Tableau Desktop 7 Core Certification STUDY GUIDE 2 Note about version: The cont
Tableau Desktop 7 Core Certification STUDY GUIDE 2 Note about version: The content described below, and the exam itself, are based on the feature set of Tableau 7.0. If you are currently using Tableau an earlier version of Tableau Desktop, upgrade or install a trial of Tableau 7.0 and understand the new capabilities prior to attempting the exam. Recommended Preparation Learn the functionality of Tableau Desktop. The following resources are available (choose either method, or combine): a. Attend Tableau Fundamentals and Advanced Training (best option) – See a list of available locations here: b. Review all of the online training videos under the Intro and Advanced headings on the following page: (Note, these videos do not cover all material on the exams, but can help you with your learning prior to reviewing the study guide. Review and be able to complete all of the materials covered in the “Review and Practice” section of this study guide. Review and Practice All of the examples below use the ‘Sample – Superstore Sales (Excel).xls’ file. It is not recommend that you use the sample data source of the same name, rather make a new connection to the excel file. When trying to recreate these examples, your dates and resulting visualizations may differ from the examples. 3 1. Connecting to Data and the Data Window Understand or be able to create/execute the following: 1.1 Know the different types of data connections Tableau supports natively 1.2 ODBC connectivity 1.3 Navigation of the Data Window, and understanding the visual cues 1.4 Understand and explain the difference between Dimensions and Measures. You can find a definition of dimensions versus measures here: pro/online/en-us/datafields_typesandroles_dataroles_dimensionmeasure.html 1.4.1 More simply, measures are the numeric values that you use to evaluate. Dimensions are the way that you “slice” your data. So in evaluating, your business, you might look at your sales measure. But you would want to “slice” or sub-divide the Measure sales by certain Dimensions: by Geography, by Product, by Sales Rep, etc. 1.5 Change a measure into a dimension 1.6 Hide unneeded fields 1.7 Understand Tableau Data Sources and how to create them http://onlinehelp.tableausoftware. com/v7.0/pro/online/en-us/export_connection.html 1.8 Know the difference between a live connection and an extract. http://onlinehelp. 1.9 Understand how to create an extract, and the options available when creating them http:// 1.10 Be able to explain what a Cube (or Multidimensional) data source is and how it’s different from a relational source. datafields_understanddatawindow_relational.html 4 2. Working with Data Understand or be able to create/execute the following: 2.1 Understand how to create Filters with all types of data. 2.1.1 Filtering numeric fields and controlling their aggregation: 2.1.2 Know how to create a conditional filter which is based on another field. 5 2.1.3 Be able to Show Quick Filters and change Quick Filter modes 6 2.1.4 Filter a list to the Top 10 7 2.1.5 ‘Make Global’ filters. Understand the difference between local and global filters. Most people understood that global filters apply across worksheets while local filters apply to only a single worksheet. Many miss the subtle distinction that global filters only apply to worksheets / visualizations utilizing the same data connection. Some implications: • If you want a filter to apply to several, but not all worksheets, you can create a duplicate connection • If you want to have a filter apply to visualizations from different sources in the same dashboard, parameters or filter actions can serve this purpose. 2.2 Understand how ‘Context Filters’ interact with Top n filters. Adding a filter to context implies that a “temp table” is created from the results of that filter. In some cases, this will be a temp table within the database itself. In other cases, a temporary Tableau Data Extract is created. The two most common applications of context filters are described in the following articles: • • performance 2.3 Create a hierarchy, and understand how it’s used in a view. 8 2.4 Group two or more items on a view or legend. 2.5 Understand all sorting options, including: 2.5.1 One-Click Sort (toolbar method) 2.5.2 Sorting from the Axis 9 2.5.3 Dynamic Sorting (as seen below) 10 2.6 Create Sets 2.6.1 Using Sets: sets.html 2.6.2 Use Parameters in Tableau 2.6.3 For more information, see the help topic: online/en-us/parameters.html 2.6.4 Understand using a parameter in a calculated field 2.6.5 Know how to change bin sizes using parameters 2.6.6 Be able to use parameters in reference bands 2.7 Change a field’s formatting to display as currency or percentages 2.8 Understand how Tableau handles dates. For assistance, see the following: 2.8.1 Video with information: advanced-training-dates-times 2.8.2 See also online help: html 2.8.3 Automatic Hierarchies associated with Dates 2.8.4 Changing date levels 11 2.8.5 Filtering options unique to Dates, like “Relative Date” filtering: http://onlinehelp. 2.8.6 Assigning custom date levels 12 2.9 Understand the difference between ‘Discrete’ and ‘Continuous’ and understand how to work with Discrete and Continuous Dates. For a general description of discrete vs. continuous, see help here: http:// continuousdiscrete.html More information on continuous dates here: online/en-us/dates_continuous.html 13 2.10 Change the method of aggregation for a measure 2.11 Understand Data Blending 2.11.1 Blend data from two or more data sources. For details on data blending in Tableau use online help: 2.11.2 Or this video: 14 3. Creating Visualizations Understand or be able to create/execute the following: 3.1 Create Views by using the shelves for Columns and Rows, and adding information to Cards. 3.2 Be able to use Show Me! and understand how it selects visualization types that are probably relevant. 15 3.3 Use ‘Measure Names’ and ‘Measure Values’ 3.3.1 Measure Name and Measure Values come into play when you place more than one measure in the same place. They are a name-value pair. Measure Name contains the label for the measure (“Sales”, Profit”, etc). Measure Values contain the corresponding numerical values. The most common examples include: • Creating a listing report with more than one measure – In this case, Measure Values will be placed on the text shelf. Measure Names will appear on the Column Shelf. Placing Measure Names on the column shelf provides a separate column with a header for each measure listed. Otherwise, the values will be written on top of each other in the same column. See the following article: http://www.tableausoftware. com/support/knowledge-base/measure-names-and-measure-values-explained • Creating Cross Tabs (also known as Text Tables or Pivot Tables) with more than one measure in the intersection of measures. In this case, you would have one or more dimensions on the Row Shelf, another Dimension(s) on the Column Shelf. You would then place Measure Values on the Text Shelf, and Measure Names on either the Row or Column Shelf. This is to provide a separate column or row header for each measure displayed rather than having them over-write. See the following knowledgebase article: quick-crosstab • Combining more than one Measure on the same Axis. See the following Knowledge Base article: names-and-measure-values-explained 16 An example using Measure Names/Measure Values: NOTE: In all cases of using Measure Names and Measure Values, Measure Names are placed on the filter shelf to allow you to select which measures you want in play (active). A Measure Values card will also appear showing which measures are in play. Adding or removing Measures from this card is equivalent to changing the filter on Measure names from the filter shelf. 17 3.4 Format a cross-tab, including defining row banding: 18 3.5 Put two or more measures on a single axis: 19 3.6 Change the label of an axis: 20 3.7 Adjust color legends by using a custom color: 3.8 Change a Number Format 3.8.1 From Field Properties: datafields_fieldproperties_formats.html 3.8.2 From the View: specific_numbers.html 21 4. Building and Understanding Visualization Types You should understand the common types of visualizations that we create with Tableau, when you would use each type, and how to create them. A review of common visualization types that you should be comfortable with is included below: 4.1 Histogram – a histogram is a bar chart showing the distribution of data. It is described in more detail in the following article: Steps for creating a histogram in Tableau can be found here: en-us/calculations_bins.html. 4.2 Sparkline – Edward Tufte invented the Sparkline. What a Sparkline is and why you might use it, written by Tufte: You can find a KnowledgeBase article on creating a Sparkline in Tableau here: http://www. 4.3 Combo Chart – Combination Charts combine two different mark types in one chart. They require the use of multiple marks cards. You can find directions on creating these charts here: html 22 4.3.1 For example: 4.4 Dual Axes Chart – Dual Axes charts use two separate axes to show the data. This article describes creating them: multiplemeasures_dualaxes.html 23 Create a dual axis chart 4.5 Cross Tab – Cross Tabs are also often referred uploads/Voyage/ tableau-study-guide 1 .pdf
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