. The following materials were written by the then Project Co-ordinator, Philippa Thomas in collaboration with staff and members of the DAC including representatives of special schools and local and international disability NGOs. These materials are an in-service teaching training course for mainstream primary school teachers. The materials were first used to train teachers in the Project’s pilot site and have subsequently been formally recognised by the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. In developing its inclusive education programme the DAC and MoEYS learnt a great deal from the experience of Save the Children UK and the Ministry of Education in Laos. The DAC and MoEYS copied the Laotian model, where teachers are given a short intensive five-day training course followed up by regular support. This course is based on the UNESCO ‘Children with Special Needs Teacher Education Resource Pack’, and materials developed by the Spastic’s Society of Tamil Nadu in India, Voluntary Service Overseas and Kampuchean Action for Primary Education. In preparing the course it was deemed essential to simplify much of these materials as well as adapt them for the Cambodian context. The inclusive education pilot programme was up-scaled in 2002 to a further six provinces. This in-service course is the standard training programme undertaken by teachers in all the schools in the programme. Information about the DAC is available at www.dac.org.kh For information about the Cambodian inclusive education programme please contact vichetra@dac.org.kh. For information, comments and clarification about the training course please contact Philippa Thomas at philly_thomas@yahoo.co.uk. Introduction 12 Course outline The course comprises six modules that can be taught independently or together over five days. Module 1: Defining special needs Aims to enable teachers to understand and identify children with special needs. Module 2: Disability awareness Focuses on developing teachers’ understanding of disability. Module 3: Education for children with special needs Provides a summary of the international agreements and policies relating to children with special needs, stresses the importance of education and explores the barriers to education. Module 4: Responding to diversity Introduces eight golden rules for good teaching. Module 5: Teaching children with special needs basic skills Focuses on practical teaching techniques for helping children with special needs to communicate verbally, to read, write and do basic maths. Module 6: Advice for teaching children with disabilities Provides specific advice for teaching children with a variety of impairments through case study stories. In developing these materials the DAC would like to acknowledge the support of UNICEF, UNESCO and the Nippon Foundation. uploads/Voyage/ in-service-teacher-training-course-trainers-x27-guide.pdf
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