JAPANESE INDUSTDIAL RELATIONS (Y)F.QIr. 7 P7r THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF LABOUR - VOCATIONAL TRAINING Toshio ISHIKAWA T NATIONAL CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH LTD. A.C.N. 007 967 311 JAPANER INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SERIES 7 VOCATIONAL TRAINING Toshio ISHIKAWA Adviser, The Japan Productivity Center THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF LABOUR Revised edition: First printing 1987. Copyright ©1987 by the Japan Institute of Labour Printed in Japan Published by the Japan Institute of Labour, Chutaikin Bldg., 7 -6, Shibakoen 1- chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105 Japan. The Series on Industrial Relations in Japan seeks to make available for inter- ested persons abroad accurate and reliable information on the labor market and industrial relations in Japan. Cognizant of the fact that the number of persons desiring such information has increased rapidly in recent years, the Japan Institute of Labour has, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Labour, prepared an easily understood guide for those wishing to know more about this aspect of life in Japan. The Japan Institute of Labour was founded in September, 1958, according to the provisions of, Law No. 132 which was legislated by the Diet in May, 1958. The Institute seeks td utilize every academic discipline in conducting objective but intensive studies on labor economies and industrial relations. By means of various programs in research and education, the Institute hopes to improve the system of industrial relations in Japan. Table of Contents A Note of Explanation about This Series Chapter I Introduction 5 1. Historical Background (1) Pre -war Period (2) Post -war Development 2. From School to Work (1) The School System (2) Employment Opportunities and Vocational Preparation Chapter II Vocational Training Administration 12 1. Statutory Framework and the Administrative Set -up 2. Basic Plans for Human Resources Development 3. Types of Vocational Training and Statutory Standards 4. Public Vocational Training Institutions 5. Recruitment and Training of Instructors 6. Assistance to Workers and Employers (1) Financial Assistance to Workers (2) Financial Assistance and Incentives to Employers (3) Technical and other Assistance 7. Trade Testing and Certification 8. International Technical Co- operation Chapter III Training Activities in Industry 21 1. The General Picture 2. Training for New Recruits 3 Training in Employment 4. Recent Trends and Problems Chapter IV Training Activities in Public Institutions 30 1. Types of Institutions and Management (1) Types of Institutions (2) Organisation and Management of Training 2. Types of Courses Offered (1) Initial Training (2) Upgrading Training (3) Occupational Capability Redevelopment Training Chapter V Summary and Conclusion 35 Chspe7 _ MroductIon 1. Historical Background (1) Pre -war Period Training of individuals for employment in specific trades or occupations was conducted in industry, in schools within the formal educational system or in other institutions de- signed for this purpose. The earliest form of such training was apprenticeship during .the feudal age. Youngsters were attached to a master tradesman to learn the trade in a master servant relationship. The master usually provided the apprent- iced boys with accommodation and food but no regular pay. These apprentices worked for the master, doing various minor jobs before learning the trade itself, and were required to spend several years until they were allowed to practice the trade independently. This form of apprenticeship pre- vailed in the handicraft sector and in commerce until it was replaced by factory apprenticeship and other forms of train- ing with the advent of the industrialised society. Japan's industrialisation was started during the latter half of the 19th century. The Meiji Government, the first centralised government taking over power from the feudal regime, initiated a strong drive toward industrialisation, and attempts were made to introduce modern production technologies from western countries. Some key industries such as steel and shipbuilding were run by the government itself, and foreign engineers and craftsmen were invited to assist in building and operating the production systems. Japanese nationals were attached to these foreigners to learn their skills and knowledge and subsequently passed them on to their colleagues. The government also encouraged private entrepreneurs to modernise production, and emphasis was govern- placed on the export - oriented textile industry. The ment established model factories with new machinery and equipment where new skills were to be learnt and diffused. Workers who acquired new production skills moved to pri- vate firms or established their own shops and craft skills different from those of the traditional type gradually spread through industry. However, training for skills required by modern industry was far from adequate and even experi- enced workers were not fully competent and generally lacked the ability to train other workers. They did not stay with one factory but moved frequently for better pay. The need 5 was gradually felt by individual entrepreneurs to develop their own strategies of recruitment and training of crafsmen while government efforts were directed toward promoting institutional training of technicians, engineers and super- visory personnel. Some of the big firms began to adopt a policy of recruiting inexperienced youths and providing planned training within their factories. The young trainee craftsmen were usually bonded to the firm for a certain number of years after completing their training which lasted two or three years. This attempt did not prove fully suc- cessful in the early stage because the quality of training was not satisfactory and the mobility of trained craftsmen was still high. In spite of initial problems and setbacks, further attempts were made by large combines to recruit and maintain key workers who would be adaptable to chang- ing production technologies and thus would help the firm remain competitive in domestic and overseas markets. After the First World War this practice began to take root among large firms. For the purpose of modernising the nation, the govern- ment made great efforts to create a unified system of school education. Compulsory elementary education of 4 years was instituted in 1886 and the period was extended to 6 years in 1907. Regarding technical education, initial em- phasis was on the training of engineers who would play a leading role in transplanting foreign technologies onto Japa- nese soil. This was followed by attempts to provide technical education of a lower level in order to train foremen and technicians. Further attempt was made later in 1880 to in- troduce the 'craftsman school' into the school system with the intention of providing sound further education for poor youths who entered employment after elementary schooling and by doing so to improve craftsman training for which apprenticeship was felt inadequate. In practice, however, most of the graduates of the craftsman schools did not choose the career of a craftsman but wanted to work as technicians or government officials, and therefore the school did not serve the end initially conceived. The government's efforts toward improving craftsman training continued and resulted in the provision of part -time technical education to those working in industry (1896) and the establishment of 'apprentice schools' where full -time craftsman training was to 6 be provided (1897). The latter did not quite match the needs of industry for a number of reasons, and the emphasis was placed on the former. These part -time schools would have helped to improve the quality of craftsmanship, but many of the employers still relied mainly on the conventional type of apprenticeship and were not willing to accept the system. The system survived with some modifications until the war- time period in the 1940s. Occasional attempts were also made after the 1920s to provide craftsman training in public insti- tutions, but neither of these programmes contributed much to the training of craftsmen. Generally speaking, the govern- ment's efforts throughout the pre -war period toward pro- viding craftsman training in schools did not prove successful. Schools were generally regarded as a road to higher social status and not as preparation for craftsmanship. Further- more, industry relied for its supply of skilled workers mainly on apprenticeship during the early stage of industrialisation and later developed a strategy by which craftsmen sufficient in number and in quality could be trained and retained with- in individual enterprises. Apart from the provision of training for industrial skills in schools, the government tried to improve craftsman train- ing in industry through legislation. The Factory Act, which came into force in 1916, contained provisions for apprentice- ship as well as for the restriction of juvenile labour. For the purpose of regulation apprentices were distinguished from ordinary workmen and employers were required to train them under conditions approved by the prefectural governor. This legal provision was intended to ensure that apprentices were trained in an appropriate manner, but it did not help much in improving craft training generally. Further legislative action came during the 1930s when the nation was convert- ing to a wartime economy status and needed sufficient skilled labour for the heavy industries. In 1939, the govern- ment issued an order and imposed obligations on employers to provide training in compliance with the standards laid down in the order. This was to ensure that training would provide workers with versatile skills. In order to meet the statutory uploads/Voyage/ ojt-guide.pdf
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